Athetis hoengshana, Han & Kononenko, 2011

Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2011, Twelve new species of Athetis Hübner, [1821] 1816 from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Zootaxa 3068 (1), pp. 49-68 : 51-52

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3068.1.2


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Athetis hoengshana, Han & Kononenko

sp. nov.

Athetis hoengshana, Han & Kononenko sp. n.

( Figs. 2 View FIGURES 1–8 , 18 View FIGURES 17–20 , 31 View FIGURES 30–34 )

Type material. Holotype: China: male, [Prov. Hunan], labeled " Hoengshan , (900m) Prov. Hunan, China " 12.xi.1933 (H. Höne), genit. prep. ZFMK 1719 About ZFMK . Paratypes: 34 males, 2 females, same locality, 11–21.xi.1933 (H. Höne), genit. prep.s: ZFMK , 1718, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723 mm. Taiwan: 1 male, Hualien, Tsiensian , 7.iii.1980 ( T. Tanabe), genit. prep. NSMT 5094 View Materials . The holotype and most paratypes deposited in the collection of ZFMK ; one paratype from Taiwan is deposited in the collection of NSMT .

Diagnosis. This species differs from A. cinerascens by its more distinct wing pattern, having well expressed yellowish reniform, contrasting with grey-brown ground color of forewing. In some cases reniform is dark brown, darker than ground color, but usually with whitish vertical nucleus. It is close to Athetis speideli Kononenko, 2005 , but differs markedly by the paler wing coloration (in A. speideli the wings are dark brown with yellowish reniform). In the male genitalia it differs from related species by relatively broader valva, strongly bifurcate harpe and the structure of vesica, bearing leaf-like flat cornutus among moderately spine-like cornuti. The related A. speideli has similar, but narrower valva, the vesica armed with a row of small to moderate cornuti. Females of A. hoengshana and A. speideli are similar in genitalia structure, but A. hoengshana differs by shorter apophyses anteriores, wider antrum, shorter ductus bursa and shorter appendix bursa.

Description. External appearance ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Wingspan 28–30 mm. Male antennae fasciculate, ciliated; eyes surrounded with short dark lashes; palps pressed; 2nd segment rather broad, dark brownish laterally, pale grey yellowish ventrally, yellowish apically; 3rd segment short, about half length of 2nd; head and thorax covered with pale brown hair-like scales. Head with erect hairs. Forewing pale reddish-brown; basal line as dark streak in costal field; subbasal line thin, dark brown; orbicular as dark dot; medial shadow diffused, sometimes indistinct; reniform relatively large bordered with black line, filled with brown-orange inside, with more dark nucleus and small white streak at base; often reniform pale yellowish, bordered with black, sometimes dark-brown with vertical whitish nucleus, in some cases not expressed; postmedial line dentate or separated for thin line and row of dark dots outward; subterminal line thin, diffused, often not expressed; terminal line as row of brown dots; cilia pale-grey, brownish with yellowish borderline. Hind wing grey-brownish; discal spot traceable; cilia yellowish-grey with yellowish borderline. Male genitalia. ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 17–20 ). Hair brushes present. Uncus completely reduced, tegumen high, 2 times higher than vinculum, with well developed lobes, vinculum V-shaped, with distinct rounded saccus directed proximally; juxta leaf-shaped; valva, elongated, with dorsal and ventral margins about parallel, in distal part curved dorsally, becaming broader. ventral margin of valva slightly concave at basal third; cucullus rounded, covered by dense thin hairs; harpe situated at distal third of valva, strong, broad, apically bifurcated with acute apices, dorsal apex longer than ventral apex, tapered and somewhat curved at tip; costa with thin digitus situated under harpe and somewhat extending beyond ventral margin of valva. Aedeagus straight, distally somehow narrower, carina as long, strong sclerotised ribbon; vesica tubular, coiled at middle, bearing one unarmed medial diverticulum, armed with row of moderate pine-like cornuti, dense cornuti field in apical half and sclerotised leaf-shaped plate in middle part. Female genitalia. ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 30–34 ). Ovipositor moderately long, distally tapering, papillae anales weak, elongated, apophyses anteriores and posteriores long, thin, former 1.3 times longer than latter. Ostium split, antrum sclerotised, formed by rounded antevaginal plate with deep rounded cut centrally of distal margin; ductus bursa moderate length, flattened, rather wide, sclerotised, slightly tapering to join bursa, distally connected to antrum membranous; appendix bursae large, moderately sclerotised, wrinkled; corpus bursae membranous, with transversal row of minute spines inside bursa and fine scobination in bottom part.

Distribution. China (Prov. Hunan, Taiwan Island). Judging from collecting data (November in continental China and March in Taiwan Island) the species is able to overwinter as an adult..

Etymology. The species name hoengshana refers to the type-locality of the species, Hoengshan range in Prov. Hunan of China.

Note. The examined single worn specimen of A. hoengshana from Taiwan differs from continental specimens by dark coloration of wings and pale traceable reniform. The male genitalia of this specimen are identical to those of continental specimens.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


National Science Museum (Natural History)













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