Anisophyllea corneri Ding Hou (1958: 478)

Chen, Xin, He, Hai & Zhang, Li-Bing, 2015, A monograph of the Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales) with description of 18 new species of Anisophyllea, Phytotaxa 229 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.229.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Anisophyllea corneri Ding Hou (1958: 478)


14. Anisophyllea corneri Ding Hou (1958: 478) View in CoL ( Figure 27 View FIGURE 27 )

Type :— MALAYSIA. Trengganu : Kemaman, Bukit Kajang, 27 June 1932, E. J. H . Corner 25927 [lectotype SING, designated by Wong & Madani (1995: 19), isolectotypes BO, K-000493113!, KEP, MO-1276421 !] .

Tree s to 30 m tall, 55 cm in diam.; boles straight, bark smooth, slightly fissured, fluted at base; slashed inner bark brown, and exposed wood yellowish; young branches sparsely pubescent with hairs ca. 0.05 mm long, old branches dark brown when dry; buds densely pubescent at base with brownish hairs to 0.16 mm long, distally glabrous. Leaves dimorphic, internodes between similar type of leaves 0.8–2.8 cm, between two adjacent different type of leaves 0–8 mm; small leaves caducous, only leaving small scars on young branches; large leaves petiolate, petiole 6–10 mm long, 1.0– 1.5 mm in diam., furrowed adaxially, glabrous; leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 7.5–13.5 cm long, 2.5–5.5 cm wide, base cuneate, apex narrowly acuminate with tips to 1 cm long, thinly coriaceous, glabrous on both surfaces; main longitudinal veins 5, or rarely 6, arising from blade base, sometimes with 1–2 inner lateral veins from midrib ca. 0.7(–1.2) cm above blade base, middle three veins bold, outermost two veins rather fine, raised on both surfaces; transverse veins irregular or sub-parallel, at angles of 40–60° with the midrib; veinlets tessellate, slightly prominent on both surfaces. Inflorescence a supra-axillary raceme, solitary or in serials, simple or rarely branched at base, with both female and male flowers; rachis 4–10 cm long, ca. 0.6 mm in diam.,


Phytotaxa 229 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 43 with unevenly fascicled flowers, sparsely tomentose (rather densely tomentose at bases of floral fascicles with yellowish brown hairs matted and to 0.1 mm long); bracts dimorphic, large ones at base of floral fascicles, 2.4–3.0 mm long, ca. 0.6 mm wide, glabrous adaxially, pannose abaxially, small ones deltoid, 0.5–0.8 mm long, 0.16–0.40 mm wide, pannose as large ones, each with one supra-axillary flower. Flowers unisexual, 4-merous; female flowers sessile, ca. 1.3 mm long, receptacle cylindric, ±quadrangular, 0.3–0.5 mm long, ca. 0.8 mm in diam., densely tomentose abaxially with matted short hairs; sepals deltoid, 0.6–0.8 mm long, pubescent proximally and glabrescent distally on abaxial surface; petals minute, ca. 0.15 mm long, glabrous; stamens 8, sterile, 0.25–0.30 mm long, filaments thickened and compressed; disk lobes 4, each at base of and embracing a style; styles 4,

44 • Phytotaxa 229 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press


conical, ca. 0.5 mm long, base with minute brownish scales; male flowers pedicelled, pedicel 0.6–2.0 mm long, subglabrous; sepals ovate or deltoid, 0.7–1.0 mm long, 0.5–0.7 mm wide at base, pubescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially, margins shortly ciliate; petals absent; stamens 8, 0.6 mm long, filaments fleshy, thickened and compressed, glabrous, anthers small, ca. 0.16 mm long; disk lobes as in female flowers; pistil rudimentary, styles 4, subulate, ca. 0.4 mm long, 0.2 mm wide at base, pubescent. Fruit a drupe, broadly ellipsoid, 6–9 cm long, 4.0– 4.5 cm in diam., blunt at both ends, greenish to brownish, with irregularly purple stripes when dry. Seeds ellipsoid, ca. 5 cm long, 2 cm in diam.

Flowering and fruiting: —March–August.

Habitat and distribution: — In lowland forests mixed with Dipterocarpus and also found in lower montane forests; below 1200 m. Brunei; Indonesia (? N Kalimantan); Malaysia (Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor, Trengganu ) ( Figure 28 View FIGURE 28 ) .

Vernacular names: — Sireh sireh, Nipis kulit, peparah, sial meaun (Malay).

Taxonomic notes: — Ding Hou (1958) published Anisophyllea corneri with the epithet in honor of E. J. H. Corner, who left this tree plant as an unnamed species in his first edition of the book Wayside Trees of Malaya ( Corner 1940). Ding Hou (1958) did not compare this species with any other known species in this genus at that time, but its affinity with A. grandis can be inferred from Corner (1940, 1988). Anisophyllea corneri is different from A. grandis in the length of its large leaves and fruits and in the strip-colored and glabrous surface of its fruits. In addition, A. corneri has main longitudinal veins raised on both surfaces of large leaves while A. grandis has slightly impressed or flat main longitudinal veins. In the protologue of A. corneri, Ding Hou (1958: 478) indicated “Typus Corner S. F. 25927, Sing, Bo, Kep.” These specimens should be syntypes of A. corneri . Thus, Wong & Madani (1995: 19) unintentionally lectotypified this name by citing the material at SING at “ holotype ” and those at BO and KEP as “ isotypes ”. With more collections available, we now know that A. corneri is a very common tree widely distributed in Borneo and the Malay Peninsula.

