Bathypisella carmenae, Ortiz & Winfield & Cházaro-Olvera, 2024

Ortiz, Manuel, Winfield, Ignacio & Cházaro-Olvera, Sergio, 2024, A new deep-sea species of genus Bathypisella (Crustacea: Peracarida: Amphipoda) from bathyal soft bottoms, south-western Gulf of Mexico, Journal of Natural History 58 (37 - 40), pp. 1461-1472 : 1462-1470

publication ID 10.1080/00222933.2024.2385136


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bathypisella carmenae

sp. nov.

Bathypisella carmenae sp. n. Ortiz, Winfield and Cházaro-Olvera, 2024

( Figures 2–5 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 )

Type material

Holotype female (used for drawings); 4.5 mm total length ( CNCR#37070 ) . Paratype female; specimen partially damaged; 3.1 mm total length ( CNCR#37071 ) . All material was collected from the type locality.

Type locality

All the material was collected from soft bottoms characterised by silty-clay sediments at 2321 m depth, from offshore habitat (20.790995N, - 92.873012W), Bay of Campeche, SE GoM ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ) GoogleMaps .


The new species is named in honour of Carmen Strungaru, University of Bucharest, Romania, for her contributions to the study of animal behaviour. It is derived from the noun ‘carmen’ in the genitive case.


Head as long as pereonal segments 1–2 combined; eyes absent; toothed pleonal and urosomal segments; antenna 1 article 3 as long as 1; antenna 1, 4-articulate accessory flagellum; main flagellum 11-articulate; maxilliped palp article 3 in right angle with 2; maxilla 1 inner plate with five lateral setae; three teeth on left mandible lacinia mobilis; coxae 1–4 posteroventral area slightly notched; coxa 4 posterior lobe absent; gnathopod 1 palmar margin convex; ischium and merus longer than carpus; gnathopod 2 propodus palmar margin concave for more than half its length, one long, stout, robust seta in palmar angle; gills on segment 2–6; epimeron 3 with trifid posteroventral margin; telson cleft for half its length.


Head ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ) as long as pereonal segments 1–2 combined; eyes absent; rostrum reduced. Antenna 1 ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ) peduncle article 1, 1.4× longer than head, one long seta distal to dorsal margin, article 2 is 1.4× longer than 3, article 3 as long as 1, 4-articulate accessory flagellum, long and subequal in length to article 3. Antenna 2 ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ) peduncle article 5 is 1.2× longer than article 4, 5-articulate flagellum. Body ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ) pereonal segments dorsally smooth; pleonal and urosomal segments dorsally dentate, each tooth with an upcurved tip. Coxae 1–4 ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ) rectangular, with a notched posteroventral angle; coxa 5 subtriangular, a small posterior lobe; coxae 6–7 subrectangular.

Maxilliped ( Figure 3A View Figure 3 ) inner plate distal margin with six odontoid teeth; outer plate inner margin with seven odontoid teeth, eight submarginal short setae, several robust distal setae; palp 4-articulate, article 2 inner margin with four long setae, article 3 subrectangular, distal margin with three long and six short setae, inner margin with three long curved setae, another short; articles 3–4 both inserted at right angle; curved nail. Upper lip ( Figure 3B View Figure 3 ) ovoidal, lower margin concave. Maxilla 1 ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ) inner plate triangular, with three setae on the inner margin, two others distally; outer plate with eight distal robust setae; palp 2-articulate, article 1 with one seta on outer margin, article 2 with five robust setae, other three simple, placed distally. Lower lip ( Figure 3D View Figure 3 ) margins smooth, inner plate absent, mandibular lobe absent. Maxilla 2 ( Figure 3E View Figure 3 ) inner plate with nine long and four short distal setae; inner margin with 35 short, curved or straight setae; outer plate 1.2× longer than inner plate, with 15 long distal setae. Mandible palp 3-articulate, article 1 and 2 subequal in length; article 3 shortest, with two long distal setae. Left mandible ( Figure 3F View Figure 3 ) with four incisive teeth, lacinia mobilis with five teeth, and five accessory setae, molar rounded. Right mandible ( Figure 3G View Figure 3 ) with five incisive teeth, lacinia mobilis with three teeth, and three accessory setae, molar elongate, spoon shaped.

