Ancistrothyrsus hirtellus A.H. Gentry, Novon, 1992

Feuillet, Christian, 2020, Ancistrothyrsus scopae (Passifloraceae), a new species from Amazonian Brazil and Guyana, with keys to the genus and species, Phytotaxa 438 (3), pp. 207-212 : 210

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.438.3.5


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scientific name

Ancistrothyrsus hirtellus A.H. Gentry, Novon


Ancistrothyrsus hirtellus A.H. Gentry, Novon View in CoL 2(4): 333, fig. 1. 1992.

Type: VENEZUELA. Amazonas: trail S from Cerro Neblina base camp on Río Mawarinuma , 150–350 m, 0°50’N 66°11’W, 3 May 1984, bud & fr., A. H. Gentry & B. Stein 47114 (holotype MO! [ MO3275900 !]; isotypes AAU, HUA [scan HUA0000608 About HUA !], MO! [ MO3275899 !], NY!, VEN!) GoogleMaps

Canopy lianas. Branches with persistent, usually somewhat curled trichomes. Leaves: petiole densely pubescent; lamina broadly cuneate to rounded at base, apex rounded, adaxially with obvious patelliform trichomes and sparsely hirtellous, abaxially densely hirtellous and with sparse patelliform trichomes. Flowers white. Capsules yellow, stipitate, ellipsoid-ovoid, 6–9 × 3.5–4 cm; pericarp ca. 3 mm thick, densely puberulous with three kinds of trichomes, short crisped, longer suberect, and patelliform.

Ancistrothyrsus hirtellus grows on poor soil areas, on terra firme of Central and NW Amazonian forest.

Phenology. blooming (November, December) and fruiting (January, February, May, June, November).

Additional specimens examined: BRAZIL. Amazonas: Estrada do Rais , 23 November 1936, fl., A. Ducke 290 ( MO!, NY! [scan NY01291498 !]) ; Manaus, Estrada da Raiz , 23 November 1935, fl., A. Ducke 35681 ( JBRJ [scan RB00271354 !], K! [scan K001185243 !], P! [scan P06719674 !], US!).

ECUADOR. Napo: Río Indillama, 0°25’S, 76°36’W, 250 m, January 1993, fr., A. Grijalva, G. Grefa, N. Andi 404 ( AAU, ECUAMZ, MO!, QCNE, US!)

GUYANA. Cuyuni-Mazaruni: Mountain N of Chimoweing Village , 5°32’N, 60°07’W, 650–750 m, 22 February 1987, fr., J. J. Pipoly 10513 ( L!, US!) GoogleMaps ; Pakaraima Mtns, Mazaruni River above ABC Falls , 6°04’N, 60°37’W, 800 m, 16 February 2004, fr., K. M. Redden 1910 ( MO!, P!, US!) GoogleMaps ; Potaro-Siparuni: Mt Wokomung , 5°7’N, 59°49’W, 790 m, 25 June 2003, fr., H. D. Clarke 10140 ( BRG!, US!) GoogleMaps .

PERU. Loreto: Loreto Province, Tigre Dept., Río Corrientes , 25 November 1979, fl. & fr., Ayala 2334 ( AMAZ, MO!) ; Mishuyacu, near Iquitos , 100 m, December 1829, fl., G. Klug 650 ( US!).

VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Cerro Neblina, Río Mawarinuma, 0°50’N, 66°1’W, 140 m, 2 May 1984, fr., Gentry & Stein 47103 ( MO!, VEN!).

I included here Ducke 35681 with some hesitation. De Wilde (1971: 103; fig. 2) illustrated its flowers as being half the size of other known collections and having long apiculate anthers. Gentry (1992: 334) said apiculate anthers occur sometimes in large flowers too (Klug 650 and Ducke 639). Otherwise, the specimen of Ducke 35681 that I studied in Paris, as well as the scans of the duplicates cited above, show the pubescence typical of A. hirtellus . Could Ancistrothyrsus hirtellus be functionally dioecious as hypothesized by de Wilde (1971: 103)?


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


University of Helsinki


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Missouri Botanical Garden


Addis Ababa University, Department of Biology


Universidad de Antioquia


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela


Royal Botanic Gardens


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Nanjing University


Universidad Estatal Amazónica


Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales


University of the Witwatersrand


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Botanische Staatssammlung München


University of Guyana


Universidad Nacional de la Amazónia Peruana


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University

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