Baeosega krombeini Binoy, Mita & Girish Kumar, 2024

Binoy, C., Mita, Toshiharu, Colombo, Wesley D. & Kumar, P. Girish, 2024, Taxonomic notes on Baeosega Krombein (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), with description of two new species from southern Western Ghats, India, Zootaxa 5512 (2), pp. 200-208 : 204-206

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5512.2.4

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scientific name

Baeosega krombeini Binoy, Mita & Girish Kumar

sp. nov.

Baeosega krombeini Binoy, Mita & Girish Kumar , sp. nov. 3FB2F99A-0687-41C0-9DDE-DF503D748182

( Figs 10–18 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURES 11–18 )

Type Material: Holotype ♀, India: Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram district, Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanithadam (8°39’42.4”N, 77°08’59.3”E, 602m), 19.ix.2019, Coll. P. Girish Kumar ( ZSIK) Regd. No. ZSI/ WGRC /IR/INV. 16147 GoogleMaps ; Paratype 1 ♀ (same details as holotype, except date 21.ix.2019) ( ZSIK) Regd. No. ZSI/ WGRC /IR/INV. 16148 .

Diagnosis. Clypeus apically rounded; pronotum coarsely rugose-punctate; ventral area of face yellowish; declivous part of T1 smooth; remainder of T1 aciculate.

Description. Female holotype ( Figs 10–18 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURES 11–18 ). Body length 2.49 mm.

Colour. Dorsal area of frons dark brown to black with slight brownish metallic highlights; ventral area of frons yellowish brown ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 11–18 ); mesosoma dull brown with pronotum postero-medially and anterolaterally reddish-brown, mesoscutum brown, anteriorly and laterally darker, mesoscutellum reddish-brown; metanotum and metapectal-propodeal complex dark brown ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 11–18 ); tegula pale yellowish; metasoma with T1 and S1 reddish brown, T2 dark brown except apically; rest of terga yellowish brown with medial dark patch; tubular apical terga yellowish; scape and pedicel testaceous; F1–F3 ivory to pale yellowish, F4 pale brown, rest of flagellomeres brownish-black; legs testaceous brown with coxae basally brown, mid and metatibia dorsally brown, metafemur darker apically ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 11–18 ).

Head. Scapal basin cross-ridged, band of wrinkles baso-medially, in anterior view as long as 0.54 × head length ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 11–18 ); clypeus shallowly produced ventrally, apico-medially slightly rounded, sub-antennal distance as long as MOD ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 11–18 ); head in anterior view 1.07 × as wide as long; MOD 1.43 × OOD; POD 2.49 × OOD ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11–18 ); inner and outer eye margins without any setigerous foveolate furrows, sparsely setose ( Fig. 10a View FIGURE 10 ); dorsal area of frons and vertex shiny, coarsely punctate, interspaces rough; diameter of puncture less than MOD; eyes large, pale white with denser microtrichiae, in profile 1.27 × as long as wide ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 11–18 ); shallow impression present anterior to anterior ocellus; flagellomeres fusiform, rounded, wider than long (except F1 & F2 longer than broad) with short microtrichiae; F1 4× as long as broad; F2 almost as long as broad; relative lengths of antennal scape: pedicel: F1–9 = 14: 4: 9: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 1: 1: 2.

Mesosoma. Dorsal pronotal area1.2 × as long as length of mesonotum, coarsely rugose-punctate with punctures tending to be confluent in oblique rows from midline, antero-medially with large punctures, diameter of puncture 0.8 × MOD; median longitudinal furrow distinct on posterior two-thirds, meeting inward with emarginated posterior margin; postero-lateral corner of pronotum produced, almost touching tegula; propleuron rugose punctate, ventrally forming small lobe-like process onto mesopleuron; notauli deep, mesoscutum coarsely punctate-reticulate, 1.49 × length of mesoscutellum, mesoscutellum indistinctly rugulose; mesopleuron shiny with large punctures; wing pads reaching posterior margin of mesoscutellum ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 11–18 ); meso-metascutellar suture sulcate; metapostnotum rugate, with two distinct tubercles diverging posteriorly; metapleuron polished foveolate anteriorly, forming coarse striae meeting propodeal rugae posteriorly; metapectal-propodeal complex with postero-lateral corners bluntly angulate ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 11–18 ).

Metasoma. Metasoma ovoid; declivous surface of T1 glabrous, smooth and shiny, remainder shiny, aciculate with setae dorsally ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 11–18 ), laterally alutaceous with moderate setosity; remainder visible terga densely setose; S2 with distinct setigerous punctures, punctures mostly separated by half the diameter of a puncture ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 11–18 ).

Distribution. India (Kerala).

Differential diagnosis. B. krombeini sp. nov. resembles B. humida in having the meso-metascutellar suture without foveae and T1 smooth on the declivous part. However, B. krombeini sp. nov. differs from B. humida in having the head in anterior view black with the ventral area of face yellowish brown (vs. head in anterior view entirely black); and the dorsal pronotal area rugose-punctate (vs. surface punctate with granulated interspaces).

Etymology. The specific epithet krombeini is named after Karl V. Krombein for his immense contributions in the taxonomy of amisegine wasps from Sri Lanka.













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