Calocera tibetica F. Wu, L.F. Fan & Y.C. Dai, 2021

Fan, Long-Fei, Wu, Ying-Da, Wu, Fang & Dai, Yu-Cheng, 2021, Calocera tibetica sp. nov. (Dacrymycetaceae, Dacrymycetales) from southwestern China, Phytotaxa 500 (2), pp. 133-141 : 136-138

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.500.2.6

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scientific name

Calocera tibetica F. Wu, L.F. Fan & Y.C. Dai

sp. nov.

Calocera tibetica F. Wu, L.F. Fan & Y.C. Dai View in CoL , sp. nov. Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3

MycoBank number:—MB 838631

Type:— CHINA. Tibet, Linzhi, Between Bomi County and Motuo County , on rotten wood of Abies , 18 July 2019, Y. C . Dai 20171 ( BJFC031842 About BJFC ) .

Etymology:— Tibetica (Lat.): refers to the species being found in Tibet, China.

Description:— Basidioma stipitate, when fresh fasciculate or scattered, tough, gelatinous, yellowish to bright orange, dichotomously branched, dendroid or staghorn-like, with blunt tips, up to 2.3 cm high, stipe 0.2–1.8 mm in diam, when dry corneous and reddish brown, surface smooth. Marginal hyphae hyaline, smooth, thin - walled, septate, simple or branched, without clamp connections, 2.2–6.3 µm in diam; internal hyphae hyaline, smooth or scabrous, thinto slightly thick-walled, interwoven, with nodose-septa, without clamp connections, 1.3–5.8 µm in diam; hyphidia hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, with a simple septum at base, occasionally terminally branched; probasidia hyaline, thin-walled, subclavate to clavate, without basal clamp connection, bifurcate, 45.0–53.0 × 4.8–6.0 µm; basidiospores hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, oblong-ellipsoid to navicular, straight or curved, apiculate, usually 3–4-septate when mature, occasionally 5-septate, 9.0–13.0(–14.0) × 5.0–6.0(–6.3) μm, L = 11.18 µm, W = 5.62 µm, Q = 1.90–1.99 (n = 60/2), germinating by germ tubes.

Notes:— Calocera tibetica is characterized by stipitate, tough, gelatinous, dichotomously branched, dendroid or staghorn-like basidioma, and oblong-ellipsoid to navicular mature basidiospores usually with 3–4 septa. The 3–4- septate mature basidiospores are a unique characteristic of Calocera tibetica . The new species is morphologically similar to C. viscosa and C. mangshanensis , but the latter two species have 1-septate mature basidiospores.

Additional specimens examined (paratypes):— CHINA. Tibet, Linzhi, Between Bomi County to Motuo County , on angiosperm stump, 18 July 2019, Y. C . Dai 20178 ( BJFC031849 About BJFC ); Y. C . Dai 20179 ( BJFC031850 About BJFC ) .


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