Bledius phytosinus, Fauvel, 1878

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 1067-1806 : 1067-1806

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Bledius phytosinus


phytosinus Fauvel, 1878 View in CoL g: 499 ( Bledius ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Australie).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 129 ( Bledius ; synonym of fauveli ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1115 ( Bledius ; synonym of fauveli ).

guttiger Sharp, 1900: 234 ( Blediotrogus ; Type locality: New Zealand: Auckland).

— Fauvel, 1900c: 184 ( Blediotrogus ; New Zealand).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 106 ( Blediotrogus ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 380 ( Blediotrogus ).

— Kuschel, 1990: 26 ( Blediotrogus ; endemic; winged; habitat; New Zealand).

- DISTRIBUTION: New Zealand.

phytosinus Fauvel, 1878 , see: fauveli Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911 .


[456 species (3 doubtful); Neotropical, Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, Madagascan, Oriental, Australian, and Oceanic Regions]

Bledius Leach, 1819: 174 (species included: armatus ). TYPE SPECIES: Staphylinus armatus

Panzer, fixed by original designation and monotypy.

— Curtis, 1826: pl. 143 (description of genus; type species; two species).

— Curtis, 1829: 29 (list of species).

— Stephens, 1829a: 23 (catalog; Britain).

— Stephens, 1829: 292 (checklist; Britain).

— Mannerheim, 1830: 9, 44 (characters).

— Mannerheim, 1831: 423, 458–460 (key; generic description, 11 species).

— Dejean, 1833: 67 (list of species).

— Stephens, 1834: 307 (characters; British species).

— Dejean, 1836: 76 (list of species).

— Westwood, 1838a: 17 (characters; type species).

— Erichson, 1839a: 578 (characters; species from Germany).

— Stephens, 1839: 416 (characters).

— Erichson, 1840: 760–780 (redescribes, lists most of known species, transfers 8 to Bledius ,

describes new species, cites synonyms).

— Laporte, 1840: 187–188 (species descriptions).

— Sturm, 1843: 52 (list of taxa).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 732–735, 873 (key; list; Austria).

— Schaum, 1852: 28 (list of species; Europe).

— Lacordaire, 1854: 114 (characters; notes; list of species).

— Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 599 (characters).

— Gistel, 1856: 389 (list of species).

— Jacquelin du Val, 1857: 54 (characters).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 227 (characters; key to Austrian species).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 816–838 (species redescribed).

— Thomson, 1858: 39 (characters).

— G. Waterhouse, 1858: 29 (catalog of British species).

— Thomson, 1859: 42 (characters; type species: tricornis ).

— Schaum, 1859: 30 (catalog; European species).

— Thomson, 1861: 118 (characters).

— Fairmaire and Germain, 1861: 445–446.

— LeConte, 1861a: 69 (characters).

— Gredler, 1863: 116 (list of species from Tirol).

— LeConte, 1863: 25 (list of North American species).

— LeConte, 1863a: 51–54 (American species).

— Schiødte, 1864: 121–124, tab. XII (larvae, pupae).

— Schiødte, 1866: 142–143 (classification, discussion).

— Wencker and Silbermann, 1866: 34 (list of species; collecting notes; France).

— Fauvel, 1867a: 21 [= 1868: 26] (characters).

— Jacquelin du Val, 1868: 76–77 (catalog; Europe).

— Sharp, 1871d: 13 (list of British species).

— Fauvel, 1872: 185 [= 1873: 27] (characters; larval characters; key to species).

— Fauvel, 1873b: 125 [= 1873c: 18] (characters; larval characters).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 247 (characters; key to Austrian species).

— Fauvel, 1875a: xii [= 1875b: 214] (catalog; Europe, north Africa).

— LeConte, 1877 (revision; American species).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 551–661 (characters; key to French species; classification).

— Provancher, 1877: 257 (characters).

— Duvivier, 1883: 186 (catalog).

— Heyden, 1880: 79 (list of species of Siberian region).

— Heyden, Reitter, and Weise, 1883: 59 (catalog; Europe).

— Lynch, 1884: 351 (characters).

— Fowler, 1888: 362–373 (British species).

— Casey, 1889a (American species).

— Heyden, Reitter, and Weise, 1891: 115 (list of species of Europe and Caucasus).

— Seidlitz, 1891: 356–359 (key; Europe).

