Chaetopodella aethiopica, Papp, 2008

Papp, L., 2008, Afrotropical Species Of Chaetopodella Duda (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (3), pp. 235-255 : 245-247

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585046

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chaetopodella aethiopica

sp. nov.

Chaetopodella aethiopica sp. n.

( Figs 27–33 View Figs 27–33 )

Holotype male ( HNHM): Ethiopia, Lake Langano – 12. X. 1980, leg. [András] DEMETER . Paratypes ( HNHM) : 20 males 3 females: same as for holotype [abdomen and genitalia of two males in a plastic microvial each with glycerol].

Measurements in mm: body length 1.54 (holotype), 1.31–1.60 (paratype males), 1.59–1.87 (paratype females), wing length 1.41 (holotype), 1.15 –1.48 (paratype males), 1.48 –1.67 (paratype females), wing width 0.54 (holotype), 0.46 –0.63 (paratype males), 0.57 –0.68 (paratype females).

Head finely microtrichose, subshiny; silvery spots around bases of macrochaetae. Anterior 1/3–2/5 of frons reddish brown; ocellar triangle with the rest of frons dark brown. Gena pale yellow in male and reddish brown in female, face pale yellow in male and brown to dark brown in female; gena with dark minute setae directed downwards, they are more stronger in male; anterior ifr weak; middle and hind pairs medium-long. Posterior ors 1.75 to 2.0 times longer than anterior ors; eye oval, antenna dark brown, arista long, somewhat less than 4 times as long as antenna, shortly ciliate.

Thorax: Most parts of mesonotum silvery microtomentose, i.e. silvery spots around setal bases united (confluent) in 4 broad stripes, which leave velvety black only 3 longitudinal stripes plus a pre-scutellar area. 6 rows of acrostichal microsetae in front of suture, 3 pairs of rather strong dc. Pleura lighter grey or yellowish grey, strongly microtrichose; pale yellowish line on notopleura; 2 katepisternals, posterior one very long 0.33 mm, anterior pair weak, only 0.10–0.11 mm; scutellum velvety black, somewhat wider than long; 2 sc long, apical one 1.8–1.85 and lateral one 1.1–1.15 times as long as scutellum.

Wing: Yellowish, veins yellowish to ochreous; costal vein somewhat darker, not extended beyond apex of R 4+5, sub-basally with a very long (0.14–0.15 mm) seta, first sector with much longer setae than those of second and third sectors; R 4+5 distinctly bent up to C; C-index (Cs2: Cs3) = 1.21–1.30; R-M – dM-Cu: dM-Cu = about 2.5; lower corner of the discal cell angulate with a short 0.2 mm for Fig. 27 View Figs 27–33 , 0.1 mm for Figs 28–33 View Figs 27–33

vein appendage, or, in some specimens rounded without vein appendage (see below). Alula large, broad (up to 0.145 mm) and rounded. Halter white to light yellowish.

Legs: Yellowish brown to dark brown (generally darker in female). Mid trochanteral seta 0.17–0.19 mm long. Male fore coxa on anterior surface with 5 (6) medium-long setae (and without dense long hairs). Male fore tibia simple, fore tarsus not darkened and not flattened, tarsomeres without long dense lateral setae. Fore femur simple; male mid femur without a ventral row of setae basally. Mid tibia with 3 dorsal setae on basal 1/4, 1/3 and 3/4, 1 rather strong anterodorsal seta on 2/3, 2–3 weak posterodorsal setae on 1/3 – 1/2, rather strong posterodorsal seta on 2/3, 1 strong apicoventral seta. A ventral seta in female at distal 17/40 of tibia (this ventral seta developed also in some males). Mid metatarsal seta very strong, 0.10 mm on a paratype. Second hind tarsomeres swollen, 0.24 mm long and 0.077 mm thick.

Abdomen: Preabdominal sternites 2–4 quadratic. Tergite 5 very small, less than 0.15 mm broad and less than 0.03 mm long. Sternite 5 ( Fig. 28 View Figs 27–33 ) comparatively long, caudal pair of processes medium-long slightly medially curved and bare, symmetrical with 2 pairs of lateral thicker setae, 1 pair of blunt setae and 2 pairs of smaller medial setae. Medial platelet pilose.

Syntergosternite 6–8 ( Fig. 27 View Figs 27–33 ) comparatively short. S8 part of the complex short (as for the body axis), right part with intricate sclerotisation as given on the figure. Male cerci membranous, microsetose only. Subanal plate ( Fig. 29 View Figs 27–33 ) with one pair of a medial medium-long and one pair of longer lateral thorn-like setae. Surstylus ( Figs 30–31 View Figs 27–33 ) comparatively simple, lateral process with some medium-long setae on the outer surface; basal lobe large. Distiphallus short and thick. Epiphallus hook-like. Postgonite ( Fig. 32 View Figs 27–33 ) with much narrowed though not sharp apex. Phallapodeme robust. Apical part of the paired dorsal process of distiphallus with long rather thin fork apically ( Fig. 33 View Figs 27–33 ).

Also female tergites black. Lateral caudal setae on female abdominal tergites rather long, e.g. 0.22–0.23 mm on tergite 6. Membrane together with sternites 4–7 yellow. Cerci short with a pair of 0.10–0.12 mm long wavy bent hair-like setae.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Latin name of its type locality ‘Aethiopia’.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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