Arapatiella psilophylla (Harms) R. S. Cowan var. emarginata (Cowan) A. T. Novaes, M. J. Falc

Rodrigues, Ana Tereza Novaes Parga, Falcão, Marcus José De Azevedo & Mansano, Vidal De Freitas, 2023, A Taxonomic Revision of Arapatiella (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae): An Endemic and Threatened Genus from the Brazilian Coast, Phytotaxa 606 (4), pp. 273-286 : 283-284

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.606.4.3


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scientific name

Arapatiella psilophylla (Harms) R. S. Cowan var. emarginata (Cowan) A. T. Novaes, M. J. Falc


Arapatiella psilophylla (Harms) R. S. Cowan var. emarginata (Cowan) A. T. Novaes, M. J. Falc View in CoL View at ENA ã o & Mansano.

( Figures 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Arapatiella emarginata Cowan, Brittonia View in CoL 33(1):11. (1981). Type:— BRAZIL, Bahia . VIII-1971. R. S. Pinheiro 1548 CEPEC barcode CEPEC00007499 About CEPEC (Holotype: CEPEC!; isotype: US) .

Trees 10 – 25 m × 7.5 – 40 cm. Leaf rachis 7.5 – 20 cm long, glabrous; petioles 3.5 – 17.5 cm long, glabrous; petiolules 5 – 8 mm long, glabrous; Proximal leaflets 7 – 23.5 × 3 – 9 cm, distal leaflets 7 – 30.5 × 3 – 9.6 cm, oblong to rotund, apex emarginate to retuse, sometimes truncate to obtuse, rarely cuspidate, glabrous; stipules 1.1 – 10.5 × 1 – 11.5 cm, glabrous. Inflorescences 20 – 30 cm long, rachis lax, densely strigulate, indumentum dark brown to reddish brown, bracts 1.5 – 7.5 × 1.7 – 9.3 cm, bracteoles 5 × 5 mm. Floral buds up to 1.7 cm long; pedicel 8 – 22 mm long; hypanthium 5 – 8 mm long, sepals 7 – 11 × 5 – 11 mm, brown, indumentum dark brown to reddish brown, petals 13 – 18 × 9 – 12 mm long, filament 12 – 24 mm long, anther 4 – 6 × 1.5 – 2 mm, ovary 9 – 11 × 4 mm, indumentum coppery to dark brown, style 12 mm long, stipe 5 mm long. Fruits puberulent, indumentum brown to dark brown, less dense than in var. psilophylla , apex acute to rounded, fruit 45 × 3.5 cm.

Diagnosis: —The apex emarginate to retuse to truncate is the most easily distinguishable feature of A. psilophylla var. emarginata . Stipules, flowers and inflorescences bigger; color of inflorescence indumentum darker, generally dark brown to reddish brown; rachis and petioles thicker; leaves subcoriaceous and with glossy surface.

Distribution and habitat: —The reduced distribution of A. psilophylla var. emarginata has only two principal localities of occurrence: the municipalities of Una and Uruçuca and its surroundings. There is an occurrence for humid forest environments as dense ombrophilous forests, but also to Restingas. The substrate type is sandy soil. ( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 ).

Phenology: —Among the few specimens available, flowering occurred in April, August, and September. There are only two specimens in fruit collected in October and November.

Etymology: —The term emarginata refers to the apex present in specimens of the variety in contrast to the marked acuminate or cuspidate apex of the var. psilophylla .

Examined specimens: — BRAZIL: Bahia: Una, Reserva Biológica do Mico-Le ã o, entrada no km 46 da rod. BA-001 Ilhéus/Una , 15º09’S 39º05’W. Árvore, 15 m, 9-XI-1993, Amorim, A. M. A. 1402 ( CEPEC, MBM, NY); GoogleMaps 12-X-1995, Amorim, A. M. A. 1734 ( CEPEC); estaç ã o da EMBRAPA (EDJAB), km 50 da rod. Ilhéus/Una . Árvore, 20 m, 15- IX-1993, Jardim, J. G. 294 ( CEPEC, K, MBM, MO, NY, RB, SP, US); Km 5 a 15 da rod. Una para Olivença. Árvore , 10 m, 11-IX-1973, Pinheiro, R. S. 2254 ( CEPEC, US); 2014, Rocha, s.n. ALCB117540 ( ALCB); Fazenda Alagoinhas , 13-IX-1969, Monteiro, M. T. 23085 ( HST); Uruçuca: Fazenda Lagoa do Conjunto Fazenda Santa Cruz , 7, 4 km a norte de Serra Grande na estrada para Itacaré, 14º25’24’’S 39º03’38’’W. Árvore, 24, 5 m, 24-IV-1995, Thomas, W. W. 10913 ( CEPEC, NY, K, UESC); GoogleMaps Árvore, 24, 5 m, VII-1991, Thomas, W. W. 8167 ( CEPEC).






Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History




San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Royal Botanic Gardens


Missouri Botanical Garden


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Instituto de Botânica


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz













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