Alticola (Alticola) semicanus G. M. Allen 1924

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Cricetidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 955-1189 : 961

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Guido (2022-12-13 04:19:03, last updated 2024-11-29 04:44:57)

scientific name

Alticola (Alticola) semicanus G. M. Allen 1924


Alticola (Alticola) semicanus G. M. Allen 1924 View in CoL

Alticola (Alticola) semicanus G. M. Allen 1924 View in CoL , Am. Mus . Novit., 133: 6.

Type Locality: Mongolia, SE Khangai Mtns, upper reaches of Ongyin Gol River "Sain Noin Khan." .

Vernacular Names: Mongolian Mountain Vole.

Synonyms: Alticola (Alticola) alleni Argyropulo 1933 .

Distribution: S Tuva region, Russia, throughout most of N and C Mongolia to adjacent Nei Mongol, N China.

Conservation: IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).

Discussion: Subgenus Alticola . Originally described as a subspecies of Microtus worthingtoni and listed as a subspecies of Alticola worthingtoni by Ellerman (1941); later synonymized with A. roylei ( Ellerman and Morrison-Scott, 1951; Corbet, 1978 c) or A. argentatus (see taxonomic history in Rossolimo and Pavlinov, 1992). Reinstatement as a species ( Pavlinov and Rossolimo, 1987) vindicated by the revisions of Rossolimo et al. (1988, 1994), and Rossolimo and Pavlinov (1992). The geographic range of A. semicanus approaches but does not overlap A. tuvinicus and A. bararshin ; Rossolimo and Pavlinov (1992) morphologically contrasted the latter two and A. semicanus .

Allen, J. A. 1924. Carnivora collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 47: 73 - 281.

Corbet, G. B. 1978 c. The mammals of the Palaearctic region: A taxonomic review. British Museum (Natural History), London, 314 pp.

Ellerman, J. R. 1941. The families and genera of living rodents. Vol. II. Family Muridae. British Museum (Natural History), London, 690 pp.

Ellerman, J. R., and T. C. S. Morrison-Scott. 1951. Checklist of Palaearctic and Indian mammals 1758 to 1946. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London, 810 pp.

Pavlinov, I. Ya., and O. L. Rossolimo. 1987. Sistematika mlekopitayushchikh SSSR [Systematics of the mammals of the USSR.]. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 282 pp. (in Russian).

Rossolimo, O. L., I. Ya. Pavlinov, O. I. Podtyazhkin, V. S. Skulkin. 1988. [Variability and taxonomy of mountain voles (Alticola s. str.) from Mongolia, Tuva, Baikal Region and Altai.] Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 67: 426 - 437 (in Russian).

Rossolimo, O. L., and I. Ya. Pavlinov. 1992. Species and subspecies of Alticola s. str. (Rodentia: Arvicolidae). Pp. 149 - 176, in Prague studies in mammalogy (I. Horacek and V. Vohralik, eds.). Charles University Press, Praha, 245 pp.















