Baharilana koloura, Schotte & Kensley, 2005

Schotte, Marilyn & Kensley, Brian, 2005, New species and records of Flabellifera from the Indian Ocean (Crustacea: Peracarida: Isopoda), Journal of Natural History 39 (16), pp. 1211-1282 : 1212-1215

publication ID 10.1080/00222930400005757

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scientific name

Baharilana koloura

sp. nov.

Baharilana koloura View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figures 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 )

Material examined

Holotype: USNM 280268 About USNM , one male (5.0 mm), IIOE sta 372-B, off Mozambique, 24 ° 489S, 34 ° 599E, 42 m, 19 August 1964 . Paratype: USNM 280269 About USNM , one male (dissected) 3.9 mm, one ovigerous female (damaged) 5.0 mm, same data as holotype .


Male. Body length about 2.7 times width. Cephalon with carina on broadly rounded anterior margin. Frontal lamina somewhat quadrate, rounded anteriorly, narrowing toward base and with carinae on lateral margins. All pereonites with transverse line impressed at mid-length or near posterior margin; pereonites 5 and 6 with two lines. Cephalon and pereonites sparsely punctate. Coxae on pereonites 2–3 quadrate; coxae 4–7 progressively more produced and acute posteriorly; all coxae with strong, entire, oblique carina. Posterior margins of pleonites 3–5 finely denticulate. Pleonite 5 with two larger submedial and four smaller lateral tubercles. Pleotelson short, extending to mid-length of uropodal exopod, broad anteriorly and abruptly tapering to narrowly rounded apex, posterior margin bearing about 35 plumose setae with two short, strong setae distally; dorsal surface with acute tubercle near anterior margin, directed posteriorly, with eight to nine small scattered tubercles nearby.

Antennular peduncle articles 1 and 2 not fused, together subequal in length to article 3; flagellum with four to five articles. Antenna extending to posterior margin of pereonite 1, flagellum of 11 articles. Mandible and palp as figured. Maxilla 1 with three stout plumose setae on endopod and about 13 setae (two slender) on exopod. Maxilla 2 with eight plumose and four simple setae on endopod, and six and four simple setae on palp and exopod, respectively. Maxillipedal endite with two coupling hooks and three terminal, plumose setae.

Pereopods as figured. Penes short, broad, separate but adjacent. Pleopod 1 exopod nearly as broad as long, not operculate; endopod one-third width of exopod, setose only on distal margin. Exopods of pleopods 3–5 with indistinct suture, only partial in pleopod 5; both rami of all pleopods with fringe of plumose setae except endopod of pleopod 5. Pleopod 2 appendix masculina large, curved, uniform in width, articulating sub-basally, extending beyond endopod by one-quarter length, covered with tiny setules. Uropodal exopod half width of endopod and subequal in length; lateral margins with four tufts of setae; medial margins bearing plumose setae and three spine-like setae. Endopod bearing about eight spine-like setae and many plumose setae. Both rami with short, simple setae scattered on surface.

Female. As for male except for sexual characters.


Like Baharilana richmondi , B. koloura shows weak transverse furrows on all pereonites. The new species is readily distinguished from all its congeners by the morphology of the pleotelson, being nearly twice as wide as long, with deeply incurving lateral margins, and having uropods that reach only to mid-length of the uropodal exopod.


The specific name, koloura, is from the Greek ‘‘bob-tailed’’, and refers to the pleotelson.













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