Additional selected specimens examined: — MALAYSIA. Johor: Kota Tinggi, Panti F. R., 19 July 1989, Khairuddin K FRI 32770 View Materials ( L) . Kedah: G. Inas FR., compt. 8, Sungei Kupang. 915 m, 8 February 1968 , T. C. Whitmore FRI 4680 View Materials ( L) . Kelantan: S. Perias at K. May, 215 m, 21 Jul y 1967 , T. C. Whitmore FRI 4142 View Materials ( L) ; S .


Phytotaxa 229 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 45 Perias. 1 mile E . from K. Yai. High ridge, 610 m, 23 July 1967, T. C . Whitmore FRI 4197 View Materials ( L); Ulu Relai FR., N. E . alt. 650 ft., 21 October 1967, P. F . Cockburn FRI 7290 View Materials ( L), 22 October 1967, P. F . Cockburn FRI 7407 View Materials ( L); Ulu. Sat FR . Primary Forest , 18 June 1968, T . Suppiah FRI 104581 View Materials ( L); Ulu Temiang FR ., South. Compt. 42, 360 m, 4 May 1967, K. M . Kochummen FRI 2334 View Materials ( L). Kelantan (?): Among Forest Reserve Lowland Dipt. Forest , 18 July 1987, Saw Leng Guan FRI 35033 View Materials ( K, L). Negeri Sembilan: G . Berembun near Bkt. Tangga, Felling area . 19 January 1968, Rahim Ismail KEP 104893 About KEP ( K); Gn. Angsi, Pedas, Comp 8, ca. 450 m, 16 February 1971, Zainuddin Sohadi FRI 14580 View Materials ( L); Jelebu F. R .. Hillside , 915 m, 5 July 1969, T . Suppiah FRI 11316 View Materials ( L); Jelebu , 450 m, 10 October 1969, B . Everett FRI 104937 View Materials ( L); Tampin F. R ., due south of summit of Gn. Tampin, 2 miles north or Tampin. , 27 May 1970, Loh Hoy Shing FRI 17074 View Materials ( L). Pahang: Central due S. S. W . Bukit Rangit , 180 m, 12 November 1969, B . Everett FRI 13645 View Materials ( L); Central, north of Sungei Teris, south of Bukit Tapah , 60 m, 13 November 1969, B . Everett FRI 13662 View Materials ( L); Merapoh F. R . Taman Negara, Kuala Lipis , 14 May 1980, Kamarudin Saler FRI 28717 View Materials ( L); NW Sg. Telom Bt. Cheraga, 330 m, 26 May 1971, Zainuddin sohadi FRI 14727 View Materials ( L); NW Sg. Telom Bt. Cheraga, 330 m, 26 May 1971, T. C . Whitmore 20020 ( L, NY); Ulu Krau , G . Benom Game Reserve, 610 m, 20 April 1967, Zahir Yusoff 99101 ( L); Ulu Sepia , Near Taman Negera, 210 m, 18 Jul y 1970, T. C . Whitmore FRI 15338 View Materials ( L). Perak: Batu Gajah , Kledang Saiong FR , 180 m, 3 April 1968, F. S. P . Ng FRI 6009 View Materials ( L); Compt. L, N . Pangkor F. R ., 140 m, 18 February 1967, T. C . Whitmore FRI 3029 View Materials ( K, L); Gunong Butu Forest Reserve , 620 m, 15 August 1966, Ding Hou 631 ( L, MO); Gunong Bubu F. R ., 915, 21 March 1971, Y. C . Chan FRI 17593 View Materials ( L); Gunng Lunggal, July 1888, Curtis 1649 ( K!); Maxwells Hill , 370 m, 25 August 1971, T. C . Whitmore FRI 20396 View Materials ( L). Sabah: Beaufort, Lumaat , 17 June 1966, Franis Sadau 50352 ( L); Labuk / Sugut, Sg. Kiboribi. 8 July 1983, Aban G SAN 97566 About SAN ( K), July 1989, Dr. King’s collector 6318 ( L); Nabawan F. R ., 21 May 1994, Ignasius B S . 139149 ( SAN); Pensiangan Kayu F. R ., 23 July 1992, Fidilis Krispinus SAN 136030 About SAN ( SAN); Telupid, Tangkulap Road, 28 September 1993, Ignasius B SAN 138243 About SAN ( SAN), 29 September 1993, Ignasius B SAN 138760 About SAN ( SAN); Tongod , Raleigh Gunong Rara , 24 July 1992, Dr. Meijer SAN 136328 About SAN ( SAN); Tongod , north side of Sungai Imbak , 580 m, 29 August 1992, K. M . Wong 2294 ( SAN); Tuaran, Lamaas reserve, 11 August 1966, Aban Gibot SAN 42040 About SAN ( SAN). Sarawak (?): Gunong Batu Reserve , 18 Jun e 1969, P . Selvaraj FRI 11143 View Materials ( L, K). Selangor: 18th mile Pahang road, Burgess plot, 455 m, 24 June 1970, B . Everett FRI 14314 View Materials ( L); Ampang FR ., catchment area, 150 m, 6 June 1970, T. C . Whitmore FRI 15155 View Materials ( L); Bkt. Lagong F. R ., 230 m, 21 August 1969, K. M . Kochummen FRI 2741 View Materials ( L); Chadangan F. R ., Compt. 12, 430 m, 27 September 1966, S . Chelliah 98208 ( L); Gading F. R ., Ulu. 430 m, 21 July 1969, H. S . Loh FRI 13396 View Materials ( L); Gunong Bunge Buah, 820 m, 29 May 1966, Ng FRI 1156 View Materials ( K, L); Klang Gate , 19 March 1960, Carrick 621 ( K); Ulu Gombak F. R ., 520 m, 14 November 1965, Ng 76227 ( L); Trengganu: Mandi Angin Expedition Ridge N . of S. Lohnr, K . Datok , 430 m, 6 July 1968, T. C . Whitmore FRI 12010 View Materials ( L) .


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