— Seidlitz, 1891a: 380–382 (key; Europe).

— Heyden, 1893: 47 (list of species of Siberian region).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 610 (adult and larval characters; key to central European species).

— Heyden, 1896: 35 (list of species of Siberian region).

— Fauvel, 1897d: 259 (catalog of species of Barbary; Canaries).

— Everts, 1898: 330–335 (key; Europe).

— Stierlin, 1900: 392 (key to species; Switzerland).

— Fall, 1901: 75 (collecting notes for various species).

— Fauvel, 1902b: 68–72 (catalog).

— Heyden, Reitter, and Weise, 1906: 143 (list of species of Europe and Caucasus).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1907: 82 (characters; key to and annotated list of species of Seine Basin, France).

— Handlirsch, 1907: 728–729 (fossils).

— Reitter, 1909: 165–168 (key; Germany).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1910a: 94 (annotated list of species of Seine Basin, France).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125–137 (world catalog; 229 species).

— Sharp, 1911c: 57 (type species).

— Petri, 1912: 59 (list of species of Siebenbürgen).

— Johansen, 1914: 534–549 (characters; key to Danish species).

— Eichelbaum, 1914: 223 (anatomy).

— Leng, 1920: 97, 352 (catalog; North America).

— Cameron, 1921a: 351, 400 (characters; key to Singapore species; catalog).

— Everts, 1922: 138–144 (notes; localities, discussions).

— Bernhauer, 1922c: 223 (key to species from Taiwan).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1924: 23–24 ( Bledius - Dyschirius relationship).

— Winkler, 1925: 345–347 (catalog; classification; Palaearctic).

— Cameron, 1925: 19, 105 (catalog of Indian species).

— Krogerus, 1925a (key; natural history; larvae).

— Krogerus, 1925 (natural history).

— Porta, 1926: 45 (characters; key to species of Italy).

— Krogerus, 1928 (natural history).

— Bruch, 1928a: 423 (catalog; Argentina).

— Lengerken, 1929: 33–35, 38, 71–80 (natural history).

— Portevin, 1929: 409–414 (characters; key to French species).

— Cameron, 1930: 270 (characters; key to subgenera and species of British India).

— Roubal, 1930: 331 (catalog; Slovakia).

— Böving and Craighead, 1930: 9, 27, 28 (larva).

— Brunier, 1931 (natural history).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1109–1124 (catalog, world; supplement).

— C. Koch, 1934: 58–63 (key; Egypt).

— Porta, 1934: 116–117 (catalog, Italy; supplement).

— Normand, 1935: 360 (list of species of Tunisia).

— Blackwelder, 1936a: 50, 55, 62, 71, 73, 74, 79, 80 (anatomy).

— Larsen, 1936 (natural history).

— Breddin, 1936 (natural history).

— Scheerpeltz, 1937b: 200 (list of Bulgarian species).

— V. Hansen, Hellén, Jansson, Munster, and Strand, 1939 (checklist; Denmark and Fennoscandia).

— Lengerken, 1939: 131–135 (natural history).

— Blackwelder, 1939a: 22, 100 (catalog; North America; supplement).

— Paulian, 1941: 169–174 (larvae).

— West, 1942 (catalog; Denmark).

— Paulian, 1942a (natural history).

— Paulian, 1943 (natural history).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (characters; type species: armatus ; key to species of West Indies).

— Blackwelder, 1944: 106 (checklist of species from Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies).

— Hinton, 1944: 116–117 (natural history).

— Kloet and Hincks, 1945: 162 (list of British species; type species: tricornis ).

— A. Strand, 1946a: 239–241 (catalog; north Europe).

— E. Kangas, 1948 (genitalia).

— Porta, 1949: 139–140 (catalog; Italy; supplement).

— Tottenham, 1949: 363, 410 (type species: tricornis Herbst = armatus Panzer ; notes; checklist of British species).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 77–78 (type species: armatus ; synonyms; subgenera).

— Larsen, 1952 (natural history).

— Tottenham, 1954: 48 (characters; biological notes; key to British subgenera and species).

— Steel, 1955 (natural history).

— Hatch, 1957: 86, 98 (characters; key to species of Pacific Northwest).

— Kocher, 1958: 105 (checklist of species; Morocco).

— Smetana, 1959a: 200 (list of species collected in Albania).

