Austrocarabodes blancharti, Mahunka, 2009

Mahunka, S., 2009, Oribatid Mites From The Vohimana Reserve (Madagascar) (Acari: Oribatida) I., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 89-122 : 100-102

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584807


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scientific name

Austrocarabodes blancharti

sp. nov.

Austrocarabodes blancharti View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 22–26 View Figs 22–26 )

Material examined. Holotype: Malagasy Republic, Vohimana Reserve , primary forest. 17. 04. 2008. Leg. CS . CSUZDI (Afr-996) . 1 paratype from the same sample. Holotype (1771-HO-09) and 1 paratype (1771-PO-09) in HNHM .

Diagnosis. Rostrum convex. Lamellae narrow, with distinct inner cusp. A weak translamella present, bearing rostral setae on small tubercles. Rostral and lamellar setae spiniform or slightly phylliform. Interlamellar surface with round pustules covering the whole surface. Interlamellar setae wide, phylliform, with 3 veins. Sensillus short, with dilated, curved head, covered by short spines, directed laterally. Notogaster with fourteen pairs of phylliform, setae, all equal in length. Epimeral borders and apodemes normally developed, bo. 3 not reaching to sternal one. Epimeral setae simple, thin, some of them (3b, 4a, 4c) conspicuously long. Anogenital setal formula 4–1–2–3. Anterior adanal setae arising in front of the anterior corner of anal aperture, lyrifissures iad located near to them, also anteriorly.

Measurements. Length of body: 400–434 µm, width of body: 200–212 µm.

Prodorsum. Rostrum slightly conical, convex ( Fig. 22 View Figs 22–26 ). Lamellae narrow with long inner cusps. Translamella present, its tubercles bearing narrowed phylliform setae. Rostral and lamellar setae spiniform or phylliform, both pairs well pilose. Whole interlamellar surface covered by distinct, rounded pustules ( Fig. 26 View Figs 22–26 ). Interlamellar setae ciliate, much wider than the rostral ones, arising on the interlamellar surface, directed outwards. Sensillus dilated distally, slightly curved backwards, its head distinctly barbed ( Fig. 25 View Figs 22–26 ).

Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin slightly convex medially. Humeral apophyses small, directed forwards. Whole surface covered by pustules, which are smaller than the prodorsal ones, and slightly angular ( Fig. 24 View Figs 22–26 ). Fourteen pairs of phylliform notogastral setae present, setae c 1 longer than the posterior ones. All setae well pilose and with three veins.

Lateral part of podosoma. Tutorium weak, simple. Pedotectum I large, with some foveolae.

Ventral parts ( Fig. 23 View Figs 22–26 ). Sternal apodema weakly developed, between the epimeres I likewise between the epimeres II absent or partly reduced. Transversal apodemes and borders, except bo. 4, normally developed, bo. 4 not reaching the sternal apodema. A pair of short longitudinal borders running posteriorly along the genital aperture. Inner part of all epimeral surface ornamented with polygonal sculpture. Epimeral setae thin and simple, their length differing considerably. Setae 1a, 2a, 3a minute, setae 1b, 3b, 4a, 4b conspicuously long. Ventral plate with pustules similarly to the notogastral ones. Genital, aggenital setae thin, conspicuously long, anal setae also long, slightly dilated basally. All adanal setae phylliform, well ciliate like to the notogastral setae. Lyrifissures iad well visible.

Legs: Surface of all segments smooth. Femora of legs III and IV with ventrodistal spur.

Remarks. The new species is well characterised by the prodorsal and notogastral sculpture and the lamellar apex. These characters were unknown in the heretofore described Austrocarabodes species. See also the key of the Austrocarabodes species of Madagascar.

Etymology. I dedicate the new species to Dr. ERIC BLANCHART, IRD, Montpellier, organiser of the soil-zoological collection in Madagascar.


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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