Argas vulgaris (Filippova, 1961)

Wang, Yi-Fei, Zheng, Jia-Jing, Zhang, Ming-Zhu, Du, Li-Feng, Cui, Xiao-Ming, Han, Xiao-Yu, Tian, Di, Cheng, Nuo, Wang, Ning, Gao, Wan-Ying, Wang, Bai-Hui, Shi, Xiao-Yu, Jiang, Jia-Fu, Jia, Na, Sun, Yi, Shi, Wenqiang & Cao, Wu-Chun, 2024, The complete mitogenome of Argas vulgaris (Filippova, 1961) and its phylogenetic status in subgenus Argas (Acari: Argasidae), International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 23, pp. 100912-100912 : 100912-

publication ID 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2024.100912

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Argas vulgaris


3.1. Molecular-phylogenetic relationships of Ar. vulgaris View in CoL

We obtained the first representative complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Ar. vulgaris through short-read sequencing and assembly ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). The complete genome of Ar. vulgaris was 14,479 bp in length. Additionally, the circular and double-stranded DNA structure of the mitochondrial genomes of this species was successfully predicted. The gene arrangement of the mitochondrial genomes included 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, similar to other argasid ticks ( Burger et al., 2014). Four of the 13 PCGs (ND5, ND1, ND4L, and ND4), nine tRNAs (trnF, trnC, trnQ, trnP, trnH, trnV, trnY, trnL2, and trnL1) and two rRNAs (16 S rRNA and 12 S rRNA) were coded on the light strand (L-strand), while the other 22 genes (trnI, trnT, trnS2, trnD, trnM, trnG, trnW, trnK, trnA, trnR, trnN, trnE, trnS1, ATP8, ATP6, ND6, CYTB, COIII, ND3, ND2, COI, and COII) were transcribed on the heavy strand (H-strand). The overall nucleotide composition of the complete mitochondrial genome was listed in Table 1. The nucleotide sequence of the Ar. vulgaris mitochondrial genome included approximately adenine = 5600 (38.67%), thymine = 4850 (33.50%), guanine = 1338 (9.24%), and cytosine = 2691 (18.59%). The proportion of adenine + thymine (72.17%) was substantially higher than that of guanine + cytosine (27.83%). GC skew ranged from – 0.633 (for ND4L) to – 0.15 (for COI), while AT skew ranged from – 0.125 (for ND2) to 0.323 (for ND1). The whole AT skew and GC skew in the entire mitochondrial genome of Ar. vulgaris was 0.072 and – 0.336, respectively.

Phylogenetic analysis was then performed with available sequences of other argasid species deposited in GenBank. In terms of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Argas , the subgenus Persicargas was intricately nested within the subgenus Argas as reported in previous studies ( Mans et al., 2019; Estrada-Pena ˜et al., 2010), albeit with low bootstrap support value ( Figs. 2–4 View Fig View Fig View Fig ). Among species from these two subgenera, a range of 69.96–70.83% nucleotide identity was observed in the complete mitogenomes, while the 16 S rRNA gene exhibited identities of 69.23–87.78%, and the COI gene showed identities of 75.92–79.67% (Supplementary Tables 1 –3). Morphologically, the two subgenera were diagnosed by the combination of the absence or presence of postpalpal setae and the shape of marginal cells.


Abbreviations: PCG, protein-coding gene; rRNA, ribosomal RNA; tRNA, transport RNA.

Notably, a closely related species of Ar. vulgaris was identified in the phylogenetic analysis. In the phylogenetic tree constructed from complete mitogenomes ( Fig. 2 View Fig ), the sequence of Ar. vulgaris obtained in this study clustered with the sequence of Ar. japonicus (MT371799), showing a nucleotide identity of 98.56% (Supplementary Table 1). Based on the 16 S rRNA sequences ( Fig. 3 View Fig ), Ar. vulgaris in this study clustered with sequences of both Ar. japonicus and Ar. vulgaris from GenBank. This cluster could be divided into two clades. In the first clade, the 16 S rRNA


of Ar. vulgaris obtained in this study displayed 100% similarity with Ar. japonicus Aj-A from Japan (AB819156.1) and 99.51% with Ar. japonicus Aj-C (MH782636.1). In the second clade, the 16 S rRNA of Ar. vulgaris from the Kyrgyzstan ( Dabert et al., 1999) (AVAF001404.1) in GenBank and Ar. japonicus Aj-B from Japan (AB819157.1) were grouped, showing 100% identity to each other (Supplementary Table 2). The phylogeny based on the COI gene was concordant with the topology based on 16 S rRNA. The COI gene sequence of Ar. vulgaris clustered with Ar. japonicus


( Fig. 4 View Fig ), and the two sequences showed 98.69% nucleotide identity with each other (Supplementary Table 3). These results suggest that Ar. vulgaris and Ar. japonicus cannot be distinguished merely based on sequences of 16 S rRNA, COI and even the whole mitogenome.