— V. Hansen, Kelfbeck, Sjöberg, Stenius and Strand, 1960: 118–119 (checklist; Denmark and Fennoscandia).

— Palm, 1961a: 40 (characters; key to species of Sweden).

— Ferreira, 1962a: 11 (list of Portuguese species).

— Horion, 1963: 251–195 (catalog, annotated, central Europe).

— Moore, 1964b (natural history; larvae).

— Lohse, 1964: 89–99 (characters; key to subgenera and species of central Europe).

— Pototskaia, 1967: 24 (larval characters).

— Kasule, 1968: 120 (larval characters).

— Scheerpeltz, 1968a: 31 (catalog of Austrian species).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (characters; notes; distribution; list of species).

— Evans, Ruscoe, and Treherne, 1971 (natural history).

— Smith and Hein, 1971 (natural history).

— Herman, 1972: 153 (characters; revision of and key to North American species; species groups).

— Tikhomirova, 1973a: 146 (checklist of species of USSR).

— Coiffait, 1973: 122 (subgeneric key).

— Shibata, 1973c: 33 (checklist of species of Taiwan).

— Bordoni, 1973j: 664 (list of species from islands near Sicily).

— Coiffait and Saiz, 1968: 423 (characters; key to Chilean species).

— Saiz, 1973: 226 (characters; aedeagal structure; key to species of Chile).

— Moore and Legner, 1974d (natural history; larva).

— Hollander and Van Etten, 1974 (natural history).

— Shibata, 1976: 133 (checklist of species of Japan).

— Herman, 1976 (revision of and key to species of three species groups of North America).

— Moore and Legner, 1976: 536 (includes seashore species; notes).

— Pope, 1977: 24 (checklist; Britain).

— Topp, 1978: 309 (larval characters).

— Burakowski, Mroczkowski, and Stefańska, 1979: 117 (catalog; Poland).

— Moore and Legner, 1979: 218 (characters; notes).

— Muona, 1979: 19 (list of Scandinavian species).

— M. Dvořák, 1979: 110 (some species collected in Slovakia).

— Spahr, 1981: 94 (references to specimens from amber and copal).

— Uhlig and Vogler, 1981: 93 (list of some species collected in Germany; habitat and collecting notes).

— Frank, 1982: 10–12 (parasites, references).

— Newton, 1982a: 23 (larval characters).

— Griffiths and Griffiths, 1983 (natural history).

— Herman, 1983 (characters for, revision of and key to species of annularis and emarginatus groups for North America; conspectus of classification by species groups for North America; lectotype designations).

— Herman, 1983a: 1–4 (sister group).

— Hammond, 1984: 200 (checklist of species of Borneo).

— Ádám, 1985: 251 (list of species from southeast Hungary).

— Herman, 1986 (characters; natural history; taxonomic history; species group classification; key to, characters for, and phylogeny of species groups; distribution of species groups and species; catalog).

— Frank, 1986a: 365 (checklist of species of Florida).

— Muona and Viramo, 1986: 16 (list of species of northeastern Finland).

— Segers, 1986: 28 (checklist of species; Belgium).

— Ádám, 1987: 140 (list of three species with collecting notes; Hungary).

— Dettner, 1987: 31 (defensive glands).

— Biswas and Sen Gupta, 1989 (characters; revision of Indian species; key to Indian species).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 135 (notes; supplement for key to genera of Lohse, 1964).

— M. Hansen, Kristensen, Mahler, Pedersen, 1991: 106 (list of Danish species).

— Campbell and Davies, 1991: 93 (checklist of species; Alaska and Canada).

— Silfverberg, 1992: 23 (list of species of Fennoscandia, Denmark, and the Baltic States).

— Steidle and Dettner, 1993 (function of pygidial gland secretions).

— Boháč, 1993: 43 (list of species of Czech Republic and Slovakia).

— Hernández, Outerelo, and Gamarra, 1994: 186 (checklist of species; Canary Islands).

— M. Hansen, Liljehult, Mahler, and Pedersen, 1995: 27 (additional records to Danish list of species).

— Terlutter, 1995: 23 (list of some species of Germany).

— Steidle and Dettner, 1995a (defensive glands and secretions; phylogenetic discussion).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 12 (list of species of Italy).

— M. Hansen, 1996: 99 (list of Danish species).

