Amphineurus (Rhamphoneurus) morphyi, Santos & Santos & Ribeiro, 2022

Santos, Daubian, Santos, Rodrigo dos Reis & Ribeiro, Guilherme Cunha, 2022, Systematics of Amphineurus (Rhamphoneurus Alexander) (Diptera: Tipuloidea: Limoniidae), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 80, pp. 439-494 : 439

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Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny by Pensoft

scientific name

Amphineurus (Rhamphoneurus) morphyi

sp. nov.

3.3.16. Amphineurus (Rhamphoneurus) morphyi sp. nov.

Material examined.

Holotype: ♂, Chile, Chiloé Is., Dalcahue [42°22′S 73°39′W], 1/ 4-IV-1968, Peña (USNM)*. Paratypes: 1 ♂, Chile, Osorno, Pucotrihue [40°32′S 73°42′W], 60 m, 10-III-1958, Peña (USNM) GoogleMaps *; 1 ♂, Chile, Chiloé Is., Dalcahue [42°22′S 73°39′W], 10/ 12-II-1954, Peña (USNM)*; 1 ♂, Chile, Arauco, Nahuelbuta, Butamalal [37°49′S 73°14′W], 1100-1400 m, 23/ 31-I-1954, Peña (USNM) GoogleMaps *. - Additional material: CHILE. 1 ♀ and 1 [sex unknown], Chiloé Is., Chaiten [42°58′S 72°32′W], 5/ 8-II-1954, Peña (USNM); 1 [sex unknown], Chiloé Is., Dalcahue [42°22′S 73°39′W], 1/ 4-IV-1968, Peña (USNM) GoogleMaps .


The species is named after Charles Morphy D. dos Santos, a Brazilian entomologist who studied the taxonomy and biogeography of South American Diptera .


This species is distinguished by only a marking near R2, and basal deflection of R5 shorter than half-length of R2+3+4. Furthermore, the species is characterized by male terminalia with a triangular spur, tip of left mesal lobe bent, tip of right mesal lobe slightly curved and cercus thin and abruptly curved.


Wing length 5.63 mm, width 1.74 mm. - Coloration: General coloration yellowish brown. Rostrum and palpus dark brown. First segments of antenna yellow, remainding segments dark yellow. Head blackish brown. Eyes black. Thorax yellowish-brown, pleura yellow. Scutum with one reddish-brown stripe. Halter dark yellow with knob pale. Coxae and legs brownish yellow. Abdomen dark brown. - Head (dorsal view Fig. 21B View Figure 21 , ventral view Fig. 21A View Figure 21 ): Rostrum bifurcated with long appendices; first palpal segment shorter than terminal segment; scape thinner than pedicel; terminal flagellomere as long as penultimate. - Thorax (lateral view Fig. 21E View Figure 21 , dorsal view Fig. 21F View Figure 21 ): Anatergite shorter than katatergite. Halter with dilated knob. Wing (Fig. 21D View Figure 21 ) almost clear of markings, except for marking highlighting R2; veins near fork of bM (Fig. 21C View Figure 21 ) visible; basal deflection of R5 as long as r-m; M1+2 half-length of basal deflection of M1; R2+3+4 shorter than R2+3. - Female terminalia (Fig. 21H View Figure 21 ): Female tergite IX wider and as long as tergite X; cercus curved and abruptly dorsad. - Male terminalia (Fig. 21G View Figure 21 ): Male tergite IX slightly darkened along dorsal margin, with wide V-shaped median notch. Ventral branch of gonocoxite long. Lobe of gonostylus with rounded lobule; lobule longer than wide, longer than half-length of lobe of gonostylus, narrower than stem. Clasper of gonostylus with differently shaped branches: lateral branch straight; medial branch curved. Mesal lobes of gonocoxite asymmetrical; left mesal lobe with posterior projection anvil-shaped; right mesal lobe curved. Sheath of aedeagus straightened with conical projection, darkened only at tip.


Specimens of this new species were previously identified by C.P. Alexander as A. (R.) insanus Alexander. This species resembles A. (R.) amorimi sp. nov. but differs mainly in chaetotaxy of the thorax and gonocoxite, length of R2+3+4 and shape of mesal lobe.













