Anathallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Azevedo & Van den Berg (2005:137)

Santos, Milena C., Toscano De Brito, A. L. V., Amano, Erika & Smidt, Eric C., 2018, Nomenclatural notes in Anathallis microphyta (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae), Phytotaxa 346 (1), pp. 104-112 : 105-111

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.346.1.6

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scientific name

Anathallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Azevedo & Van den Berg (2005:137)


Anathallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Azevedo & Van den Berg (2005:137) View in CoL . Fig. 1–7 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 .

Basionym: Lepanthes microphyta Barbosa Rodrigues (1881: 67) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Paulo de Frontin, “ à la Serra View in CoL do Mar, près la gare du chemin de fer nommée Rodeio. Fleurit en Février ”, J. Barbosa Rodrigues s.n. (Holotype: Lost; lectotype designated by Azevedo & Van den Berg (2005), here clarified: illustration tab. 298, fig. B, vol. 6, in Iconogr. Orchid. Brésil at the Library of Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, cited as tab. 557 (then unpublished) in Barb. Rodr. loc.cit; copied and reproduced in black and white in Cogn., Fl. Bras. (Mart.) 3 (4), tab. 98, fig. 5, 1896; reproduced in color in Sprunger et al., 1996, vol. 1: 426, fig. B).

Homotypic synonyms:

Pleurothallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Cogniaux (1896: 484) View in CoL .

Specklinia microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Luer (2004: 262) View in CoL .

Panmorphia microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Luer (2006: 177) View in CoL .

Anathallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Luer (2007: 118) View in CoL , nom. superfl. illeg. Heterotypic synonyms:

Pleurothallis paranaensis Schlechter (1918: 274) View in CoL Type :— BRAZIL. Paraná: s. loc. June 1918, P. Dusén s.n. (holotype B†; lectotype (designated by Toscano de Brito & Luer 2015): Schlechter’s illustration reproduced in Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 58, tab. 35, fig. 138. 1930; epitype (designated by Toscano de Brito & Luer 2015): Rio de Janeiro: Friburgo, Alto Macaé, collected by R. Warren s.n., flowered in cultivation by Manning 94-0319, September 1997, C. Luer 18557 ( SEL!) .

Pleurothallis microphyta var. missionum Hauman, (1920: 145) Type:— ARGENTINA. Misiones: Rio Ñacan- Guazú, collected in January 1918, fl. cult. in Buenos Aires, April 1918 and March 1920, L. Hauman s.n. (holotype: BA 17239, not seen).

Pleurothallis microgemma Schlechter ex Hoehne (1936: 9) Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Iguape, Morro das Pedras , 20 November 1920, A.C. Brade 8055 (holotype: HB, lost; lectotype (designated by Toscano de Brito & Luer 2015): HB 8232, not seen; Brade’s original drawings: HB!).

Specklinia microgemma (Schlechter ex Hoehne) F. Barros (1984: 110) View in CoL .

Anathallis microgemma (Schlechter ex Hoehne) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase (2001:249) View in CoL .

Anathallis paranaensis (Schlechter) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase (2001: 250) View in CoL .

Specklinia paranaensis (Schlechter) Luer (2004: 262) View in CoL .

Panmorphia paranaensis (Schlechter) Luer (2006: 177) View in CoL .

Anathallis longiglossa Chiron & N.Sanson (2010: 153) View in CoL Type:— BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Conceição do Castelo, G. Chiron 9858 (holotype MBML 41733!).

João Barbosa Rodrigues first described Anathallis microphyta View in CoL in the genus Lepanthes Swartz (1799: 85) View in CoL based on a specimen from Paulo de Frontin, formerly Rodeio, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The type specimen of Lepanthes microphyta View in CoL is lost and the only extant original material is the illustration that appeared in Barbosa Rodrigues’s Iconographie des orchidées du Brésil, which is now deposited in the library of Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. This illustration was selected as lectotype by Azevedo & Van den Berg (2005). It was copied and reproduced in black and white in Cogniaux (1896) and in color in Sprunger et al. (1996). A copy of this last reproduction is shown here ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Comparison of this illustration with the nomenclatural types of the taxa listed in the synonymy, and examination of dried, spirit and living collections from various areas in its distribution range, have shown that they represent only forms of the same species and are here considered conspecific. This is in agreement with the work of Toscano de Brito & Luer (2015), who had already synonymized A. microgemma and A. longiglossa with A. paranaensis . We did not study the type specimen of Anathallis microphyta var. missionum (L. Hauman s.n., BA), but we conclude that it corresponds to the same species based on the information and illustration provided by Johnson (2000), who examined the holotype specimen and additional collections from Misiones, the type locality.