3.2. Diagnostic characters of Ar. vulgaris and notes with Argas species relevant

The ticks collected in this study were morphologically recognized as Ar. vulgaris ( Fig. 5a and b View Fig ) according to the following features, including the invisible postpalpal setae ( Fig. 5c View Fig ), marginal cell fenced with a narrow and long rugose ridge ( Fig. 5d View Fig ), and the anterior lip of genital aperture without setae ( Fig. 5e View Fig ) ( Sun et al., 2019). In addition, the anal of Ar. vulgaris was situated posteriorly, far from the middle level of the body ( Fig. 5f View Fig ).

We further compared the morphological traits of Ar. vulgaris to that of Ar. japonicus , which was a closely related species to Ar. vulgaris based on the phylogenetic analysis, revealing several distinctive differences between the two species. Ar. japonicus exhibited numerous short frayed setae on the anterior lip (Yamaguti et al., 1968), whereas the setae of Ar. vulgaris were located on the posterior lip ( Fig. 5e View Fig ). Meanwhile, the basic capitula wide/long ratio as well as the positions of the genital aperture and anus of these two species were also different. Additionally, Ar. japonicus was rectangular with a wide/long ratio of 1.7 ( Hu et al., 2021), while Ar. vulgaris in this study had a partial round shape with a wide/- long ratio of 1.5 ( Fig. 5g View Fig ). The posterolateral setae on the basis capitula of Ar. vulgaris exceeded 6 pairs, whereas 3–4 pairs were observed in Ar. japonicus (Yamaguti et al., 1968) . The genital aperture and anus of Ar. vulgaris situated closer to the anterior margin of the body compared to Ar. japonicus ( Hu et al., 2021) . In terms of the palpal segment, Ar. vulgaris exhibited a decreased length from segments I to IV, with segments III and IV being nearly equal in length ( Fig. 5f View Fig ). The ossification ring at the base of the marginal sensilla was either smaller than or equal to that of the bell-shaped sensilla ( Teng, 1983). Furthermore, in Ar. japonicus , segments I and II were of equal length, shorter than segments III and IV, which were also equal in length. The ossification ring at the base of the


body-marginal sensilla of Ar. japonicus was larger than that of the bell-shaped sensilla ( Sun et al., 2019). The terminal portion of Tarsus I in Ar. vulgaris exhibited a sloping gradient, whereas in Ar. japonicus , it was curved apically on a fleshy projection at its end (Yamaguti et al., 1968). However, other distinguishing features such as the shortness of eyes and arrangement of anal setae were same in both species. Besides, the postpalpal setae in both Ar. japonicus and Ar. vulgaris were invisible on ventral view of basic capitula (Yamaguti et al., 1968) ( Table 2).

Ar. assimilis View in CoL was similar to Ar. japonicus View in CoL , in that the integumental ridges were relatively narrower and markedly raised (integumental ridges were thick and not markedly raised in Ar. japonicus View in CoL ); peripheral integumental ridges were narrower and elongated and regularly arranged (peripheral ridges are thick and short, irregularly arranged in Ar. japonicus View in CoL ); the hypostome of females extending to the mid-length of palpal article 3rd (extended to mid-length of palpal article 2nd in Ar. japonicus View in CoL ); article 3rd was shorter than article 4th (article 3rd is equal to article 4th in Ar. japonicus View in CoL ); the basic capitula of Ar. assimilis View in CoL was rectangular with a wide/long ratio of 1.8, and the anterior lip of the genital aperture with setae ( Teng, 1983; Teng and Song, 1983). Ar. beijingensis View in CoL also closely resembled Ar. vulgaris View in CoL , but could be distinguished by the combination of the following characteristics. The anus of adults was slightly posterior to the center of the venter (much more separated from the middle of the ventral body surface in Ar. vulgaris View in CoL ), peripheral integumental ridges were short and sinuous (relatively narrower and longer in Ar. vulgaris View in CoL Fig. 5d View Fig ) ( Chen and Liu, 2022), the dental formula was 2|2 for the first three rows and approximately 3|3 backward (2| 2 type of hypostome dental formula, and each row has 7 to 9 teeth in Ar. vulgaris View in CoL Fig. 5h View Fig ). The palpal segments were cylindrical, widest in segment I, narrowed markedly in segment II, and progressively narrower in segments III and IV. The basic capitula of Ar. beijingensis View in CoL was rectangular with a wide/long ratio of 2, and the anterior lip of the genital aperture had setae ( Teng, 1983).














Argas vulgaris

Wang, Yi-Fei, Zheng, Jia-Jing, Zhang, Ming-Zhu, Du, Li-Feng, Cui, Xiao-Ming, Han, Xiao-Yu, Tian, Di, Cheng, Nuo, Wang, Ning, Gao, Wan-Ying, Wang, Bai-Hui, Shi, Xiao-Yu, Jiang, Jia-Fu, Jia, Na, Sun, Yi, Shi, Wenqiang & Cao, Wu-Chun 2024

Ar. assimilis

Teng & Song 1983

Ar. assimilis

Teng & Song 1983

Ar. beijingensis

Teng 1983

Ar. beijingensis

Teng 1983
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