Baconia deliberata, Caterino, Michael S. & Tishechkin, Alexey K., 2013

Caterino, Michael S. & Tishechkin, Alexey K., 2013, A systematic revision of Baconia Lewis (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini), ZooKeys 343, pp. 1-297 : 66-69

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scientific name

Baconia deliberata

sp. n.

Baconia deliberata View in CoL sp. n. Figs 16 B–D17A–C, G, I–JMap 5

Type locality.

ECUADOR: Orellana:Res. Ethnica Waorani [0.67°N, 76.43°W].

Type material.

Holotype male: "ECUADOR: Depto. Orellana:Res. Ethnica Waorani, 1km S Onkone Gare Camp, Trans. Ent., 0°39'10"S, 76°26'W, 220m, 26 June 1996, T.L. Erwin et al. collectors" / "Insecticidal fogging of mostly bare green leaves, some with covering of lichenous or bryophytic plants in terra firme forest. Project MAXUS Lot 1582 Trans. 7 Sta. 2" / "Caterino/Tishechkin Exosternini Voucher EXO-00438" (USNM). Paratype (1): same locality as type, 21.i.2006, Lot 3115, Trans. 2, Sta. 6 (USNM).

Diagnostic description.

Length: 1.7-1.9mm, width: 1.3-1.5mm; body elongate oval, subparallel-sided, depressed, glabrous; head and pronotum metallic greenish-blue, elytra blue, pygidia and venter rufopiceous; frons elevated over antennal bases, depressed at middle, ground punctation fine, with few coarse punctures at middle and near vertex, frontal stria present along inner margin of eye, curving inward at front, interrupted at middle; antennal scape short, club asymmetrically oblong; epistoma truncate apically; labrum about 4 ×wider than long, weakly bisinuate along apical margin; both mandibles with acute basal tooth; pronotal sides weakly arcuate to apex, marginal stria complete along lateral and anterior margins, lateral submarginal stria absent, ground punctation of pronotal disk fine, with coarse secondary punctures in lateral thirds; elytra with two complete epipleural striae, outer subhumeral stria absent, inner subhumeral stria present in basal third and as weak fragment behind middle, dorsal striae 1-5 more or less complete, 5th stria may be weakly abbreviated from base, sutural stria present in about apical third, elytral disk with few coarse punctures in apical fifth; prosternum moderately broad, weakly convex, keel truncate at base, carinal striae complete, bent inward at base, weakly impressed along basal margin, subparallel anterad; prosternal lobe about two-thirds keel length, apical margin rounded, marginal stria obsolete at sides; mesoventrite emarginate at middle, marginal stria broadly interrupted; mesometaventral stria arched strongly forward, not crenulate, detached at sides, inner lateral metaventral stria extending from near mesocoxa obliquely posterolaterad toward middle of metacoxa, slightly sinuate apically, outer lateral metaventral stria absent, metaventral disk impunctate at middle; abdominal ventrite 1 with single, complete lateral stria, middle portion of disk lacking coarse punctures; protibia 4-dentate, the basal denticle weak, outer margin serrulate between teeth; mesotibia with two weak marginal spines; outer metatibial margin smooth; propygidium without transverse basal stria but with rather distinct basal series of large, close, ocellate punctures, discal punctures otherwise more or less uniformly separated by about 0.5 –1× their diameters; propygidial gland openings evident about one-third from anterior margin, and almost one-third from each lateral margin; pygidium with ground punctation very fine but rather dense in apical half, secondary punctation conspicuous in basal third. Male genitalia (Figs 17 A–C, G, I–J): T8 slightly shorter than broad, sides widened in basal one-third, convergent to apex, basal emargination broadly rounded, apical emargination inconspicuous, ventrolateral apodemes separated by about one-half maximum T8 width, extending about one-half distad beneath, obsolete in apical half; S8 much longer than T8, divided, inner margins approximate at base, strongly divergent apically, bearing conspicuous fringe of setae along apical one-third, outer margins subparallel to weakly divergent, apical guides well developed from base, broadly rounded apically; T9 with basal apodemes thin, almost two-thirds total length, T9 apices narrowly rounded, glabrous, ventrolateral apodemes moderately strongly projecting beneath; S9 stem thin at middle, widened in basal half, head broad, broadly curved to apicolateral points, desclerotized along midline; tegmen with sides subparallel throughout, very weakly widened near apex, dorsobasal edge projecting, tegmen in lateral aspect more or less straight, weakly curved ventrad at apex; median lobe about one-third tegmen length; basal piece about one-fifth tegmen length.


This species shares male genitalic characters with several others in this group ( Baconia godmani , Baconia rossi , Baconia scintillans ), but is distinctive in its small size, parallel-sided form (Fig. 16B), presence of complete elytra striae 1-5, noncrenulate meso metaventral stria (Fig. 16C), and series of punctures in place of both the basal propygidial stria (Fig. 16D) and the lateral submarginal pronotal stria.


This species’ name means determined or resolved.