Anathallis microphyta comprises small herbs with an inconspicuous rhizome. The ramicauls may reach c. 30 mm long, but sometimes, as in typical A. microphyta , they are not longer than 2 mm ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). The leaves are also variable in shape and size: they are elliptical to lanceolate, c. 7 to 30 mm long. The inflorescence is racemose and produces up to five successive small flowers, each 2-3 mm in diameter. The sepals and petals are dissimilar, the sepals are usually yellowish or orange suffused with dark-purple ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ; Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ; Fig.5 View FIGURE 5 ), and sometimes have ciliolate margins; the lateral sepals are fused more or less to the middle; the petals and lip are much darker, usually dark purple, the apical third of the petals varies from hairy or papillose ( Fig. 2J–K View FIGURE 2 ; Fig. 6A–B View FIGURE 6 ) to glabrous ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ; Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ). The 3-lobed lip is hinged to the column-foot through a thin stripe, the base presents a pair of auricles or little lobules at the basal corners ( Fig. 6F View FIGURE 6 .), the lateral lobes are hairy, and the apex is rounded ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 ) or emarginate ( Fig. 6E View FIGURE 6 ). The adaxial surface of the lip can be better studied with the use of a scanning electron microscope: papillose cells occur all over the surface ( Fig. 6F–G View FIGURE 6 ) and stomata are found on the lip apex ( Fig. 6G–H View FIGURE 6 ). The column is stout, longitudinally winged on the apical half and crenate, fimbriate or variously dentate at apex ( Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 ).

For unknown reasons, Barbosa Rodrigues did not illustrate the petals of this species in his original illustration and failed to describe them in the protologue. However, a complete flower is included in Barbosa Rodrigues’s original illustration, which shows an ovate-lanceolate, acute, and apparently glabrous petal, which is within the variation range of this taxon. The petals in Anathallis microphyta are usually hairy or papillose on their third apical portion and on their margins. This is, however, variable and plants with hairy to completely glabrous petals may be found within populations. Sometimes the apex is obtuse or subobtuse ( Fig. 6A–B View FIGURE 6 ), but acute and acuminate apices are also common ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ).

Anathallis microphyta View in CoL is a common, widely distributed species in the Atlantic forests of southeastern and southern Brazil, from the state of Bahia in the northeast down to Rio Grande do Sul in the south ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ), as shown by the list of examined specimens. It also inhabits the Atlantic forests in the Argentinian province of Misiones, especially the Parque Nacional Iguazú at the border with Brazil ( Johnson 2000). In the northeast of Brazil, Azevedo (2004) first recorded this species (cited as Pleurothallis microphyta View in CoL ) for the municipality of Mucugê, in Chapada Diamantina View in CoL , a mountain chain in the state of Bahia. It was later included in an account for the Chapada Diamantina View in CoL orchids by Toscano de Brito & Cribb (2005). The illustration provided by these last authors (2005: 225) was based, however, on a misidentification of what might in fact represent an undescribed species. In the same work, Toscano de Brito & Cribb (2005) correctly described and illustrated (2005: 229) Anathallis microphyta View in CoL as Pleurothallis paranaensis View in CoL for the same area.

