Anthonomus (Anthomorphus) browni, Poinar, G & Legalov, AA, 2015

Poinar, G & Legalov, AA, 2015, New Curculioninae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Dominican amber, Palaeontologia Electronica 677 (1), pp. 1-15 : 7-10

publication ID 10.26879/480

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scientific name

Anthonomus (Anthomorphus) browni

sp. nov.

Anthonomus (Anthomorphus) browni sp. nov.

Figure 6 View FIGURE 6 , Figure 7 View FIGURE 7 6D216399-D257-4A24-BB38-445A2D8DB5A5

Holotype. Deposited in the PACO (accession # C-20).

Description. Length body, 3.0 mm; length rostrum, 1.3 mm.

Body elongate, reddish-brown, with dense, light setiform scales. Scape, flagellum, base of femora, tibiae, and basal portions of tarsi yellow.

Rostrum elongate, 1.6 times as long as pronotum, 7.5 times longer than wide at apex, 9.0 times longer than wide in middle and at base, weakly curved, without carinae, finely punctate; antennal scrobes lateral and directed toward and reaching near middle of eye; forehead narrow, flattened, punctate; eyes large, distinctly convex, rounded, diameter slightly greater than rostrum at base; vertex weakly convex, punctate; temples quite long, equal in length to eye, punctate; antennae inserted near middle of rostrum, elongate, almost reaching base of pronotum; scape elongate, 8.0 times longer than wide, 0.8 times as long as funicle length; first to seventh antennomeres conical-elongate; first antennomere 3.0 times longer than wide, 0.5 times as long as and 1.3 times as wide as scape; second and third antennomeres almost equal in width; second antennomere 2.0 times longer than wide, 0.3 times as long and 0.5 times as wide as first antennomere; third to sixth antennomeres almost equal in width; third antennomere 0.8 times as wide as second antennomere; fourth antennomere 2.0 times longer than wide, 0.8 times as long as width of third antennomere; fifth antennomere 1.8 times longer than wide, 0.9 times as long as fourth antennomere; sixth antennomere equal to fifth antennomere; seventh antennomere 1.3 times longer than wide, 1.1 times as long and 1.5 times

POINAR & LEGALOV: NEW CURCULIONINAE as wide as sixth antennomere; club compact, elongate, 5.0 times longer than wide, 0.6 times as long as funicle; first club 1.8 times longer than wide, 1.8 times as long and 1.3 times as wide as seventh antennomere; second club 1.4 times longer than wide, equal in length and 1.3 times as wide as first club article; third club article 3.1 times longer than wide at base, 1.6 times as long as and 0.7 times as wide as second club article, acuminate at apex.

Pronotum bell-shaped, 2.2 times longer than wide at apex, 0.8 times longer than wide in middle and at base; disk densely punctate, weakly convex, narrowed at apex; scutellum trapezoidal, convex.

Elytra elongate and convex, 1.9 times longer than wide at base, 1.8 times longer than wide in middle, 2.0 times longer than wide at apical fourth, 3.5 times as long as pronotum; greatest width behind middle; humeri weakly convex; elytral striae regular and deep; strial punctures oval, dense; elytral intervals convex, wide, 2.5-3.0 times as long as striae; apex of elytra separately acuminate.

Thorax punctate; precoxal portion 0.5 times as long as procoxal cavity length; procoxal cavities more or less equidistant from anterior and posterior margin of prosternum; procoxal cavities slightly separated; mesocoxal cavities separated; metepisternum narrow.

Abdomen convex ventrally; ventrites almost homogeneous; first and second ventrites equal in length; third ventrite 0.7 times as long as second ventrite; third and fourth ventrites equal in length; fifth ventrite 1.2 times as long as fourth ventrite; fifth ventrite subquadrately emarginate; pygidium sulcate.

Legs long; pro- and mesocoxae conical; metacoxae transverse, 0.3 times as long as metasternum; trochanters obconical; femora distinctly clavate, with a minute distal tooth; profemora 3.7 times longer than wide; mesofemora 4.7 times longer than wide; metafemora 3.9 times longer than wide; protibia weakly curved, with large mucro; meso- and metatibiae slightly curved, with mucro; protibiae 5.9 times longer than wide in middle; metatibiae 5.6 times longer than wide in middle; tarsi long; first to third tarsomeres conical; fifth elongate; tarsomeres with pulvilli on underside; tarsal claws free, very small, without basal teeth.

Type Locality. Amber mine in the Cordillera Septentrional of the northern portion of the Dominican Republic.

Etymology. The species epithet is named in honor of A.E. Brown.

Comparison. The new species differs from Palaearctic A. phyllocola ( Herbst, 1795) by its tarsal claws lacking basal teeth by the narrow elongate body, curved rostrum and clavate profemora. It differs from other Anthomorphus species by the tarsal claws lacking basal teeth. It is distinguished from A. sulcipygus Champion, 1903 of Central and South America by the narrow elongate body, femora with minute distal tooth and shorter and thicker rostrum.

Remarks. Placement of this species in the genus Anthonomus is based on the contiguous procoxae, widely separated mesocoxae, slender rostrum longer than pronotum along dorsal midline, 7-articled antennal funicle, bidentate femora, lateral scrobes directed toward and reaching near middle of eye, large eyes with the diameter much greater than the rostrum at base, elytra without a transverse basal patch of scales and straight protibia. This new species belongs to the subgenus Anthomorphus ( Clark and Burke, 1987) based on the sulcate pygidium and subquadrately emarginated fifth ventrite.













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