Archeremella bartlae, Mahunka, 2008

Mahunka, S., 2008, A New Genus And Some Other Data Of Oribatids From Thailand (Acari: Oribatida), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (2), pp. 125-150 : 136-138

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585162


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scientific name

Archeremella bartlae

sp. nov.

Archeremella bartlae View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 23–27 View Figs 23–27 )

Diagnosis: Prodorsum with H-shaped costula. Rostral and lamellar setae setiform; interlamellar setae wide, phylliform. Notogastral surface ornamented by large tubercles connected by short lines. Fourteen pairs of phylliform, well spiculate notogastral setae present. Apodemata and epimeral borders weakly developed, partly absent. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–3–3. Genito-anal setal formula: 6–1–2–3. Surface of anal plates rugose. All legs tridactylous.

Material examined: Holotype: Thailand, Sri racha (Chon buri), water reservoir. 110 km S of Bangkok. 30. 01. 1994. Leg. S. MAHUNKA & L. MAHUNKA-PAPP (AS-708). Two paratypes from the same sample. Holotype (1748-HO-07) and one paratype (1748-PO-07): HNHM , one paratype: MHNG .

Measurements: Length of body: 235–242 µm, width of body: 158–163 µm.

Prodorsum: Rostral part of prodorsum conical, wide. Prodorsum with a well developed, longitudinal costula, directed basally to the bothridium, connected by a short transversal ridge in their basal part. Around the insertion of the interlamellar setae, a pair of short crests, parallel with the median costulae and a pair of longitudinal laths present. Rostral setae arising laterally, insertion of the lamellar setae located near to the distal end of costulae ( Fig. 23 View Figs 23–27 ). Both pairs setiform, distinctly pilose, nearly equal in length. Sensillus ( Fig. 25 View Figs 23–27 ) typical for genus, long, directed backwards, covered by spines, its distal end rounded.

Notogaster: On the surface of notogaster, a peculiar pattern visible, consisted of round tubercles and connected by short or longer lines ( Fig. 27 View Figs 23–27 ). These lines and tubercles located in two pairs of stronger, well observable longitudinal lines, but some irregular tubercles also observable. Fourteen pairs of phylliform, wide notogastral setae ( Fig. 26 View Figs 23–27 ) present, of which three posteromarginal pairs (setae p) much smaller than the others. All setae covered by strong spines or acicules.

Lateral part of podosoma: Pedotecta 1, 2 and 3 large. Tutorium without apex.

Ventral parts ( Fig. 24 View Figs 23–27 ): Short, weakly developed apodemata and epimeral borders present. In the sejugal region, a pair of large, lateral semicircular hollow observable. All epimeral setae short, fine. Six pairs of genital setae present, one pair of which arising on the anterior margin, two pairs behind of them. Anal and adanal setae very short, setae ad 3 in preanal position. Lyrifissures iad hardly observable.

Legs: All legs triheterodactylous. Surface of the most joints ornamented by transversal crests and ribs.

Remarks: The new species is well characterised by the notogastral and ventral sculpture, the number and form of notogastral setae and by the number of claws. On the characteristic sculpture it is well referable to the genus Archeremella BALOGH et MAHUNKA, 1974 . However it is well distinguishable from the other species of Archeremella by the widely phylliform interlamellar and notogastral setae (much narrower in A. africana PÉREZ-IÑIGO, 1962 and A. leowae BALOGH et MAHUNKA, 1974 ), and the peculiar pattern of the notogaster and prodorsum.

Etymology: I dedicate the new species to Miss ÉVA BARTL (Budapest) for her assiduous help in my work.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle

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