— M. Hansen, Mahler, Palm, and Pedersen, 1996: 241 (additions to list of Danish species).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 449 (characters; key to species of Northeastern North America).

— Czarniawski and Staniec, 1997: 37 (structure of opening of abdominal defensive reservoirs).

— Lundgren, 1998: 46 (list of species from Florida; records for other States listed for each species).

— M. Hansen, Palm, Pedersen, and Runge, 1998: 71 (list of species collected in 1997; Denmark).

— Schülke, 1998i: 126 (characters).

— Assing, Frisch, Kahlen, et al., 1998: 128 (notes).

— Staniec, 1999b: 44, 45, 72 ( Bledius ; third instar larval characters of annularis and semiferrugineus species groups; key to mature larvae collected in loessic soils).

— Staniec, 2000: 31 (characters of eggs; number of eggs in egg chamber; details of attachment of eggs in egg chamber; details of attachment disk; habitat of adults; key to eggs of Polish

— Newton, Thayer, Ashe, and Chandler, 2000: 379 (90 Nearctic species; notes; characters in key).

— Staniec, 2000a: 111 (characters of mature larva based on specimens of annularis , semiferrugineus , albonotatus , and gigantulus groups or subgenera Hesperophilus , Bledius [s.str.], and Astycops ).

— Staniec, 2000a: 117 (characters of mature larva for gigantulus group or subgenus Bledius ).

Hesperophilus Curtis, 1829: 29 (species included: fracticornis , divisus , arenarius , talpa ). TYPE SPECIES: Staphylinus fracticornis Paykull , fixed by subsequent designation by Westwood, 1838a: 17.

— Stephens, 1829: 292 (checklist; Britain).

— Stephens, 1829a: 23 (catalog; Britain).

— Stephens, 1834: 309 (cited a new genus; characters; British species).

— Westwood, 1838a: 17 (characters; type species).

— Stephens, 1839: 416 (characters).

— Lacordaire, 1854: 114 (synonym of Bledius ).

— G. Waterhouse, 1858: 29 (list).

— Thomson, 1859: 42 (characters; type species: arenarius ).

— Thomson, 1861: 120 (characters).

— Schiødte, 1866: 151.

— Gemminger and Harold, 1868: 643 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Fauvel, 1872: 196–198 (classification).

— Fauvel, 1875a: xiii [= 1875b: 215] (catalog; classification).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 631 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters; French species).

— Seidlitz, 1891a: 382 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to species).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 624–626 (subgenus of Bledius ; central European species).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125 (subgenus of Bledius ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species fracticornis ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 364, 410 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species: gallicus Gravenhorst = fracticornis Paykull ; checklist of British species).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 183 (type species: fracticornis ; notes).

— Pototskaia, 1967: 32 (larval characters).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Coiffait, 1973: 122 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters).

— Herman, 1986: 294 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Ádám, 1987: 140 (list of seven species with collecting notes; Hungary).

— Biswas and Sen Gupta, 1989: 18 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to Indian species).

— Staniec, 2000a: 118 (characters of mature larva of annularis and semiferrugineus groups or subgenus Hesperophilus ).

Dicarenus Gistel, 1834: 9 (species included: tricornis , armatus , castaneipennis , pallipes , fracticornis , talpa , arenarius and three unavailable names). TYPE SPECIES: Staphylinus arenarius Paykull , fixed by subsequent designation by Blackwelder, 1952: 124.

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Coiffait, 1973: 122 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters).

— Herman, 1986: 294 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 138 (subgenus of Bledius ).

Astycops Thomson, 1859: 43 (species included: talpa ). TYPE SPECIES: Oxytelus talpa Gyllenhal , fixed by original designation and monotypy.

— Schiødte, 1866: 150.

— Gemminger and Harold, 1868: 643 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Fauvel, 1872: 199–212 (classification).

— Fauvel, 1875a: xiii [= 1875b: 215] (catalog; classification).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 637 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters; French species).

— Seidlitz, 1891a: 382 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to species).

— Stierlin, 1900: 395 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to Swiss species).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125 (subgenus of Bledius ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 364, 411 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species: talpa Gyllenhal ; checklist of British species).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 66 (type species: talpa ).

— Szujecki, 1968 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters; key to species; Europe).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Coiffait, 1973: 122 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters).

