Amphibolips gumia Kinsey, 1937

Cuesta-Porta, Victor, Melika, George, Nicholls, James A., Stone, Graham N., Equihua-Martinez, Armando, Estrada-Venegas, Edith & Pujade-Villar, Juli, 2023, Revision of the Amphibolips ‘ niger’ group with the description of a new species (Hymenoptera: Cynipini), Zootaxa 5360 (4), pp. 451-486 : 458-461

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5360.4.1

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scientific name

Amphibolips gumia Kinsey, 1937


Amphibolips gumia Kinsey, 1937

Figs 10–17 View FIGURES 10–14 View FIGURES 15–17 , 70 View FIGURES 69–74

Amphibolips nigra err. det. Weld, 1926 Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 68 (10): 106.

Amphibolips (niger) gumia Kinsey, 1937: 437 View in CoL , agamic female.

Type material examined. HOLOTYPE. Asexual female “Fort Huachuca, Ariz., Gall. 1.14.20” (white label), “ Q. Emoryi, Kinsey coll.” (white label). “ Amphibolips gumia ParaHolotype ” (red label), “ Amphibolips gumia ( Kinsey, 1937) ♀, det. JP-V, 2014” (white label), “ AMNH _ IZC 00323028 About AMNH ”.

Diagnosis. Amphibolips gumia belongs to the couplet of species characterized by the antenna with 14-15 flagellomeres ( Kinsey 1937), the lower face carinate-rugose; the mesoscutum black uniformly carinate; the median mesoscutal line absent or inconspicuous; the notauli absent, the mesoscutellar foveae transversal and divided by a short thin carina, and the central propodeal area rugose as in A. elatus . It differs from A. elatus by the strongly carinated lower face, without visible piliferous points, and the 2r vein is visible but short, not projecting into the radial cell, while in A. elatus the lower face is rugose, with conspicuous piliferous points and the fore wing with the 2r vein strongly projected into the radial cell.


Asexual female ( Figs 10–17 View FIGURES 10–14 View FIGURES 15–17 ). Head, mesosoma black; antenna of the same color than head; metasoma chestnut brown to black; mouthparts, legs dark brown to black, with coxae always darker; fore wings smoked with an infuscate area around basal margin of radial cell.

Head coarsely rugose, with sparse setae, denser on lower face and genae, rounded, transverse, 1.3× as broad as high and narrower than mesosoma in frontal view; 2.9× as broad as long in dorsal view. Gena rugose, broadened behind eye in frontal view, subequal to transverse diameter of eye in lateral view. Malar space with striae radiating from clypeus, malar sulcus absent; eye 2.6× as high as length of malar space. Internal margin of eyes parallel. POL 3.0× as long as OOL, OOL 0.7× as long as diameter of lateral ocellus and 0.8× as long as LOL, LOL 0.8× as long as diameter of lateral ocelli, all ocelli ovate, of same size. Transfacial distance slightly shorter to height of eye; toruli located at mid-height eye; diameter of antennal torulus 2.3× as long as distance between them, distance between torulus and eye subequal to diameter of torulus; lower face rugose, with dense white setae. Clypeus rounded, nearly as broad as high, rugose, with few setae; ventrally rounded, not emarginate and without median incision; anterior tentorial pit large, rounded, distinct, epistomal sulcus distinct, clypeo-pleurostomal line well impressed. Frons rugose, less pubescent than lower face, interocellar area rugose. Vertex rugose, occiput and postocciput alutaceous; occipital carina present, postgena smooth or alutaceous, with or without setae; posterior tentorial pit large, elongated, area below impressed; occipital foramen slightly shorter or as high as height of postgenal bridge; hypostomal carina emarginate, continuing into postgenal sulci which strongly diverge toward occipital foramen, postgenal bridge anteriorly slightly broader than occipital foramen. The antennae are lost (the typical series consists only of the holotype, but Kinsey defined the ‘ niger ’ complex with 14–15 flagellomeres; Kinsey 1937).