Gnathopod 1 ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ) coxa posteroventral margin with a minute notch, three small setae; basis with three setae on antero- and posteroventral margins, subequal in length to merus and carpus combined; setae posterior margin, and five distal setae posterior margin; carpus with four setae on posterior margin, and three long setae on distal posterior margin; propodus subovoidal with four anterodistal setae, palmar margin with five setae, and three setae on posterior margin; dactylus curved, fixing palm, with one anterior seta. Gnathopod 2 ( Figure 4B View Figure 4 ) coxa subrectangular, posteroventral margin with a minute notch, and three small setae; basis as long as ischium, merus and carpus combined, naked; ischium shortest; merus with two posterior margin setae; carpus subtriangular, with two anterodistal setae, posterior margin trifid with three setae; propodus elongate 3× longer than wide, palmar margin concave, covered with minute equidistant setae, one strong robust and three simple setae defining palmar angle; dactylus long, curved, subequal in length to palmar margin, with three backward curved setae on posterior margin; gill ovoidal, reaching tip of ischium; oostegite narrow, as long as gill.

Pereopod 3 ( Figure 5A View Figure 5 ) coxa subrectangular, posteroventral margin with a minute notch; basis subequal in length to ischium and merus combined; merus with two setae on posterior margin; carpus with four setae on posterior margin; propodus with seven setae on posterior margin, and four setae on distal anterior margin, 1.3× length to dactylus; gill as long as basis; oostegite 0.8× gill. Pereopod 4 ( Figure 5B View Figure 5 ) coxa subrectangular, posteroventral margin with a minute notch, and three short setae; basis subequal in length to merus; carpus with one anterodistal seta, and three setae on posterior margin; propodus with two anterodistal setae, other six setae on the posterior margin; dactylus 0.8× length of propodus, curved, one seta on posterior margin; gill half length of basis; oostegite reaching merus. Pereopod 5 ( Figure 5C View Figure 5 ) coxa bilobated; basis subrectangular, subequal in length to merus, anterior and posterior margins serrate, four setae on anterodistal margin, others marginal; ischium short, with one long and another short distal seta on posterior margin; merus elongate, with two short distal setae; other articles missing; gill half the length of the basis; oostegite curved forward, not longer than basis. Pereopod 6 ( Figure 5D View Figure 5 ) coxa subovoidal; basis as long as ischium and merus combined, eight distal setae, growing in length, on anterior margin, posterior margin serrate; ischium with three distal long setae on anterior margin; merus with three short setae on anterior margin, and another two on posterior margin, short distal lobe on posterior margin with a seta; carpus 0.7× as long as propodus, with two setae on anterior margin, and two distal setae on posterior margin; propodus with three tufts of short setae on anterior margin, other three setae distal, on posterior margin; dactylus curved forward, with one seta on posterior margin, half the length of the propodus; gill as long as ischium; oostegite curved backward, 0.6× as long as basis. Pereopod 7 ( Figure 5E View Figure 5 ) the longest; coxa slightly subovoidal; basis as long as merus, with six minute setae on anterior margin and one distal, other two subdistal on posterior margin; ischium with one seta on anterior margin; merus with five setae on anterior margin, other three setae on posterior margin, and two short setae on posterodistal lobe; carpus 0.9× as long as merus, with two setae on anterior margin, other two posterodistally; propodus 1.3× as long as carpus, with three tufts of setae on anterior margin, one intermediate seta on posterior margin, other two distally; dactylus half the length of the propodus, curved forward.

Uropod 1 ( Figure 6A View Figure 6 ) with one basal robust seta; peduncle 0.8× as long as rami, one distal interramal and another subdistal robust setae, other three marginal robust setae; rami with three setae on inner margin, and two apical setae. Uropod 2 ( Figure 6B View Figure 6 ) peduncle 0.9× as long as rami, naked; outer ramus with four robust setae on inner margin, other four distal setae; inner ramus with three marginal setae, other three distal setae. Uropod 3 missing. Telson ( Figure 6C View Figure 6 ) as long as wide; notched half its length, each lobe pointed posteriorly, with one subdistal seta. Epimera ( Figure 6D View Figure 6 ) 1–2 posteroventral corner almost right; epimeron three posteroventral corner trifid.

Male. unknown.


Bathypisella carmenae sp. n. can be easily distinguished from B. spinicaudata Ortiz, Winfield and Ardisson, 2022 , previously described from offshore Veracruz State at 884 m depth, by the following features: antenna 1 article 1 and 2 long, number of articles on accessory flagellum, pleonal and urosomal segments notched, maxilliped palp article 3 angled; numbers of teeth on lacinia mobilis; coxa 4 subrectangular; gnathopod 2 with one long, stout, robust seta in palmar angle; epimeron 3 trifid on posteroventral margin; telson cleft for half its length. Major differences among the two Bathypisella species are emphasised in the dichotomous key.

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