Archithosia henricus Durante, Potenza & Pellegrino, 2024

Durante, Antonio, Potenza, Luigi & Pellegrino, Gabriele, 2024, A new species of Archithosia Birket-Smith, 1965 in the subgenus Eurythosia Krüger, 2015 from Uganda (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini), Zootaxa 5492 (3), pp. 356-368 : 362-366

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.3.4

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scientific name

Archithosia henricus Durante, Potenza & Pellegrino

sp. nov.

Archithosia henricus Durante, Potenza & Pellegrino n. sp. ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 , 6 View FIGURE 6 , 7 View FIGURE 7 , 8 View FIGURE 8 ) 740DB914-0CDB-468B-8423-1E70A9D86C45

Holotype: ♂, UGANDA, Kibale forest, m 1500, 0°33’40” N 30°21’24” E, 19/ 24-10-2014, Durante leg., g. sl. n. 1159 MAD; in coll. MSNS. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 1 ♂, UGANDA, same data as the holotype, g. sl. n. 1175 MAD GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, UGANDA, same data as the holotype, g. sl. n. 1176 MAD GoogleMaps ; in coll. MSNS.

Diagnosis. The species of the subgenus Eurythosia are all very similar in terms of their external features, so definite discrimination is impossible without examination of the genitalia (see Discussion).

The male genitalia of Archithosia henricus n. sp. are closely related to those of Archithosia makomensis , from which they differ in (i) the length of the ala valvae distal transverse process, which is about 1/4 of the entire length of the ala valvae in henricus n. sp. and about 1/ 3 in makomensis ; (ii) the width of the supravalva, which in henricus n. sp. is about half what it is in makomensis ; (iii) the dorsal sclerotisation at the base of the supravalva (i.e. proximal half of costa), which is more accentuated in henricus n. sp. than in makomensis ; the valvellae, which are sturdier in henricus n. sp. than makomensis and are directed outwards in the former and are mesad or directed inwards in the latter. The sturdy process of the supravalva in angulifascia and that of the ala valvae in kinuthiae easily distinguish these species from both henricus n. sp. and derelicta due to absence of the distal process of the ala valvae in the latter. In the female genitalia, the oblong shape of the corpus bursae in angulifascia and kinuthiae is distinctive (roundish in henricus n. sp.). In makomensis the V-shaped (convex) lamella antevaginalis and the star-shaped signum are diagnostic (arched, concave lamella antevaginalis and round, cup-shaped signum in henricus n. sp.).

Description. ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 , 6 View FIGURE 6 ). Wingspan ♂ 36–37 mm; ♀ 35. 5 mm. Head with vertex beige and frontoclypeus from dark beige to almost black with margins darker; antennae ciliated (cilia denser in male), dorsally same colour as vertex, ventrally unpigmented; labial palpi porrect, not extending beyond frons, same colour as frontoclypeus, with distal segment always blackish.

Patagia, tegulae and thorax same colour as forewings, sometimes slightly darker; patagia and tegulae somewhat darker in the middle. Legs same colour as thorax but forelegs darker, mid- and hindlegs internally lighter; spurs formula 0-2-4. Forewing upperside ground colour brown-dusted beige with angled brown band from middle of costa towards space between M1 and M3, afterwards turning to inner margin almost in middle. Forewing underside unmarked, lighter beige than upperside. Hindwing upperside unmarked, ground colour light beige; underside same colour as upperside.

Abdomen slightly lighter than thorax. A2 sternum apodemes ( Fig. 8B View FIGURE 8 ) long (plesiomorphic character according to Bendib & Minet (1999: 243), but see also Holloway (2001: 281)).

Female seventh abdominal sternite about 1/3 shorter than sixth; seventh tergite slightly longer than sixth. Eighth abdominal sternite swollen, about 1/2 as long as sixth sternite; eighth tergite about 1/5 as long as seventh tergite, and completely fused to it (no trace of intersegmental membrane).

Genitalia. ♂ ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ). Uncus (UC) falcate, larger at base, ending in sharp hook ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ); tegumen (TE) triangular in dorsal view; tuba analis (TA) short, membranous with very thin rod-like scaphium (SC) along its basal 4/5 ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ); vinculum (VI) weak, large-u-shaped (ventro-caudal view), not forming evident saccus; juxta (JU) arched ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ); valvellae (VA) sturdy, thorn-like, directed outwards, firmly connected to bases of ala valvae; manica penis (MP) membranous, with membranous thin tape-like dorsal transtilla (TR) connecting two plicae centripetalis ( Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ).

Ala valvae (AV) rectangularish, fairly sclerotised, with distal conical process (CP) covered in small spines ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ) and ending in sturdy thorn; supravalva (SV) only slightly sclerotised, digitiform, exceeding ala valvae by about ¼ of its total length, bearing a swollen process (SP in Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ) arising from dorsal part of basis valvae and extending along costa up to middle of total length.

Aedeagus ( Figs. 7E, 7F View FIGURE 7 ) almost as long as ala valvae, tubular, fairly sclerotised, with dorsal entrance of ductus ejaculatorius (DE) and short coecum penis (CE, about 1/6 of total length of aedeagus); vesica with distal main lobe (ML), bearing sturdy thorn-like cornutus (CO), second small lobe (SL) with right side covered in small granicula, third dorsal medium lobe (DL), membranous and dome-shaped, and fourth small lobe (LL) on left, also covered in granicula ( Fig. 7F View FIGURE 7 ).

♀ ( Fig.8 View FIGURE 8 ). Seventh sternite very short,quite swollen, slightly sclerotised in its central portion;lamella antevaginalis (LA) made up of strongly sclerotised arch, prolonged laterally into two rectangularish flat sclerotisations (LS) partly entering, funnel-like, ostium bursae. Dorsal portion of ostium completely membranous. Eighth sternite swollen, sclerotised, bent over sterigma and seventh sternum, covering ostium; central caudal portion (CP) membranous and scobinate with tiny spines. Papillae anales (PA) smoothly squarish (in pictures appearing to taper caudally due to rolling of external caudal corners); anterior apophyses slightly shorter than papillae anales; posterior apophyses almost twice as long as anterior apophyses; dorsal pheromone glands (PG; Fig. 8C View FIGURE 8 ) unpaired, with one caudal opening at intersegmental membrane between A8 and A9, anteriorly deeply bifurcated into two triangularish lobes as long as papillae anales.

Ductus bursae (DB) half as long as corpus bursae, quite large, swollen leftward, with dorso-caudal small dome-shaped appendix (DA; Fig. 8D View FIGURE 8 ), from which ductus seminalis (DS) arises (clearly visible in dorsal view). Corpus bursae (CB) spheroid, membranous, internally covered in tiny spines; signum (SI) roundish, deeply concave, strongly sclerotised, scobinate with small spines.

Etymology. The authors wish to dedicate the new species to the young researcher of the MSNS, Enrico Panzera, who recently passed away suddenly at the age of 30. Noun in apposition (ICZN













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