Additional material examined: BRAZIL. s. loc., flowered in cultivation by Maria Rita Cabral at Paty do Alferes, Rio de Janeiro, 16 March 2015, Toscano de Brito 3350 ( UPCB). Bahia: Morro do Chapéu , August 2003, Ribeiro et al. 29 ( HUEFS) ; Mucugê , September 2012, Azevedo 152 ( HUEFS) ; Rio de Contas, February 2005, Ribeiro 172 ( HUEFS). Espírito Santo: Domingos Martins, collected and cultivated by R. A. Kautsky s.n., fl. cult. 20 March 1999, Toscano de Brito 2002 ( SEL) ; Marechal Floriano, collected by E.B. Marques n. 4, flowered in cultivation on 18 July 2012, Toscano de Brito 3082 ( UPCB) ; Serra do Castelo, vicinity of Fazenda Capijuma, collected by Michel Frey, flowered in cultivation at Capijuma , 6 March 2004, Frey s.n. ( SEL). Paraná: Araucária, March 2004, Kersten 784 ( MBM) ; Alto Carambeí , March 2009, Engels. 075 ( UEPG) ; Balsa Nova , April 1969, Hatschbach 21332 ( MBM, UPCB) ; Balsa Nova , March 2005, Kersten 1050 ( UPCB) ; Balsa Nova , December 2004, Kersten 1045 ( MBM) ; Campina Grande do Sul, December 1966, Hatschbach 15556 ( MBM) ; Catanduva de Fora , February 2011, Engels, 251 ( UEPG) ; Curitiba , March 1951, Hatschbach 2275 ( MBM) ; Curitiba , April 2001, Borgo 1150 ( UPCB) ; Morretes , November 1965, Hatschbach 13117 ( MBM) ; Morretes , November 1965, Hatschbach 13123 ( MBM) ; Morretes , April 1966, Hatschbach 14224 ( MBM) ; Ortigueira , February 2012, Ariati 621 ( MBM) ; Piraquara , January 1967, Hatschbach 15630 ( MBM) ; Ponta Grossa , October 2009, Engels 128 ( UEPG) ; Porto Amazonas, February 2001, Kersten 793 ( UPCB) ; Quatro Barras , November 1966, Hatschbach 15088 ( MBM) ; São Jerônimo da Serra , February 1957, Hatschbach 3811 ( MBM) ; Telêmaco Borba , April 2012, Bochorny 78 ( MBM) ; Tijucas do Sul, October 1964, Hatschbach 11718 ( MBM) ; Tibagí, February 2010, Mancinelli & Engels 1156 ( JOI). Rio de Janeiro: Angra dos Reis , June 1935, Brade s.n. (RB 28829) ; Itaguará , 25 February 2016, Santos 20 ( UPCB) ; Petrópolis, Estrada do Imperador, collected by M. Scalia from Paty do Alferes , flowered in cultivation 27 November 2015, Toscano de Brito 3501 ( UPCB) ; Nova Friburgo, 2005, Seehawer s.n. (RB 409147). Rio Grande do Sul: São Francisco de Paula, Veraneio Hampel , fl. cult. May 2009, Klein 008 ( UPCB). Santa Catarina: Abelardo Luz, February 1964, Klein 4845 ( PACA) ; Blumenau , April 2008, Ceolin 337 ( UPCB) ; Campeche , 11 October 2010, Siqueira 147 ( FLOR) ; Florianópolis, September 2011, Siqueira 299 ( FLOR). São Paulo: Caucaia , flowered in cultivation, 12 March 2007, Orquidário Colibri s.n. ( SEL), C. Luer illustr. 21106 ; São Bernado do Campo, Serra do Mar 800 m, Campacci & V.P. Castro s.n. ( SEL), C. Luer illustr. 18212 ; São Paulo, Parque do Estado , flowered in cultivation, 20 April 1934, Hoehne s.n. ( AMES, SP) ; São Paulo, Parque Jabaquara , 2 February 1926, Hoehne s.n. (SP 17176) ; without collection data, flowered in cultivation in Embú , São Paulo, 11 March 2007, R.B. Galati s.n. ( SEL), C. Luer illustr. 21082 .


Marie Selby Botanical Gardens


Universidade Federal do Paraná


Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Universidade da Região de Joinville


Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas/UNISINOS


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Harvard University - Oakes Ames Orchid Herbarium














Anathallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Azevedo & Van den Berg (2005:137)

Santos, Milena C., Toscano De Brito, A. L. V., Amano, Erika & Smidt, Eric C. 2018

Anathallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.)

Luer, C. A. 2007: )

Panmorphia microphyta (Barb. Rodr.)

Luer, C. A. 2006: )

Panmorphia paranaensis (Schlechter)

Luer, C. A. 2006: )

Anathallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.) Azevedo & Van den Berg (2005:137)

Azevedo, C. O. & Van den Berg, C. 2005: )

Specklinia microphyta (Barb. Rodr.)

Luer, C. A. 2004: )

Specklinia paranaensis (Schlechter)

Luer, C. A. 2004: )

Specklinia microgemma (Schlechter ex Hoehne) F. Barros (1984: 110)

Barros, F. 1984: )

Pleurothallis paranaensis

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1918: )

Pleurothallis microphyta (Barb. Rodr.)

Cogniaux, A. 1896: )
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