Brasilocypria lordi, Almeida, Nadiny Martins De, Ferreira, Vitor Góis, Martens, Koen & Higuti, Janet, 2023

Almeida, Nadiny Martins De, Ferreira, Vitor Góis, Martens, Koen & Higuti, Janet, 2023, 5237, Zootaxa 5237, pp. 1-88 : 46-55

publication ID 10.11646/ZOOTAXA.5237.1.1

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scientific name

Brasilocypria lordi

gen. et spec. nov.

Brasilocypria lordi View in CoL gen. et spec. nov.

( Figs 27–33 View FIGURE 27 View FIGURE 28 View FIGURE 29 View FIGURE 30 View FIGURE 31 View FIGURE 32 View FIGURE 33 )

Diagnosis. Cp with suboval shape, LV slightly overlapping RV along dorso-anterior margin and in the middle of posterior side only; LV rather elongated. RV with small marginal tubercles on anterior and posterior sides of ventral margin. CpD and CpV narrow. A2 with natatory setae well-developed, short accompanying seta absent. A 2 in male with a four-segmented endopodite and with t2 and t3 transformed into sexual bristles. Rpp and Lpp asymmetrical. Rpp with relatively short and broad first segment, with indented dorsal margin; second segment subtriangular, with dorsal margin strongly curved, dorso-distal corner pronounced and distal margin almost straight. Lpp with first segment long, dorsal margin straight, ventral margin slightly curved; second segment small and short, sickleshaped, distal margin smoothly rounded. T1 with one long and hirsute seta next to the two a-setae. T2 without d2- seta. T3 without dp and d2 setae. CR with a long medially seta. Hp with ls long and bluntly pointed; ms a broad lobe, distally asymmetrically and bluntly pointed, reaching to halfway ls, with internal trabecula long and pointed.

Differential diagnosis. Brasilocypria lordi gen. et spec. nov. can be distinguished from other Physocypria s.l. species by the presence of a long and pointed internal trabecula in the Hp. This species is most similar to those species without a large overlap of the LV over the RV, such as Physocypria dentifera ( Sharpe, 1918) , Physocypria kraepelini G. W. M̧ller, 1903, Physocypria larensis Hartmann, 1964 and Physocypria xanabanica Furtos, 1936b . However, the dorsal margin in the LV of P. larensis and P. xanabanica is slighty rounded, while in the new species, the LV is more elongated and the dorsal margin is straighter. In P. kraepelini , both valves have a similar shape, while in the new species, the RV is higher than the LV and in P. dentifera , the CpD is wider than in B. lordi gen. et spec. nov.

Brasilocypria lordi gen. et spec. nov. can be distinguished from other species of Brasilocypria gen. nov., by the elongated carapace, and by the dorsal margin in lateral view, which is characterized by the greatest height in middle (in males) and at the dorso-posterior side (in females). Additionally, this species has a small LV overlap on the RV, which is significantly larger in other species, such as B. pea gen. et spec. nov. and B. ricardopintoi gen. et spec. nov.

Material examined. Type locality: Amazon River floodplain, Manacapuru Lake ( AMA 38 ), in macrophytes. Coordinates: 3°12′53′′ S, 60°42′36.4′′ W GoogleMaps .

Type material: Holotype: A male, with soft parts dissected in glycerine in a sealed slide and with valves stored dry in a micropaleontological slide ( MZUSP 43149 ).

Allotype: A female, dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43150).

Paratypes: Two males dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43151 , MZUSP 43152 ) . Three male carapaces stored dry in micropaleontological slides ( MZUSP 43153 , MZUSP 43154 , MZUSP 43155 ) .

One female dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43156 ). Three female carapaces stored dry in micropaleontological slides ( MZUSP 43157 ) .

Etymology: This species is named after Prof. Alan Lord (presently at the Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, Germany), in recognition of his vast contributions to ostracod science, and to the cohesion in the community of ostracod researchers.

Other material illustrated: Amazon River floodplain: One male dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43158 ) . Three male carapaces stored dry in micropaleontological slides ( MZUSP 43159 , MZUSP 43160 , MZUSP 43161 ) from Cadete Lake (AMA 23) .

One female dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43162 ) . Three female carapaces stored dry in micropaleontological slides ( MZUSP 43163 , MZUSP 43164 , MZUSP 43165 ) from Cadete Lake (AMA 23) .

One male dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43166 ) from Castanho Lake (AMA 80) .

One female dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43167 ) from Castanho Lake (AMA 80) .

Other material examined: Amazon River floodplain: Three males dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43168 , MZUSP 43169 , MZUSP 43170 ) from Cadete Lake (AMA 22) .

Two males dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43171 , MZUSP 43172 ) from Cadete Lake (AMA 23) . Two females dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43173 , MZUSP 43174 ) from Cadete Lake (AMA 23) . Two males dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43175 , MZUSP 43176 ) from Cadete Lake (AMA 24) . One female dissected and stored as the holotype ( MZUSP 43177 ) from Cadete Lake (AMA 24) .

Measurements of illustrated specimens. See Table 2 View TABLE 2 .

Description of male. Valves with suboval shape, with greatest height just in middle of valves. LVi ( Figs 27A, C–D View FIGURE 27 ) with narrow calcified anterior and posterior inner lamella; an inwardly displaced inner list running along the anterior margin, ending in an internal anteroventral tooth; tubercle-sockets displaced along anteroventral and posteroventral margins.

RVi ( Figs 27B, E–F View FIGURE 27 ) with narrow calcified anterior and posterior inner lamella and an inwardly displaced inner list along the anterior margin, disappearing in the middle; strong marginal tubercles along the anteroventral and posteroventral margins, weakly along the middle of ventral margin.

