Bolivaridora tani Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares, 2025

Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J., Quintana-Arias, Ronald Fernando, Infante, Ivette Coque, Silva, Daniela Santos Martins & Tavares, Gustavo Costa, 2025, Studies on pygmy grasshoppers: On the current Metrodorinae sensu lato classification (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with emphasis on American and Malagasy taxa, Zootaxa 5597 (1), pp. 1-265 : 74

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Plazi (2025-03-04 12:56:25, last updated 2025-03-04 13:25:28)

scientific name

Bolivaridora tani Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares

sp. nov.

Bolivaridora tani Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares , sp. nov.

( Figs. 46–49 View FIGURE 46 View FIGURE 47 View FIGURE 48 View FIGURE 49 , Map 1)

Type material. Holotype. Male, BRAZIL, Pará, Novo Progresso , Serra do Cachimbo , Campo de Provas Brigadeiro Veloso ; Ponto 2— Rio Formiga ; mata de galeria [gallery forest], 09°22’02.9”S, 55°01’11.9”W [415 m, close to Mato Grosso State border]; 16–26.III.2004; Pitfall ( MPEG) GoogleMaps . Paratypes. 2 females, same locality as the holotype, except mata ciliar [riparian forest], 09°22’24”S, 55°01’10”W [420 m]; 07-17.IX.2003; Pitfall ( MPEG) GoogleMaps .

Description. Male. Small size (8.2 mm). Coloration. Predominantly brown with some ocher and gray spots or stripes ( Fig. 46 View FIGURE 46 ). Head brown, all antennal segments yellowish, except the last dark brown one ( Figs. 47A, B View FIGURE 47 ). Labrum brown, clypeus lighter with the distal margin brown delineated as a conspicuous stripe; palpi ocher with diffuse brown spots ( Fig. 47A View FIGURE 47 ). Femora brown with the relief of the surface outlined in dark brown ( Figs. 47D, E View FIGURE 47 ); tibiae ocher with diffuse grayish-brown stripes, fore, and mid tarsi with the first tarsomere brown, the last tarsomere with the proximal half ocher and the rest brown; hind tarsi completely yellowish. Head taller than wide, eyes occupying a third of the cephalic capsule; space between the eyes 1.5 times the width of one of the eyes ( Fig. 47A View FIGURE 47 ); medial carina protruding in the middle of the eyes in lateral view, surpassing in almost the length of an eye; transversal carinae conspicuously produced and visible in lateral view in the middle of the eyes, without exceeding the medial carina ( Fig. 47B View FIGURE 47 ); scutellum narrow, slightly widened; fascial carinae straight and parallel, protruding in lateral view and almost straight; lateral ocelli located near the fork of the frontal costa ( Fig. 47A View FIGURE 47 ). Antennae with 14 unmodified segments ( Fig. 47B View FIGURE 47 ). Thorax. Anterior margin of the pronotum almost straight; prozonal carinae developed, pronotal apex angulated in dorsal and lateral view, slightly upcurved in lateral view ( Fig. 47C View FIGURE 47 ). Median carina moderately elevated, giving the pronotum a tectiform appearance in lateral view ( Fig. 46A View FIGURE 46 ); internal lateral carinae slightly curved in lateral view; external lateral carinae finely denticulated and curved ( Fig. 46B View FIGURE 46 ); infrascapular area moderately widened ( Fig. 46A View FIGURE 46 ); lower margin of lateral lobes subtriangular-shaped, and rounded; posterior margin of lateral lobe rounded, but not produced as a rounded prolongation as others species ( Fig. 47C View FIGURE 47 ). Legs. Fore and mid femora rectangular, dorsal margin curved, ventral margin slightly wavy ( Figs. 47D, E View FIGURE 47 ); hind femur with the antegenicular tooth poorly developed and genicular tooth moderately developed; hind tibia armed with four or five small spines on each dorsal margin ( Fig. 46A View FIGURE 46 ). Abdomen unmodified ( Fig. 47F View FIGURE 47 ). Tenth tergite divided by a hexagonal plate, which connects to the epiproct ( Fig. 47G View FIGURE 47 ). Epiproct triangular and divided into three plates, two lateral ones rhomboid in shape, and the distal one subtriangular, tapering towards the apex, which ends in a modest conical extension ( Fig. 47G View FIGURE 47 ). Cerci conical, tapering towards the apex and moderately diverging to the sides ( Fig. 47G View FIGURE 47 ). Penultimate sternite mid-sized, 1.5 times longer than subgenital plate, and slightly upcurved ( Fig. 47F View FIGURE 47 ); subgenital plate short, triangular, upcurved, and apex with a mid-notch; Pallial plates forming an ovoid structure; medial grooves undulated and terminating in the pallial hook ( Fig. 47H View FIGURE 47 ).

