Amblyharma anfracta Huang & Tong, 1993

Tselikh, Ekaterina V., Lee, Jaehyeon & Ku, Deok-Seo, 2024, A taxonomic study of four rare pteromalid genera: Amblyharma Huang & Tong, Fusta Xiao & Ye, Nazgulia Hedqvist and Platecrizotes Ferriere from the Eastern Palaearctic (Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae, Pachyneurinae), ZooKeys 1189, pp. 349-363 : 349

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Amblyharma anfracta Huang & Tong, 1993


Amblyharma anfracta Huang & Tong, 1993 View in CoL

Figs 1-7 View Figures 1–7

Amblyharma anfracta Huang & Tong, 1993: 397. Holotype female (IZAS, examined).

Type material.

Holotype: female, "Hebei Province (Shijiazhuang), 1987.VIII.11", "ex. Carcelia rasella Baranoff (Li Wegao)", " Amblyharma anfracta ♀ Huang", “HOLOTYPE”, "IOZ(E) 932939" (IZAS).


Female. Body length 2.30 mm; fore wing length 1.70 mm.

Coloration. Head in dorsal view black, in frontal view dark green with metallic diffuse coppery lustre. Antenna with scape and pedicel yellowish-brown, flagellum brown. Mesosoma and all coxae black; propodeum dorsally dark green with metallic diffuse coppery lustre. All femora brown; tibiae and tarsi yellowish-brown. Fore wing hyaline, venation yellowish-brown. Metasoma dark brown; ovipositor sheaths yellowish-brown.

Sculpture. Head reticulate; clypeus radially striate. Mesosoma and propodeum reticulate, nucha of propodeum alutaceous. Metasoma weakly alutaceous and shiny.

Head. Head in dorsal view 2.20 times as broad as long and 1.15 times as broad as mesoscutum; in frontal view 1.28 times as broad as high. POL 1.25 times as long as OOL. Eye height 1.30 times eye length and 1.75 times as long as malar space. Distance between antennal toruli and lower margin of clypeus 0.95 times distance between antennal toruli and median ocellus. Antenna with scape 0.86 times as long as eye height and 1.13 times as long as eye length; pedicel 1.80 times as long as broad and 1.70 times as long as F1; combined length of pedicel and flagellum 0.74 times breadth of head; F1-F6 transverse with 1 row of sensilla; clava 2.10-2.20 times as long as broad, with small micropilosity area on C3 and C4.

Mesosoma. Mesosoma 1.57 times as long as broad. Pronotum 0.40 times as long as mesoscutum. Scutellum 0.90 times as long as broad. Propodeum medially 0.68 times as long as scutellum; nucha 0.30 times length of propodeum. Fore wing 2.10-2.12 times as long as its maximum width; basal cell, cubital vein and basal vein pilose; speculum closed below; M 0.96-1.00 times as long as PM and 1.62-1.65 times as long as S.

Metasoma. Metasoma 1.46 times as long as broad, 0.95 times as long as mesosoma and 0.74 times as long as mesosoma and head. Petiole 1.66 times as long as broad. Mt2 0.35 times median length of metasoma; Mt8 0.30 times longer than maximum width. Ovipositor sheath projecting slightly beyond apex of metasoma.

Male. The only one known male of this species is the one referred to in Huang & Tong, 1993. Unfortunately, it was not possible to study this specimen in the IZAS collection.


Peoples’ Republic of China (Hebei).














Amblyharma anfracta Huang & Tong, 1993

Tselikh, Ekaterina V., Lee, Jaehyeon & Ku, Deok-Seo 2024

Amblyharma anfracta

Huang & Tong 1993