CpRl ( Fig 27G View FIGURE 27 ) with a suboval shape, with greatest height in middle; LV overlapping RV in dorsoanterior side and in middle of posterior side. CpD ( Fig 27H View FIGURE 27 ) and CpV ( Fig 27I View FIGURE 27 ) with a flat shape, with greatest width in middle, external surface with shallow pits and setae ( Fig 27J View FIGURE 27 ).

Only the differences with the male of Brasilocypria pea gen. et spec. nov. are described here.

A1 (not illustrated) third segment with two apical setae: ventrally with one short seta reaching middle of fifth segment and dorsally with one short hirsute seta reaching middle of fourth segment.

A2 (not illustrated) exopodite a small plate with one long hirsute seta (reaching tip of first endopodal segment) and two shorter, unequally long setae (the long one ca. 6x length of short one). First endopodal segment ventrally with aesthetasc Y (ca. 1/3 of length of first endopodal segment). Second endopodal segment with aesthetasc y2 ca. 2/3 of length of the terminal segment. Terminal segment with one g-seta, slightly longer than y3.

Mx1 (not illustrated) with terminal segment of palp apically with three claws and two setae (both ca. 1/2 length of claws). First endite short with two basal setae (one short and one long, about 6x length of previous one).

T1 with protopodite ( Fig 28A View FIGURE 28 ) and endopodite (asymmetrical prehensile palps) ( Figs 28B–C View FIGURE 28 ). Protopodite apically with a group of 14 unequal and hirsute setae, two short smooth a-setae, one short smooth b-seta, one long and smooth d-seta (ca. 6x length of b-seta), and one long and hirsute seta next to the two a-setae (2x length of d-seta). Rpp ( Fig 28B View FIGURE 28 ) with relatively short and broad first segment, with curved dorsal margin; second segment subtriangular, with dorsal margin strongly curved, dorso-distal corner pronounced and distal margin straight. Lpp ( Fig 28C View FIGURE 28 ) with first segment long and with sub-parallel margins; second segment small and short, smoothly rounded.

T2 (not illustrated) first endopodal segment with one e-seta, slightly shorter than second endopodal segment. Second endopodal segment with one apical f-seta, reaching middle of third endopodal segment. Terminal segment with h3-seta same length of h1-seta.

T3 (not illustrated) first segment with one long hirsute dp-seta and one long hirsute d1-seta (the latter ca. 2/3 of dp).

CR ( Fig 28D View FIGURE 28 ) well-developed and robust, with long proximal hirsute Sp-seta (more than 1/2 of ramus), subapically with serrated Gp-claw, apically with long serrated Ga-claw and short and smooth Sa-seta.

Hp ( Fig 28E View FIGURE 28 ) with ls long and pointed, ms a broad lobe, distally asymmetrical and bluntly pointed, reaching to halfway ls, with internal trabecula long and pointed.

Description of female. Only the differences with the male of Brasilocypria lordi gen. et spec. nov. are described here.

LVi ( Figs 29A, C–D View FIGURE 29 ) and RVi ( Figs 29B, E–F View FIGURE 29 ) higher than male. RVi with greatest height behind middle of dorsal margin. CpRl ( Fig 29G View FIGURE 29 ) with LV overlapping RV in dorsoposterior and ventroposterior side. CpD ( Fig 29H View FIGURE 29 ) and CpV ( Fig 29I View FIGURE 29 ) with the greatest width behind middle, external surface with shallow pits and setae ( Fig 29J View FIGURE 29 ).

A1 (not illustrated) third segment with two apical setae: ventrally and dorsally with one short seta reaching middle of fourth segment.

A2 (not illustrated) third endopodal segment apically with three claws (G1, G2, G3) and three setae (z1, z2, z3).

T1 ( Fig 30A View FIGURE 30 ) protopodite apically with a group of 14 unequal and hirsute setae; two short smooth a-setae, one short smooth b-seta, one long and smooth d-seta (ca. 6x length of b-seta), and one long and hirsute seta next to the two a-setae (2x length of d-seta). Endopodite apically with one long and two short setae (both ca. 1/2 length of the long).

T2 (not illustrated) first endopodal segment with one apical hirsute e-seta, reaching tip of second endopodal segment.

T3 (not illustrated) first segment with one long hirsute dp-seta and one long hirsute d1-seta (the latter ca. 1/2 of dp).

CR ( Fig 30B View FIGURE 30 ) well-developed and robust, with long proximal hirsute Sp-seta (ca. 1/2 of ramus), subapically with serrated Gp-claw, apically with long serrated Ga-claw and short and smooth Sa-seta.

Remarks: As this species occurs in more than one locality in the Amazon River floodplain, we also illustrate valves and Cp of males ( Fig 31 View FIGURE 31 ) and valves and Cp of females ( Fig 32 View FIGURE 32 ) from others lakes of the Amazon River floodplain, to show the similarities among them. We also illustrate the outlines of the Hp and prehensile palps of two males that can show small differences between specimens ( Fig 33 View FIGURE 33 ), e.g., lobe ms of Hp with a pointed end ( Figs 33A–B View FIGURE 33 ), and slightly rounded end ( Figs 33E–F View FIGURE 33 ).

Ecology and distribution. Brasilocypria lordi gen. et spec. nov. was recorded only from the Amazon River floodplain, associated with various species of macrophytes. The water temperature recorded was between 32 and 37°C. The pH varied from 6.4 to 6.8. The range of electrical conductivity was between 1.8 to 81.7 μS. cm-1 and the values of dissolved oxygen varied from 0.9 to 116.8 mg. L- 1 (see Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).























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