Brevipogon confusus (Fall) Lawrence, John F., 2005
publication ID | 10.1649/749 |
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Tatiana |
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Brevipogon confusus (Fall) |
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comb. nov. |
Brevipogon confusus (Fall) , New Combination
Eurypogon confusus Fall 1901: 239 . Type locality: Pasadena, California
Type Material. Holotype, male, Pasadena, May, Fenyes ( CAS). The specimen with this data in the California Academy of Sciences does not bear a type label; however considering that the species was described from a single specimen collected by Fenyes at this locality and there are no specimens with the same data in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (where most of Fall’s types are deposited), I think the C.A.S. specimen should be considered as the holotype and labelled as such. Another specimen in the M.C.Z. is labelled as a type (M.C.Z. Type 24469). This male is from Mount Wilson, California and was collected on 22 July 1905; not only is the type locality incorrect, but the specimen was collected several years after the publication of Fall’s original description.
Description and Variation. With the characters of the genus. Length of males (n ¼ 12): 3.7– 5.2 mm (X ¼ 4.43, SD ¼ 0.46). Length of females (n ¼ 16): 4.3–6.1 (X ¼ 5.2, SD ¼ 0.5). Color of head and prothorax reddish-brown, elytra yellowish-brown. Antennae in the male extend posteriorly to about the middle of elytra, while those in female barely reach the anterior fourth; the scape about 1.5 3 as long as wide and 1.5 3 as long as antennomere 2; 3 is about 4 3 as long as wide and almost twice as long as 2, and the remaining antennomeres are about as long as 3 and equally slender.
Ratios: PL/PW ¼ 0.45–0.53 (males), 0.47–0.53 (females); EL/EW ¼ 1.63–1.95 (males), 1.62– 1.88 (females); EL/PL ¼ 4.11–5.14 (males), 4.27–5.29 (females).
Geographical Distribution. The species is known only from California, and has been recorded from the central Sierra Nevada south to San Diego County.
Records. California: Calaveras Co.: Calaveritas ,, R. P. Allen (2M, CDFA) ; Mokelumne Hill , vi, F. Blaisdell Collection (1M, CAS) . Colusa Co.: Cooks Springs , 4.vii.1971, H. B. Leech (1F, CAS) . Eldorado Co.: 4 mi. W of El Dorado Hills , 1994, MV & BL lights, W. D. Shepard (1F, UCB) ; Folsom Lake ,, black light, M. S. Wasbauer (1M, 1F, CDFA) ; Lake Tahoe ,, E. H. Nast (1F, CAS) . Kern Co.: Greenhorn Mountain Summit, 29.vii.1975, A. J. Gilbert, D. Poore (1M, CDFA) . Los Angeles Co.: Mt. Wilson , 23.vii.1905, H. C. Fall (1F, MCZ) ; Pasadena , v, A. Fenyes Collecion (1M, CAS) ; Sierra Madre , 6.viii.1905, A. Fenyes Collection (2M, CAS) ; Tanbark Flat , 2.vii.1950, 17,19. vii.1952, at light, A. T. McClay, P. D. Hurd, J. H. Nakata (3F, ANIC, UCB, UCD) ; Madera Co.: 4 mi. SW of Coarsegold , 6.v–, W. H. Tyson (18F, AA, ANIC) . Riverside Co.: Andreas Canyon , 9.v.1954, Timberlake (6F, UCR) ; Deep Canyon , 16.v.1963, E. I. Schlinger (1F, UCR) ; Pinyon Wells, Joshua Tree National Monument ,, E. L. Sleeper, S. L. Jenkins (1, CDfA). Sacramento Co.: 10 mi. NE of Folsom, 19.v.1960, ex Adenostoma, M. S. Wasbauer (1F, CDFA) . San Diego Co.: Pine Valley , 5.vii.1907, H. C. Fall (1M, MCZ) . Santa Barbara Co.: Aliso Canyon , 6 mi. SW of New Cuyama, 9.vii.1965, M. R. Gardner (1F, UDC) ; E. Camino Cielo (35.51458N, 119.801 68W), Los Padres National Forest , 30.vii.2003, at light, M. Caterino (1, SBMN) ; San Marcos Pass (2 mi. E), 4.vii.1965, J. Powell ( UCB) ;. Solano Co.: Gates Canyon ,, J. B. Johnson (1M, ANIC) . Tulare Co.: Potwisha, Sequoia National Park , 1.vii.1941, E. VanDyke Collection (1F, CAS) ; Springville , 28.v.1938, F. D. Horn (1F, CAS) . Tuolumne Co.: Sonora, 3.vii.1969, W. H. Tyson (1F, AA) .
Cladistic Analysis
The eight known genera of extant Artematopodidae , plus an elateriform outgroup (Appendix 1) were coded for 34 adult characters (Appendix 2) resulting in the taxoncharacter matrix shown in Table 1. A cladistic analysis was performed with Winclada 1.00.08 ( Nixon 1999) with Nona 2.0 ( Goloboff 1999). All characters were considered to be unordered. Using the Multiple TBR þ TBR (mult*max*) option with 95 replications, two shortest trees were produced with a length of 48 steps (CI ¼ 79, RI ¼ 69) and these are shown in Figures 4 and 5 View Figs .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Brevipogon confusus (Fall)
Lawrence, John F. 2005 |
Eurypogon confusus
Fall 1901: 239 |