Melanopsis (Canthidomus) balatonensis Cossmann, 1909

Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358 : 46

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scientific name

Melanopsis (Canthidomus) balatonensis Cossmann, 1909


Melanopsis (Canthidomus) balatonensis Cossmann, 1909 View in CoL

Original source.

Cossmann 1909: 178.

Type horizon.

Transdanubian, Pannonian, late Miocene.

Type locality.

“Vörös-Bereny im Hohlweg nächst des Füzfö-major und in Kenese [...] Fonyód; [...] Szt-György-hegy in Hegymagyos" ( Halaváts 1903: 49) [ Vörösberény, in the hollow-way near the Füzfö-major (?) and in Balatonkenese; Fonyód; Szent György-hegy in Hegymagas], Hungary.


Replacement name for Melanopsis boettgeri Halaváts, 1903, non Klika, 1891.