Antennommata costata, Clarke Abstract, 2010

Clarke Abstract, Robin O. S., 2010, Bolivian Rhinotragini Iii: New Genera And Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 50 (16), pp. 239-267 : 244-247

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492010001600001

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scientific name

Antennommata costata

sp. nov.

Antennommata costata View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 3A, 3B View FIGURES 1‑3

Holotype male: 7.2 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: Only Parischasia Tavakilian & Peñaherrera-Leiva, 2005 , and species of Ommata (Ecliptophanes) have prominent antennal clubs, but body shape, long elytra, short legs and other characters disqualify Antennommata costata from inclusion in these genera.

General colour: opaque. Almost entirely shining black except tips of apical palpomeres; most of antennomeres VI and VII dusky orange/dusky yellow respectively, and VIII-XI dark chestnut; basal third of elytra bronze on disc; and basal two-thirds of metafemoral peduncle yellow.

General pubescence: the following with moderately long, fine, setae: pronotum, base of elytra, metepisternum. Underside of antennomeres III-V with shorter, thicker setae. The following moderately densely to densely clothed with short, white, recumbent pubescence, the exceptions more or less glabrous: frons; prothorax, except front half of prosternum and disc of pronotum; scutellum; elytra, more densely on half adjacent to suture, the hairs glistening and lying obliquely towards sides; mesothorax, metathorax and abdomen. Apical tergite with characteristic ring of white pubescence to either side of midline, surface at centre of ring differently ornamented from rest of tergite.

Surface ornamentation: the following moderately densely to densely covered with large punctures: dense on frons and vertex (rugosely punctate); area of mentum-submentum smooth and shining with semi-confluent punctures; prothorax (except front third of prosternum smooth with transverse line of large punctures), very dense and partly confluent on disc of pronotum, moderately dense on meso- and metasternum. Centre line of middle third with characteristic, moderately broad, raised area on which the punctures are shallow. Elytra almost entirely punctured, only smooth between the large punctures adjacent to humero-apical costa, with very small micropunctures between the moderately large punctures adjacent to suture, the punctures decreasing in size and increasing in density towards apex of elytra, especially on epipleura. Abdomen finely punctured, midline smoother, sides and urosternite V more densely. Structure: forebody (3.9 mm), abdomen (3.3 mm). Head: rostrum very short (0.15 mm), five times shorter than wide; mentum-submentum divided by shallow declivity; labrum small and short. Clypeus and frons planar. Inferior lobes of eyes distinctly longer (1.1 mm) than broad (0.8 mm), ratio of interocular distance to width of lobe 1:5, interocular lying well below level of eyes (the details obscured by dense punctures). Superior lobes of eyes: interocular distance (0.35 mm) four times width of one lobe. Antennae: scape (0.60 mm), antennomere III (1.00 mm), IV (0.75 mm), V (0.85 mm). VI (0.90 mm), VII (0.75 mm), VIII (0.55 mm) quadrate, IX (0.50 mm) and X transverse, X (0.45 mm) the widest (0.55 mm), XI (0.65 mm) with apical cone. Prothorax: subcylindrical, 1.3 longer (1.50 mm) than wide (1.15 mm), widest just behind middle; apical and basal margins subequal (0.50 mm), the former with smooth border. Mesothorax: mesosternal process 0.2 mm wide, coxal cavity 0.4 mm wide. Scutellum moderately small, quadrate, the apex slightly rounded. Elytra flat, 4.5 mm long, 3.2 longer than width of humeri, reaching base of urosternite V (but abdomen slightly dislocated from metasternum); humeri (1.4 mm) covering base of metathorax, wider than base of pronotum, not projecting, outer angle square; although narrowing behind humeri, hardly exposing metathorax; epipleur steep-sided almost to explanate section; midline slightly depressed; sutural margins bordered and slightly raised; apices well separated, obliquely truncate, sutural angle rounded, outer angles well-marked but hidden by silver pubescence. Abdomen: moderately narrow and convex, parallel-sided, urosternites only slightly progressively shorter; urosternite V not much narrower than II-IV, flat, apical margin truncate. Legs: apex of protibia truncate. Hind leg not long (5.85 mm); metatibia (2.3 mm) slightly shorter than metafemora, slightly flattened and bisinuate, slightly thicker at apex. Tarsi not long, pro- and mesotarsi equal in length, metatarsus longer; length of metatarsomere I (0.40 mm), II and III equal in length, onychium (0.45 mm).

Variation: reduced. Antennal club and femoral claves may be pale chestnut. Midline on apical half of pronotum with narrow raised line to front margin in some examples. In one example elytra reach apex of urosternite V, in three others (without dislocated abdomen) they reach middle of V.

Female: slightly dimorphic. Head, prothorax (including coxae) and mesosternum entirely rufous-orange, antennal club blacker. Rostrum longer (0.30 mm). Area of mentum-submentum multicarinate with sparse large punctures at centre, becoming confluent towards sides. Frons almost glabrous, between eyes flat, moderately closely and uniformly punctured, with mixture of large and very small punctures. Eyes distinctly smaller; inferior lobes widely separated (0.5 mm) and less convex (0.3 mm). Prothorax 1.25 longer than wide. Elytra just cover abdomen. Abdomen widest at base, regularly narrowing to apex; urosternite V undifferentiated, trapezoidal, moderately depressed before broadly rounded apex. Metatarsomere II (0.30 mm) slightly shorter than III (0.40 mm).

Measurements (mm): 6 males / 1 female: total length 5.8-7.4/7.2; length of pronotum 1.25-1.45/1.50; width of pronotum 0.95-1.20/1.20; length of elytra 3.80-4.40/4.80; width at humeri 1.20-1.40/1.40.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Hotel Flora & Fauna, Road to Potrerito village , 4 km W of Buena Vista, 440 m, 11.VIII.2007, R. Clarke & S. Zamalloa col., on/flying to flowers of Gomphrena vaga Mart. (MNKM) . Paratypes (same collectors, and same host plant): 1 male, same data as holotype ( RCSZ); 1 male , 13. VIII . 2007, same data as holotype ( MZUSP); 2 males , 08.VIII.2007 and 10.VIII.2007, Road El Cairo-Cafetal, 6 km W of Buena Vista ( RCSZ); 1 male , 15. VIII .2007, 1 km W of Candelaria village, 5 km W of Buena Vista ( MNRJ) . Paratype same data as holotype, different host-plant: 1 female, 03. IX.2008 , on/ flying to flowers of “Sapaimosi” ( RCSZ).

Etymology: Latin costata meaning ribbed, with reference to the strong humero-apical costa of the elytra.


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