Chorebus (Stiphrocera) melanica, Papp, 2009

Papp, J., 2009, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Mongolia, Xvii. Eleven Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 139-173 : 149-151

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584837

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scientific name

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) melanica

sp. nov.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) melanica sp. n. m

( Figs 10–17 View Figs 10–20 )

Material examined (2 m) – Male holotype : Mongolia, Central aimak, Tosgoni ovoo, 10 km N von Ulan-Baator, 1700–1900 m, 23–24 July 1967, leg. KASZAB (loc. no. 926a). One male paratype : Mongolia, Central aimak, 11 km OSO von Somon Bajanzogt, 1600–1700 m, 26 July 1968, leg. KASZAB (loc. no. 1150). – Holotype and paratype glued on a pointed card by the right pair of the wings + right side (holotype) or left side (paratype) of mesosoma. Holotype and paratype are in good condition and deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Department of Zoology), Budapest, Hym. Typ. Nos 113l7 (holotype) and 11318 (paratype) .

Etymology – The species name refers to the black colour of the body and legs.

Description of the male holotype. – Body 2 mm long. Antenna as long as body and with 24 antennomeres. First flagellomere 2.5 times and penultimate flagellomeres almost 1.7 times as long as broad; flagellum distally faintly attenuating. – Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–20 ) less transverse, 1.6 times as broad as long, temple somewhat swollen and one-third (or almost 1.5 times) longer than eye; occiput excavated. Ocelli small and far from each other. Eye in lateral view ( Fig. 11 View Figs 10–20 ) 1.7 times as high as wide and temple nearly 1.8 times as wide as eye, temple ventrally clearly narrowing. Mandible strong, 1.25 times as long medially as high between upper and lower teeth, third and fourth (or two lower) teeth less distinct ( Fig. 12 View Figs 10–20 ). Head polished, face laterally and clypeus hairy.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.65 times as long as high. Pronope absent. Mesoscutum shiny and with very fine hairpunctures and hairs, notaulix restricted to anterior declivous part of mesoscutum; mesoscutal dimple linearform. Scutellum polished. Mesopleuron polished, precoxal suture smooth, short, shallow, restricted to middle of mesopleuron. Propodeum subrugulose-uneven, subshiny, hairy, without carinae. Hind femur 4.1 times as long as broad somewhat distally from its middle ( Fig. 13 View Figs 10–20 ). Hind tibia and tarsus equal in length, basitarsus as long as tarsomeres 2–3 combined.

Fore wing slightly longer than body. Pterostigma parallel-sided, seven times as long as wide and issuing r proximally from its middle. 1–R1 half as long as pterostigma. Vein r a bit longer than width of pterostigma; 3–SR + SR1 bent as usually, 2–SR almost twice as long as r ( Fig. 14 View Figs 10–20 ). Subdiscal cell closed distally.

First tergite ( Fig. 15 View Figs 10–20 ) 1.33 times as long as broad behind, longitudinally and finely striate, evenly broadening posteriorly, pair of spiracles before middle of tergite; pair of keels restricted to fore half of tergite. Third tergite somewhat longer than second tergite. Metasoma beyond first tergite polished.

singularis (TOBIAS) : 18 = head in dorsal view, 19 = mandible, 20 = first tergite

Body, antenna and legs black. Palpi dark brown. Mandible brownish yellow. Tegula blackish, parategula dark brown. Wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins brown.

Description of the male paratype. – Similar to the holotype. Body 1.9 mm long. Antenna with 24 antennomeres. Precoxal suture indistinct. 2–SR nearly 1.5 times as long as r ( Fig. 16 View Figs 10–20 ). First tergite with somewhat stronger striation ( Fig. 17 View Figs 10–20 ).

Female and host unknown.

Distribution: Mongolia.

The new species, Chorebus melanica , is nearest to Ch. singularis (TOBIAS) ( TOBIAS 1962: 130, 1998: 358) considering their dark coloured legs, the two species are distinguished by a few features keyed:

1 (2) Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 18 View Figs 10–20 ) transverse, 2–2.2 times as broad as long, temple not swollen and 0.7 times as long as eye. Antenna with 31 (f) and 33 (m) antennomeres. Third and fourth teeth of mandible distinct ( Fig. 19 View Figs 10–20 ). First tergite less broadening posteriorly, rugulose ( Fig. 20 View Figs 10–20 ). Coxae 1–2 dark brown, coxa 3 black, legs brown to dark brown. fm: 2.2–2.4 mm. – Russia (Leningrad region, Kamchatka, Kuril Islands), Mongolia

Ch. (St.) singularis ( TOBIAS, 1962) View in CoL

2 (1) Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–20 ) less transverse, 1.6 times as broad as long, temple somewhat swollen and almost 1.5 times longer than eye. Antenna with 24 (m) antennomeres. Third and fourth teeth of mandible less distinct ( Fig. 12 View Figs 10–20 ). First tergite more broadening posteriorly, finely striate ( Figs 15, 17 View Figs 10–20 ). Legs black. m: 1.9–2 mm long. – Mongolia Ch. (St.) melanica sp. n.














Chorebus (Stiphrocera) melanica

Papp, J. 2009

Ch. (St.) melanica

Papp 2009
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