Aethalopteryx burtoni Yakovlev, 2022

Yakovlev, R. V., 2022, New species of Aethalopteryx Schoorl, 1990 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae: Zeuzerinae) from Uganda, Russian Entomological Journal 31 (1), pp. 65-66 : 65-66

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scientific name

Aethalopteryx burtoni Yakovlev

sp. nov.

Aethalopteryx burtoni Yakovlev , sp.n.

Figs 1–2 View Figs 1–2 .

MATERIAL (all in the private collection of Manfred Ströhle, Weiden, Germany). Holotype, male, Uganda , [Northern Region, Karamoja , Moroto District], Moroto, Moroto Mt. [02°31´N / 34° 46´E], June 2013 (slide MSW 2015/34 Coss.) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 4 males, same data and locality GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. Male. Length of fore wing 16–17 mm (in holotype — 16 mm). Head black from above, thorax silvery light-grey, abdomen light-grey. Antenna bipectinate in proximal 2/3 of length, distal third simple, not pectinate. Setae in proximal third twice longer than antenna rod diameter. Fore wing grey, with small transverse dark strokes across all wing area, pattern of strokes denser medially; short black transverse bands in cubital area (discally), black irregularly shaped spot postdiscally; submarginally and marginally dark-grey strokes partially fused and forming thin torn undulated bands; fringe on fore wing mottled (black at veins, light-grey between veins). Hind wing white with sputtering of black scales along edge of wing (most intense in anal angle area); fringe of hind wing mottled (black at veins, light-grey between veins).

Male genitalia. Uncus long, uncinate, apically acute; gnathos arms thin, ribbon-like, not fused; gnathos absent; valve long, costal edge poorly curved, saccular edge strongly undulating, outer edge semicircular; juxta saddle-like, with very long ribbon-like lateral processes; saccus compact, semicircular; phallus short (1/3 shorter than valve), thick, with robust lamellar cornutus in vesica.

Female unknown.

DIAGNOSIS. Externally, the new species clearly differs from the majority of species of the genus. It is most close to A. nilotica Yakovlev, 2011: 80 , text fig. 99, pl. 8: 17 (type locality: Sudan, Blue Nile Prov., Wadi Medani ) from which it differs in the following characters :

– the irregularly shaped spot in the postdiscal area (in A. nilotica , the spot is absent);

– the irregular pattern of strokes on the fore wing (in A. nilotica , there is a uniform line pattern across the entire fore wing area);

– the white hind wing (in A. nilotica , the hind wing is grey);

– the strongly curved costal and saccular edge of the valve (in A. nilotica , the valve edges are almost smooth).

HABITAT. Mount Moroto is one of a chain of volcanoes along Uganda –Kenyan border. The region around Mount Moroto is a forest reserve protecting a range of habitats from arid thorn savanna to dry mountain forest .

ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named after Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821–1890), who was a British explorer, scholar and soldier. He is famous for his travels and explorations in Asia, Africa (including East Africa), and Americas.

DISCUSSION. The new species is probably a local endemic of Eastern Arc Mountains, which are a part of Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot [ Myers, 1988; Myers et al., 2000]. Currently, in the Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot territory, one endemic genus and over 35 Cossidae species have been noted [ Yakovlev, 2015, 2021].













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