Aulacothyrinae Babanova, 1964

Baeza-Carratalá, José F. & Joral, Fernando García, 2014, Crural bases position as a structural criterion for supraspecific diagnosis of Early Jurassic zeilleriid brachiopods, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59 (3), pp. 651-661 : 658

publication ID 10.4202/app.2012.0068

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scientific name

Aulacothyrinae Babanova, 1964


Subfamily Aulacothyrinae Babanova, 1964 .

Emended diagnosis. — Small to large, commonly pentagonal or subpentagonal outline, valves usually lobate, bilobate, or quadrilobate, planoconvex to ventribiconvex; anterior commissure typically unisulcate, rarely sulciplicate or antiplicate, umbo with persistent beak ridges, pedicle foramen oval and typically mesothyrid, crural bases initially situated in the ventral part of the hinge plates but with dorsal development.

Stratigraphic and geographic range. — Middle Triassic–Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian). This subfamily is widely recorded in the Western Tethys, mainly from the Apeninnes, Crimea, Hungary, southern Alps, England, Yugoslavia, France, Spain, and Sicily.

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