Asaphes fuyunis Li & Zhang, 2024

Li, Qin, Zhang, Tong-You, Gibson, Gary A. P., Shan, Shi-Lei & Xiao, Hui, 2024, Review of Asaphes Walker, 1834 (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Asaphesinae) from Xinjiang, China, ZooKeys 1214, pp. 35-57 : 35-57

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1214.127982

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Asaphes fuyunis Li & Zhang

sp. nov.

Asaphes fuyunis Li & Zhang sp. nov.

Fig. 2 View Figure 2

Type material.

Holotype • ♀ ( ICXU); China, Xinjiang, Altay Prefecture, Fuyun County, Turhong Township ; 47 ° 01 ' 49 " N, 89 ° 01 ' 40 " E; 1360 m; 11 Jul 2020; Qin Li group GoogleMaps . Paratypes • 3 ♀; same collection data as holotype GoogleMaps .


Female. Body (Fig. 2 A View Figure 2 ) metallic green, with luster. Head in dorsal shallowly emarginate between inner orbits. Combined length of pedicel and flagellum subequal in width to head. Fore wing hyaline with speculum absent or indistinct; stigmal vein 2.2–2.6 × length of uncus. Legs reddish brown (Fig. 2 A View Figure 2 ). Gt 1 and Gt 2 combined are approximately equal to the length of the gaster, with Gt 1 being longer than Gt 2 (Fig. 2 E View Figure 2 ).


Female. Body (Fig. 2 A View Figure 2 ) length 1.75 mm. Head, mesosoma, and propodeum dark with green and bronze lusters under different angles of light (Fig. 2 A – E View Figure 2 ); antenna dark brown (Fig. 2 G View Figure 2 ) except scape and pedicel concolorous with mesosoma; gaster black or with only slight metallic lusters under some angles of light (Fig. 2 A, E View Figure 2 ); fore wing hyaline with brown venation (Fig. 2 F View Figure 2 ); legs with coxae concolorous with mesosoma, otherwise reddish brown except apical tarsomeres dark brown to black (Fig. 1 A View Figure 1 ).

Head in frontal view (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ) transverse-subtriangular, width 1.4 × height, with genae distinctly converging ventrally; face with regular, raised reticulation and with dense, white setae; scrobal depression broad and deep, smooth and bare ventrally; clypeus smooth with truncate apical margin. Malar space ~ 1.1 × eye height (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ). Scape extending to level of vertex (Fig. 2 A View Figure 2 ); pedicel 2.0 × as long as wide; funiculars broadly joined, each transverse and with 1 line of mps, with fu 4 0.6 × as long as wide; clava 1.9 × as long as wide; combined length of pedicel and flagellum subequal in width to head. Head in lateral view with eye height 1.7 × eye length and 2.5 × malar space; malar sulcus absent. Head in dorsal view (Fig. 2 C View Figure 2 ) 2.0 × as wide as long; POL 2.6 × OOL; gena length 0.5 × eye length.

Mesosoma in dorsal view (Fig. 2 D View Figure 2 ) slightly narrower than head width (0.9 ×); mesosoma compact and convex; pronotum narrower than mesoscutum (0.9 ×), and 0.6 × as long as mesoscutum; collar abruptly margined anteriorly, posterior margin smooth and bare (Fig. 2 D View Figure 2 ); mesoscutum 2.0 × as long as broad, equal in length to scutellum; notauli deep and complete; scutellum (Fig. 2 D, E View Figure 2 ) 0.8 × as long as broad, with engraved, reticulate sculpture; frenum smooth and shiny, delineated anteriorly by continuous septate frenal line; propodeum (Fig. 2 E View Figure 2 ) 0.8 × as long as scutellum, without median carina or plicae, median area with coarse and irregular sculpture, and laterally with dense, whitish, long setae. Mesosoma in lateral view (Fig. 2 H View Figure 2 ) with metapleuron bare. Fore wing (Fig. 2 F View Figure 2 ) densely setose, without distinct speculum; proportions of length of marginal, postmarginal, and stigmal veins 19: 24: 16; stigmal vein 2.6 × as long as uncus. Metacoxa setose both dorsally and ventrally (Fig. 2 H View Figure 2 ).

Metasoma with petiole quadrate, subequal in length and breadth (Fig. 2 A, E View Figure 2 ), dorsally with numerous irregular longitudinal ribs. Gaster (Fig. 2 A, E View Figure 2 ) oval, 1.8 × as long as wide; Gt 1 and Gt 2 smooth and combined length 0.5 × length of gaster, Gt 1 1.2 × as long Gt 2.

Male. Unknown.


No significant difference in measurement data.




The specific name is derived from the collection locality of its holotype.


China (Xinjiang).


Females of this species have an unusually long malar space for members of Asaphes , being ~ 1.1 × the height of an eye (Fig. 1 B View Figure 1 ). Leg color is similar to some specimens of A. suspensus that have comparatively dark, yellowish orange legs as well as an indistinct fore wing speculum (Fig. 3 G View Figure 3 ), but A. suspensus females have the malar space at most ~ 0.7 × the height of an eye ( Gibson and Vikberg 1998).