— Herman, 1986: 294 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 138 (subgenus of Bledius ; notes).

— Staniec, 2000a: 118 (characters of mature larva for albonotatus group or subgenus Astycops ).

Tadunus Schiødte, 1866: 144 , 147 (species included: fracticornis , crassicollis , atricapillus ). TYPE SPECIES: Staphylinus fracticornis Paykull , fixed by subsequent designation by Sharp, 1911c: 57.

— Gemminger and Harold, 1868: 643 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Seidlitz, 1891a: 382 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to species).

— Stierlin, 1900: 393 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to Swiss species).

— Sharp, 1911c: 57 (type species designation).

— Tottenham, 1939d: 229 (type species designation: fracticornis ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 364 (synonym of Hesperophilus ; type species: gallicus Gravenhorst = fracticornis Paykull ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (synonym of Hesperophilus ; type species fracticornis ).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 372 (type species: fracticornis ).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 294 (synonym of Hesperophilus ).

— M. Hansen and Martin, 2000: 216 (synonym of Hesperophilus ; type species cited).

Bargus Schiødte, 1866: 145 , 148 (species included: erraticus , opacus , pallipes , rastellus , terebrans ). TYPE SPECIES: Oxytelus pallipes Gravenhorst , fixed by subsequent designation by Sharp, 1911c: 57.

— Gemminger and Harold, 1868: 643 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Seidlitz, 1891a: 382 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to species).

— Stierlin, 1900: 394 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to Swiss species).

— Sharp, 1911c: 57 (type species designation).

— Tottenham, 1939d: 228 (type species designation: fracticornis ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (synonym of Hesperophilus ; type species erraticus ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 364 (synonym of Hesperophilus ; type species: pallipes Gravenhorst ).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 72 (type species: pallipes ; notes).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 294 (synonym of Hesperophilus ).

— M. Hansen and Martin, 2000: 215 (synonym of Hesperophilus ; type species cited as “ Bargus pallipes sensu Schiø, 1866 ).

Elbidus Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 572 (subgenus of Bledius ; species included: bicornis , hinnulus , juvencus ). TYPE SPECIES: Oxytelus bicornis Germar , fixed by subsequent designation by Blackwelder, 1943: 112.

— Reitter, 1909: 165 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to species).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125 (subgenus of Bledius ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species bicornis ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 364, 411 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species: bicornis Germar ; checklist of British species).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 145 (type species).

— Kashcheev, 1992: 164 (key to species; translation of Kashcheev, 1991).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Coiffait, 1973: 122 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters).

— Kashcheev, 1991: 111 [= 1992: 164] (key to species).

Blediodes Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 576 (subgenus of Bledius ; species included: littoralis ,

denticollis , defensus , pallipes , longulus , fracticornis , femoralis , strictus , subnitidus , alpestris , ruficornis , opacus , atricapillus , nanus , baudii , pygmaeus , procerulus , dissimilis , crassicollis , erraticus , obsoletus , pusillus ). TYPE SPECIES: Staphylinus fracticornis Paykull , fixed by subsequent designation by Tottenham, 1939d: 228.

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 617–623 (subgenus of Bledius ; central European species).

— Reitter, 1909: 166 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to species).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125 (subgenus of Bledius ).

— L. Benick, 1943: 94 (list of species).

— Tottenham, 1939d: 228 (type species designation: fracticornis ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (synonym of Hesperophilus ; type species: fracticornis ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 364 (synonym of Hesperophilus ; type species: gallicus Gravenhorst = fracticornis Paykull ).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 77 (type species).

— Pototskaia, 1967: 32 (larval characters).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 294 (synonym of Hesperophilus ).

Pucerus Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 654 (subgenus of Bledius ; species included: verres , niloticus ). TYPE SPECIES: Bledius verres Erichson , fixed by subsequent designation by Blackwelder, 1943: 112.

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 627 (subgenus of Bledius ; central European species).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125 (subgenus of Bledius ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species verres ).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 332 (type species: verres ).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Coiffait, 1973: 122 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters).

— Herman, 1986: 295 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Biswas and Sen Gupta, 1989: 7 (subgenus of Bledius ; key to species of India).

Belidus Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 657 (subgenus of Bledius ; species included: angustus ). TYPE SPECIES: Bledius angustus Mulsant and Rey , fixed by monotypy.

