Amphora sp.

Al-Handal, Adil Y., Thomas, Evan W. & Pennesi, Chiara, 2018, Marine benthic diatoms in the newly discovered coral reefs, off Basra coast, Southern Iraq, Phytotaxa 372 (2), pp. 111-152 : 137

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.372.2.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Amphora sp.


Amphora sp. ( Fig. 90 View FIGURES 75–90 )

Features: length 16–22 μm, width 5–7 μm, striae very fine.

Description: Valves dorsiventral, linear with subcapitate, ventrally bent apices. Dorsal margin weakly arched, slightly constricted in the middle, ventral margin straight to slightly concave. Raphe straight to slightly arcuate, closer to dorsal margin, proximal endings bent towards dorsal margin. Axial area narrow, linear, central area indistinct. Striae on both sides very fine, not resolved under LM.

Ecology and Distribution: Unknown. Frequent in Basra corals.

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