Anomalempis yakutica Shamshev, 2022

Shamshev, I. V., 2022, First record of the genus Anomalempis Melander (Diptera: Empidoidea: Brachystomatidae) from the Palaearctic region (Russia), Russian Entomological Journal 31 (1), pp. 76-79 : 77-79

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.31.1.15

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Anomalempis yakutica Shamshev

sp. nov.

Anomalempis yakutica Shamshev , sp.n.

Figs 1–5 View Fig View Figs 2–5 .

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype, ♂, [ Russia] Nizhnie Kresty [now Chersky, 68°46´N 161°20´E] / Kolyma, Yakutia/ Gorodkov[1]963; shore of Kolyma River; Anomalempis / yakutica / Shamshev sp.n. [red label] ( INS _DIP_0000622, ZISP).

Paratypes. Russia (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia )): 1 ♂, Indigirka River , lower flow of Ystan-Yuryakh River , Momskiy District ,, V . Kovalev [terminalia dissected, in microvial pinned with specimen]; 1 ♀, same locality, 1.vii.1976, V . Kovalev; slope of hill larch forest with steppe areas (both paratypes in ZMMU).

DIAGNOSIS. Mid-sized (body about 4 mm), greyish, pale setose flies; mesonotum and abdomen greyish pruinose; wings whitish in male and hyaline in female, with inconspicuous pterostigma.

DESCRIPTION. Male ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Body 4.0 mm, wing 4.0 mm (holotype). Head dark brown in ground-colour, with pale setation, occiput densely greyish pruinose. Eyes holoptic, with upper ommatidia enlarged, border between larger and smaller ommatidia distinct. Frons represented by small triangular space just below ocellar triangle and somewhat larger space above antennae, bare, greyish pruinose. Face parallel-sided, bare, densely greyish pruinose. Ocellar triangle prominent, with 2 pairs of long setae. Upper postocular setae nearly as long as ocellar setae; postvertical setae much shorter than upper postocular setae, fine; otherwise occiput covered with numerous similar fine setae (except above neck). Antenna with scape and pedicel brownish, postpedicel and stylus black; scape short, slightly shorter than globular pedicel, both with short setae; postpedicel conical, nearly 2.5 times longer than basal width; stylus slightly shorter than postpedicel, apex bare, peg-like. Proboscis short; length of labrum nearly half of eye height; palpus dirty yellow, with moderately long, fine pale setae.

Thorax dark in ground-colour, densely greyish pruinose on prothoracic sclerites and mesopleuron, sparser pruinose on mesonotum, mesoscutum without vittae (greyish viewed anteriorly; faintly pruinose, subshiny viewed dorsally); with pale setation (stronger setae rather pale yellowish). Proepisternum with several moderately long, fine setae on lower section; upper proepisternum in front of spiracle with 3–4 short, fine setae. Prosternum bare. Antepronotum with numerous short to moderately long setae. Postpronotal lobe with 3 long and 2 short setae. Mesonotum with rather hardly differentiat- ed setation; numerous short setae on presutural supra-alar area, 3–4 long and some short to moderately long finer setae on postsutural supra-alar area, notopleuron with 4–5 long and several shorter setae, 1 long and 1 short postalars, 8–10 scutellars; dorsocentrals mostly arranged in 2–3 irregular rows, uniserial just before scutellum, of different lengths on presutural space (intermixed short to moderately long setae),

cerc epand becoming more uniform and longer toward scutellum; acrostichal setae arranged in 2 irregular rows, nearly as long as presutural dorsocentrals, absent on prescutellar depression. Laterotergite bare. Anterior and posterior spiracles dark.

Legs almost uniformly brownish, only extreme apex of coxae and “knees” yellowish to brownish yellow; coxae densely greyish pruinose, remaining parts subshiny; all podomeres only pale setose (some stronger setae somewhat darker), unmodified. Fore femur with complete rows of moderately long anteroventral (somewhat stronger on subapical part) and longer, uniformly fine posteroventral setae. Mid femur with complete rows of short, strong anteroventral and somewhat longer posteroventral setae. Hind femur with complete row of hyprct ph rd

short, strong anteroventral setae, some longer setae dorsally; all femora with 2–3 short, strong setae near apex anteriorly. Fore tibia with 2–3, mid tibia with 3–4, hind tibia with 5–6 short anterodorsal and posterodorsal setae (number, position and robustness variable). Mid and hind basitarsi with some stronger setae ventrally (longer closer to base), otherwise tarsomeres covered with short, simple setae.

Wing membrane somewhat whitish; basal costal seta absent, veins brownish yellow to yellowish, bare (except costa); pterostigma inconspicuous; anal lobe well developed, axillary incision slightly more than 90°. Costa circumambient; Sc complete; R 4+5 unbranched; cell dm moderately long, produced apically; cell cua long, about third of wing length, rounded apically, CuA+CuP absent; cell bm long, only slightly shorter than cell cua. Squama pale coloured and fringed. Halter pale.

Abdomen dark brown in ground-colour, densely uniformly light grey pruinose; covered with numerous, long, pale fine setae; segment 8 with tergite and sternite separated; tergite 8 very short, about 5X shorter than tergite 7, entire, posterior margin slightly concave mid-dorsally; sternite 8 about 1.5X longer than tergite 8, entire.

Terminalia ( Figs 2–5 View Figs 2–5 ) with epandrium and hypandrium brown and subshiny, remaining sclerites pale brown; epandrium, hypandrium and cerci pale setose. Epandrium with broad epandrial bridge, fused with hypandrium anteriorly; with numerous moderately long to long setae apically. Surstylus present, trilobate, lobes hook-like, fused at base, bare; upper and middle lobes of subequal lengths, lower lobe longer. Hypandrium extended beyond apex of epandrium, with numerous long setae; upcurved apically, with rounded and truncate apex; gonocoxal apodeme long, narrow. Postgonite slender, digitiform, sinuate. Phallus slender, arched beyond epandrium, with pair of short dorsal rods near middle, evenly arched and partly membranous subapically; ejaculatory apodeme narrow, mostly flattened, articulated at base of phallus. Cerci articulated with epandrium; cercus long, digitiform, rounded apically, covered with short fine setae.

Female. Body 4.1 mm, wing 4.0 mm. Similar to male, except as follows: eyes dichoptic, ommatidia equally small; frons narrow on upper part (nearly as broad as anterior ocellus), broadened toward antennae, bare, mostly densely greyish pruinose, narrowly shiny laterally; generally shorter setose, especially on occiput, mesonotum and abdomen; wing membrane rather hyaline; abdomen truncate (terminalia not dissected), segments 8, 9+10 and cerci retracted into segment 7; tergite 7 subshiny posteriorly, with fringe of short, fine, dense yellowish setae along posterior margin.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. The new species differs from both North American species primarily by pale mesonotal setae (vs. black). In addition, A. yakutica sp.n. can be distinguished from A. archon by the inconspicuous pterostigma (vs. pale brown), densely pruinose abdomen (vs. subshiny) as well as by some distinctive details of the male terminalia, including primarily trilobate surstylus (vs. bilobate) [ Melander, 1945; Sinclair, Cumming, 2006: 160, figs 332, 333; B.J. Sinclair, personal communication]. Anomalempis tacomae (known after a female only) is smaller (body length 2.5 mm), has black antennae and polished abdomen [ Melander, 1928].

ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet refers to the region of origin of the new species, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

DISTRIBUTION. Palaearctic: Russia (Yakutia).


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University













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