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125 (subgenus of Bledius ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species angustus ).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 74 (type species: angustus ).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Coiffait, 1973: 122 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters).

— Herman, 1986: 295 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Kashcheev, 1988: 36 (key to species).

Euceratobledius Znojko, 1929: 203 (subgenus of Bledius ; species included: bos , dinoceros , furcatus , capra , capra seurati , capra andresi ). TYPE SPECIES: Oxytelus furcatus Olivier , fixed by original designation.

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species furcatus ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 364, 410 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species: furcatus Olivier ; checklist of British species).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 154 (type species: furcatus ).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Coiffait, 1973: 122 (subgenus of Bledius ; characters).

— Herman, 1986: 295 (synonym of Bledius ).

Cotysops Tottenham, 1939d: 225 (proposed for Thomson’s misidentification of Hesperophilus ). TYPE SPECIES: Staphylinus arenarius Paykull , fixed by original designation.

— Thomson, 1859: 42 (characters; [Note: Misidentified as Hesperophilus according to Tottenham, 1949: 364]; type species).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 112 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species arenarius ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 364, 411 (subgenus of Bledius ; type species: arenoides Tottenham = arenarius Paykull ; checklist of British species).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 109 (type species: arenarius ).

— Herman, 1970: 375 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 294 (synonym of Dicarenus ).

Neobledius Abdullah and Qadri, 1968: 394 (species included: karachiensis ). TYPE SPECIES: Neobledius karachiensis Abdullah and Qadri , fixed by original designation and monotypy.

— Abdullah and Qadri, 1970: 118 (characters).

— Herman, 1986: 295 (synonym of Bledius ).

Microbledius Herman, 1972: 118 (species included: actitus , albidus , albipennis , bifasciatus , forcipatus , litoreus , miles , minutissimus , playanus , weiseri ). TYPE SPECIES: Microbledius playanus Herman , fixed by original designation.

— Moore and Legner, 1975: 245 (catalog; North America north of Mexico).

— Moore and Legner, 1976: 537 (includes seashore species; notes).

— Moore and Legner, 1979: 225 (characters; notes).

— Herman, 1986: 295 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Frank, 1986a: 366 (checklist of species of Florida).

Psamathobledius Herman, 1972: 136 (species included: punctatissimus , caribbeanus , microcephalus ). TYPE SPECIES: Bledius punctatissimus LeConte , fixed by original designation.

— Moore and Legner, 1975: 251 (catalog; North America north of Mexico).

— Moore and Legner, 1976: 537 (includes seashore species; notes).

— Moore and Legner, 1979: 231 (characters; notes).

— Herman, 1986: 295 (synonym of Bledius ).

— Frank, 1986a: 366 (checklist of species of Florida).

actitus Herman, 1972: 127 ( Microbledius ; Type locality: Texas: 9 mi. N. Rockport, Aransas Co., Copano Bay).

— Herman, 1983: 134 ( Microbledius ; Texas).

— Herman, 1986: 210, 295 ( Bledius ; forcipatus group; distribution; catalog).


actus Herman, 1970 , see: jacobinus LeConte, 1877 .

aculeatus Fauvel, 1900b: 69 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Congo: Kinchassa. Gabon: Loango. Sierra Leone: Rhobomp ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 172, 295 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Sierra Leone, Gabon, Congo.

acuticollis Bernhauer, 1927e: 233 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Argentinien: Prov. Cordoba).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1110 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 156, 295 ( Bledius ; emarginatus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Argentina.

adamus † Scudder, 1878: 762 ( Bledius ; fossil; Type locality: Green River, Wyoming) .

— Scudder, 1890: 504 ( Bledius ; characters; fossil Wyoming).

— Scudder, 1891: 474 ( Bledius ; catalog; Oligocene Horizon).

— Scudder, 1900: 75 ( Bledius ; characters; Wyoming).

— Handlirsch, 1907: 728 ( Bledius ; catalog; Oligocene; Wyoming).

— Herman, 1986: 68, 69, 295 ( Bledius ; catalog).


addendus Sharp, 1876: 394 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Brazil: Rio Solimoes ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 125 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 376 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 156, 295 ( Bledius ; emarginatus group; distribution; catalog).


adelaidae Blackburn, 1888 , see: Carpelimus .













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