Antecerococcus dumonti (Vayssière), Vayssiere

Chris J. Hodgson & Douglas J. Williams, 2016, (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha, Coccomorpha) with particular reference to species from the Afrotropical, western Palaearctic and western Oriental Regions, with the revival of Antecerococcus Green and description of a new genus and fifteen new species, and with ten new synonomies, Zootaxa 4091 (1), pp. 1-175 : 44-46

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4091.1.1

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scientific name

Antecerococcus dumonti (Vayssière)

comb. nov.

Antecerococcus dumonti (Vayssière) , comb. nov.

( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 )

Cerococcus dumonti Vayssière 1027: 106 .

Cerococcus Dumonti Vayssière ; Balachowsky 1932: 35. Misspelling of species name. Cercococcus dumonti (Vayssière) ; Borchsenius 1960: 105. Change of combination.

Type details. TUNISIA, Nefta, on Helianthemum sessiliflorum (Cistaceae) , 31 Janvier 1927, C. Dumont. Depositories: MNHN: lectotype f (here designated - see note below): 1/2adff (lectotype marked in a circle, other specimen paralectotype) MNHN 48603). Also: paralectotype ff: as previous 2/3adff (slide 4860-4: 1/2adff); (MNHN 4860-5: 1/1adf); as previous but 23 février 1927, C. Dumont 3/3adff (MNHN 4860-1: 1/1adf); (MNHN 4860-2: 1/1adf); (MNHN 4860-6: 1/1adf); as previous but on Helianthemum kahiricum , -. ii.1927 2 /2adff (MNHN 4860-7: 1/1adf; (MNHN 4860-8: 1/1adf). BMNH: as for lectotype: 1/2 paralectotype adff; also Nefta, on H. sessifolium [probably a misspelling of sessiliflorum ], 1927 (in pencil), Vayssière: 1/2 paralectotype adff (paratypes in pencil). USNM: collection data as for lectotype: 1/1 paralectotype adf + 4 slides each with 2 firstinstar nymphs, plus 1/6 first-instar nymphs (Miller, pers. comm.).]

Note: Miller et al. (2005a) point out that, although Lambdin and Kosztarab (1977) state that they saw an "adult female paratype " from the USNM, Miller et al. could find no evidence of a holotype and therefore the USNM specimen must be considered a syntype. A lectotype has therefore been designated.

Material studied: Paralectotype: TUNISIA, Nefta, on Helianthemum sessiliflorum (Cistaceae) , 31.i.1927 (in pencil), C. Dumont (BMNH): 1/2adff (1 vp, 1 f); and TUNISIA, Nefta, on H. sessifolium [probably a misspelling of sessiliflorum ], 1927 (in pencil), Vayssière (BMNH): 1/2adff (1 vp, 1 f, paratypes in pencil).

Mounted material. Body roundly pear-shaped, 1.7 mm long, width uncertain.

Dorsum. Eight-shaped pores of 2 sizes: (i) a large pore, each 18 x 12 µm, occasional on head and medially on thorax, but forming transverse bands on about metathorax and abdominal segments III and IV; also in a curve around apices of each stigmatic pore band, plus 0 or 1 marginally on posterior abdomen; and (ii) smaller, intermediate-sized pores, each mainly 13 x 8 µm, many of an unusual shape, with outer margins somewhat pointed, frequent throughout dorsum but slightly smaller (11 x 7 µm) in segmental rows on posterior abdomen. Simple pores very sparse, each 2.0–2.5 µm wide. Cribriform plates variable in size, round to oval, each 17–20 µm long and 17–33 µm wide; sclerotized margin fairly narrow and with small micropores; present in groups of 5 submedially on each side of segment IV. Dorsal setae extremely few, each setose, mostly about 5 µm long. Tubular ducts with outer duct 20–25 µm long and 3.0–3.5 µm wide, broader than those on venter; abundant throughout. Anal lobes lightly sclerotized, with distinctly sclerotized inner margins; each lobe with a long apical seta, all broken; deposition of other setae uncertain but thought to be: more apical fleshy setae on dorsal surface bluntly pointed, each 25-30 µm long; more basal fleshy setae long and rather setose, each 40–50 µm long; flagellate seta on ventral surface near apical setae, each 20–25 µm long; medioventral setae long, each about 85 µm long; anteroventral seta possibly present, each 16–18 µm long; outer margin setae each about 20 µm long; each lobe probably with one 8-shaped pore. Median anal plate probably roundly triangular, deformed but 65 µm long, 65 µm wide at base. Anal ring with 4 pairs of setae, each about 85 µm long.

Venter. Eight-shaped pores symmetrical in shape, all intermediate in size (11–13 x 6–7 µm), in a fairly narrow submarginal band, possibly narrowest on thorax and widest on head; also present sparsely across most abdominal segments but possibly absent from across abdominal segment II; and with a few along lateral margins of posterior abdominal segments. Simple pores similar to those on dorsum; very sparse. Small bilocular pores, each about 5 x 4 µm, frequent medially on head and thorax. Spiracular disc-pores small, each 5–6 µm wide, mainly with 5 loculi (but a few with up to 8 loculi in some bands), in long bands, each mainly 1–4 pores wide but widening near apex; posterior bands not bifurcated; each band with 90–100 pores; 8-shaped pores absent from apices of each band; also with a small group of 2–7 pores near each antenna (but some pores with up to 10 loculi). Small convex closed pores absent. Multilocular disc-pores, each 8–10 µm wide, mainly with 10 loculi, distributed on abdomen as follows: VIII 6 on each side; VII 6 on each side; VI with 5 submarginally + 24 medially, V 10 or 11 submarginally + 74 medially, IV 11–19 submarginally + 111 medially; III 18–25 submarginally + 168 medially; II 24 or 25 submarginally + about 92 medially, and metathorax with 10 or 11 mediolaterally but none medially; a few also present associated with spiracles and antennae. Tubular ducts rather narrower than those on dorsum, each 2.5 µm wide and about 20 µm long. Ventral setae showing nothing distinctive but all setose and short; preanal setae each 125 µm long; companion setae longer than usual, each 20–22 µm long. Leg stubs absent. Antennae unsegmented, each about 40 µm wide at base, 45 µm long, with 7 or 8 setose and fleshy setae. Clypeolabral shield 170 µm long. Spiracular peritremes large, each 60–65 µm wide.

Comment. The above description is similar to that of Lambdin and Kosztarab (1977) except that they did not describe the long medioventral seta on each anal lobe and the spiracular peritremes on our specimens were about 25% smaller.

The adult female of A. dumonti is characterised by the following combination of character-states: (i) dorsum with 2 sizes of 8-shaped pores; (ii) larger 8-shaped pores few, present around apices of stigmatic bands, in transverse bands across abdomen and occasionally elsewhere; (iii) posterior abdominal segments with 0 or one large 8-shaped pore dorsally on either margin; (iv) intermediate-sized 8-shaped pores on dorsum rather asymmetrical and wing-like; (v) small 8-shaped pores not present in apices of stigmatic bands; (vi) cribriform plates unevenly-shaped, in a submedial group of five on each side of abdominal segment IV; (vii) leg stubs absent; (viii) posterior stigmatic pore band not bifurcate, (ix) multilocular disc-pores abundant, extending anteriorly onto metathorax and also usually present near spiracles and antennae; (x) medioventral seta on each anal lobe long and setose; (xi) spiracular peritremes unusually large, and (xii) antennae without a setal cavity or cone-like apex.

The adult female of A. dumonti falls within Group A in the key to species of Antecerococcus , along with many other species from Africa; possibly most similar to A. fradei .

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