Mesosoma slightly longer than high, uniformly pubescent. Pronotum with irregular longitudinal striae from central to lateral part; propleuron sparsely pubescent and faintly rugose. Mesoscutum with strong irregular carinae radiating from the anterior parallel lines, slightly broader than long (greatest width measured across mesoscutum level with base of tegulae). Notaulus inconspicuous, impressed in the posterior margin of mesoscutum; anterior parallel lines distinct, elevated into a strong carina, and extending to 1/2 of mesoscutum length; parapsidal line impressed; median mesoscutal line absent; parascutal carina broad, reaching pronotum. Mesoscutellum ovate, slightly longer than broad; disk of mesoscutellum, coarsely rugose, barely overhanging metanotum, with sparse long setae; circumscutellar carina inconspicuous. Mesoscutellar foveae big, about as broad as high, with shiny delicately rugose bottom, inconspicuously divided by rugose area, not elevated. Mesopleuron entirely pubescent, punctured and smooth, with some faint longitudinal carinae on anterior and central areas, speculum densely punctured to faintly rugose; mesopleural triangle, with a few strong irregular striae and long white setae; dorsal and lateral axillar areas rugose, sparsely pubescent; axillula faintly rugose; subaxillular bar smooth, glabrous, triangular, narrowing posteriorly; metapleural sulcus reaching mesopleuron at 1/2, upper part of sulcus indistinct, sulcus separating a rugulose area, with sparse setae. Metascutellum glabrous, rugose, 2.0x as high as height of smooth, glabrous ventral impressed area; metanotal trough smooth, glabrous. Central propodeal area rugose, pubescent anteriorly, with delicate rugae in posterolateral part; propodeal carinae divergent and slightly bent on posterior margin; lateral propodeal area rugose and densely pubescent. Nucha with strong longitudinal sulci dorsally and laterally. Tarsal claws with basal lobe.

Fore wing longer than body, smoked, with distinct dense cilia on margin, veins dark brown, radial cell open, 3.3× as long as broad; Rs not reaching wing margin, R1 distinct, not reaching wing margin, 2r angulated and shortly projected into radial cell; areolet big, triangular, closed and distinct. Rs+M visible, reaching basalis slightly below the mid-height or lower.

Metasoma shorter than head+mesosoma, slightly longer than high in lateral view; second metasomal tergum extending to 3/4 of metasoma in dorsal view, completely covered in setae laterally, glabrous and smooth dorsally, sparsely micropunctured in lateral view on anterior 2/3 and with a dense band of micropunctures on posterior 1/3; subsequent terga densely pubescent and micropunctured. Hypopygium with or without micropunctures, prominent part of ventral spine of hypopygium 5.6× as long as broad in ventral view, with a few white setae ventrally. Body length 4.8 mm (n=1).

Gall. ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 69–74 ) Subspherical unilocular woolly twig gall (20–43 mm in diameter). The dense pubescence is brownish yellow to peach colour, and it is attached to the body of the gall, which is a strongly lignified barrel-shaped parenchyma. The larval chamber is oval, central to the gall and within the lignified parenchyma ( Kinsey 1937).

Host. Q. emoyri Torr. , and Q. hypoleucoides A. Camus , section Lobatae ( Kinsey 1937; Weld 1960).

Biology. Only the females are known. The mature gall was collected in January and nearly all adults emerged ( Kinsey 1937).

Distribution. USA: Arizona State ( Weld 1926; Kinsey 1937).


American Museum of Natural History














Amphibolips gumia Kinsey, 1937

Cuesta-Porta, Victor, Melika, George, Nicholls, James A., Stone, Graham N., Equihua-Martinez, Armando, Estrada-Venegas, Edith & Pujade-Villar, Juli 2023

Amphibolips (niger) gumia Kinsey, 1937: 437

Kinsey, A. C. 1937: 437
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