Callibaetis (Callibaetis) guttatus Navás 1915

Cruz, Paulo Vilela, Salles, Frederico Falcão & Hamada, Neusa, 2017, Additions and corrections to the systematics of mayfly species assigned to the genus Callibaetis Eaton 1881 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from South America, Zootaxa 4231 (4), pp. 500-534 : 506-508

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4231.4.2

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scientific name

Callibaetis (Callibaetis) guttatus Navás 1915


Callibaetis (Callibaetis) guttatus Navás 1915 View in CoL

( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 A–5D)

Callibaetis guttatus Navás 1915b: 120 View in CoL ; Gillies 1990: 25; Da-Silva 1991: 346; Domínguez et al. 2006: 113; Nieto 2008: 232; Salles et al. 2010: 302; Lima et al. 2012: 306; Cruz et al. 2014: 30, Angeli et al. 2015: 199 View Cited Treatment .

Callibaetis apicatus Navás 1917: 189 . (syn. by Gillies 1990)

Callibaetis bruchius Navás 1920b: 55 . (syn. by Gillies 1990)

Callibaetis zonatus Navás 1929: 224 . (syn. by Gillies 1990)

Known stages. I ♀♂, N

Diagnosis. Male imago: 1) dorsal portion of turbinate eyes oval; 2) dorsal portion of turbinate eyes in lateral view without constriction; 3) dorsal portion of turbinate eyes stalk height 1.9× height of dorsal portion; 4) turbinate portion of compound eyes (in lateral view) with anterior and posterior margins divergent; 3) forewing hyaline or with C, Sc, R1 and posterior margin areas with large marks; 4) marginal intercalary veins paired; 5) hind wing hyaline or with basal mark; 6) costal process of hind wing rounded; 7) marginal intercalary veins on hind wing present; 8) abdominal terga III, V and VII with lateral marks; 9) abdominal sterna with pair of medioanterior and medioposterior sigilla without pigment; 10) forceps segment I wide at base; 11) forceps segment III oval.

Female imago: 1) forewing at least with C, Sc, R1 and posterior margin areas with marks, maximal degree of pigmentation with seven complete and transversal bands ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C); 2) marginal intercalary veins paired ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C); 3) hind wing hyaline or with marks at base and middle ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 D); 4) costal process of hind wing rounded; 5) marginal intercalary veins on hind wing present ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 D); 6) abdominal terga II, III, V and VII with inverted V mark laterally ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 A); 6) abdominal sterna with pair of medioanterior and medioposterior sigilla without pigment ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 B); 7) abdominal terga and sterna with few or without spots ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A and 5B); 8) abdominal sterna medially on anterior margin without one large spot ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A and 5B); 9) abdominal terga without medial longitudinal mark ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A and 5B).

Mature nymph: 1) maxillary palp subequal in length than galea-lacinia; 2) below maxillary palp insertion on outer margin without tuft of robust spine-like setae (Fig. 29 in Nieto 2008); 3) paraglossa with row of spine-like setae on ventral surface (Fig. 30 in Nieto 2008); 4) segment III of labial apically rounded (Fig. 30 in Nieto 2008); 5) metanotum without spines; 6) foretarsus anterior surface without spine-like setae; 7) mid and hind claw denticles smaller than foreclaw denticles (Fig. 33 in Nieto 2008).

Comments. Nieto (2008) described variation in the fore- and hind wings of this species.

In the present work, the specimens illustrated in Figures 20 View FIGURE 20 , 21 View FIGURE 21 a, 21b, 23, 24a and 24b in Nieto (2008) were examined. We conclude that they belong to C. (A.) fasciatus based on having forewing with three or four transverse bands of pigmentation, apical band transverse to posterior margin (see also Cruz et al. 2014 and comments for C. (A.) sellacki herein).

Callibaetis (C.) guttatus is similar to C. (C.) zonalis , C. (C.) willineri and C. (C.) jocosus . All four species share an inverted “V” mark on female abdominal terga III, V and VII and variable pigmentation on the female forewings. The female imago of C. (C.) guttatus can be differentiated from C. (C.) jocosus by the abdominal terga and sterna having few or no spots ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A and 5B); from C. (C.) willineri by the abdominal sterna lacking one large spot medially, on the anterior margins ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A and 5B); and from C. (C.) zonalis by abdominal terga without medial longitudinal mark ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A and 5B).

We present figures of the types of the two synonymized species ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 A–4D) and newly collected specimens from Brazil ( Figures 5 View FIGURE 5 A–5D).

The specimens studied by Navás (1915b) from Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina, were not found, thus a lectotype was not designated.

Material examined. Male imago (type of Callibaetis apicatus ), ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires, 15.v.1915, MZB ; one female imago (type of Callibaetis zonatus ), ARGENTINA, Alta Gracia , 17.ii.1929, MZB ; one female imago ( Callibaetis guttatus ), ARGENTINA, Alta Gracia ,, C. Brush det., MZB ; one nymph, ARGENTINA: Tucumán, Depto. Tafí Viejo, Raco (km 19), A8 Palangana , 24.xi.2001 , C. Molineri coll.; one female imago reared, BRAZIL, Espírito Santo state, São Mateus, Rio São Mateus , 02.x.2007 , F. F. Salles coll., INPA.

Distribution. Argentina: Tucumán; Misiones; Buenos Aires; Alta Gracia. Brazil: Ceará; Espirito Santo; Rio de Janeiro; Pernambuco.


Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense














Callibaetis (Callibaetis) guttatus Navás 1915

Cruz, Paulo Vilela, Salles, Frederico Falcão & Hamada, Neusa 2017

Callibaetis zonatus Navás 1929 : 224

Navas 1929: 224

Callibaetis bruchius Navás 1920b : 55

Navas 1920: 55

Callibaetis apicatus Navás 1917 : 189

Navas 1917: 189

Callibaetis guttatus Navás 1915b : 120

Angeli 2015: 199
Lima 2012: 306
Salles 2010: 302
Nieto 2008: 232
Dominguez 2006: 113
Da-Silva 1991: 346
Gillies 1990: 25
Navas 1915: 120
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