Female. Similar to the male in shape and coloration ( Fig. 48 View FIGURE 48 , 49 View FIGURE 49 ), differing in the ambisexual characters: Tenth tergite divided by a pentagonal plate that extends and connects with the epiproct ( Fig. 49F View FIGURE 49 ). The epiproct has a similar shape and organization as the male. Cerci conical tapering towards the distal section, diverging to the sides ( Fig. 49F View FIGURE 49 ). Ovipositor valves with normal development and covered with bristles ( Fig. 49G View FIGURE 49 ). Subgenital plate rectangular, longer than wide, with the posterior margin round and a small and rounded extension in the middle ( Fig. 49H View FIGURE 49 ).

Measurements (in mm) male / female. CFP: 8.2 / 8.5–8.8. PL: 6.8 / 7–7.2. PLB: 3 / 3.2. FF: 1.6 / 1.8. FL: 1.2 / 1.4–1.5. MFL: 1.8 / 1.9–2. MTL: 1.5 / 1.5–1.6. HL: 4.2 / 5. HW: 1.8 / 2. HTL: 3.8 / 3.8–4.

Comparison. The comparison of B. paraensis sp. nov. also applies to B. tani sp. nov. However, the characteristics of the latter species are highlighted. B. tani sp. nov. differs from B. paraensis sp. nov. in the well-developed medial carinae of the head, noticeably protruding in the middle of the eyes in lateral view, resembling the fastigium of B. cipolai sp. nov.; the moderately elevated median carina of the pronotum, giving the pronotum a tectiform appearance, whereas, in B. paraensis sp. nov., the pronotal disc is almost flat; the slightly upcurved apex of the pronotum, in contrast to the slightly downcurved pronotal apex of B. paraensis sp. nov.; the similar coloration of the hind femur, across its entire outer surface, without stripes or different coloration in the ventral external area, whereas, in B. paraensis sp. nov. the hind femur is brown, with the ventral external area black.

Etymology. We dedicate this species to the renowned orthopterist and friend Ming Kai Tan in recognition of his contributions to the Tetrigidae and other Orthoptera groups of Southeast Asia and his selfless assistance to several of our projects, sharing valuable specimens and literature.

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FIGURE 46. Bolivaridora tani Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares sp. nov. Male holotype habitus. A. Lateral and B. Dorsal views.

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FIGURE 47. Bolivaridora tani Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares sp. nov. Male holotype. A. Frons. B–C. Head and thorax in lateral and dorsal views respectively. D. Fore femur. E. Mid femur. F–H. Terminalia in lateral, dorsal and axial views respectively.

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FIGURE 48. Bolivaridora tani Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares sp. nov. Female paratype habitus. A. Lateral and B. Dorsal views.

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FIGURE 49. Bolivaridora tani Cadena-Castañeda & Tavares sp. nov. Female paratype. A. Frons. B–C. Head and thorax in lateral and dorsal views respectively. D. Fore femur. E. Mid femur. F–H. Terminalia in dorsal, lateral and ventral views respectively.


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi











