Achradocera tuberculata ( Van Duzee, 1931 )

Quevedo, Lucas, Capellari, Renato S. & Lamas, Carlos José E., 2024, Taxonomic revision of Achradocera Becker (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with description of two new species, Zootaxa 5519 (3), pp. 301-344 : 336-341

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.3.1

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Achradocera tuberculata ( Van Duzee, 1931 )


Achradocera tuberculata ( Van Duzee, 1931) View in CoL

( Figs 22 View FIGURE 22 , 23 View FIGURE 23 , 26 View FIGURE 26 )

Chrysotus tuberculatus Van Duzee, 1931: 22 View in CoL , figs 22–24. Type-locality: Piedra , Blaena, Bolívia. Holotype male, AMNH.

Diagnosis (male). Postpedicel longer than arista-like stylus; lower postoccipital setae dense. Legs mostly yellow, except for FIII, basal half and dorsal surface of FI and FII, TI at the middle and apical 1/4, TII on apical half, TIII at basal 1/4 and apical 1/5, and distal tarsi, which are all brown infuscated; TI slightly bent, bearing ventral row of conspicuous setae; TII with conspicuous ventral excavation in middle, bearing av and pv row of crescent setae in middle of podomere, and interrupted by excavation; IIt 1 arched, with ring of setae at basal 1/3 and anteroventral tubercule within ring; FIII bulged on basal half and concave below, bearing cluster of strong, long setae near middle of anterior surface, and row of strong, small setae basally; IIIt 3–4 concave ventrally. Hypopygium small; surstylus subtriangular, tapered and bearing 1 apical and 1 subapical strong seta; postgonite enlarged and covered by small setae.

Redescription. Similar to A. angustifacies stat. rev., except as noted. Male. Body length: 2.2–2.4 mm. Wing: 1.7–1.8 mm long, 0.65–0.75 mm wide. Antenna. Postpedicel ( Fig. 22C View FIGURE 22 ) longer than arista-like stylus (MSSC); FAr ratio, 1.26. Thorax. About 8 ac and 5 dc pairs of setae. Wing. CuAx: 0.74; RMx: 1.5; lower calypter yellow with fan bearing about 10 brownish setae; halter yellow. Leg I. 40, 38, 13, 6, 4, 3, 3. F entirely dark brown on basal 1/3, and dorsally on basal 2/3; T slightly bent, bearing ventral row with distinct setae. Leg II. 43, 48, 22, 10, 6, 4, 3. F dark brown at basal half; T with conspicuous ventral excavation in middle ( Fig. 22E View FIGURE 22 ), bearing av and pv row of crescentshaped setae in middle, and interrupted by excavation; apex with 4 setae (1 av, 1 pv, 1 ad and 1 pd) (MSSC); t 1 arched with small av tubercule on basal 1/5 with some spines apically, carrying ventral and posterior row of strong decreasing setae, with ad row forming circlet of conspicuous setae (MSSC). Leg III. 40, 46, 14, 7, 5, 4, 3. F bulged on basal half and concave below, bearing cluster of strong, long anterior setae near middle, and row of strong, small setae basally ( Fig. 22D View FIGURE 22 ) (MSSC); T with 3 pd, 2 ad, and 4 apical setae (1 av, 1 pv, 1 d and 1 ad); IIIt 3–4 concave ventrally (MSSC). Hypopygium. As in Fig. 23A–D View FIGURE 23 , similar to A. angustifacies stat. rev.

Female. Similar to males, except by MSSC and as noted. Body length: 1.7–1.9 mm. Wing: 1.6–1.8 mm long, 0.6–0.8 mm wide. Terminalia. As in generic description (similar to Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 ).

Distribution. Brazil, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela ( Fig. 26 View FIGURE 26 ).

Type material examined. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: “ Chrysotus tuberculatus | Holotype. VanDuzee”, “ S. W. Williston | Collection” [Manuscript data: Piedra , Blaena, Bolivia; housed in AMNH; specimen analyzed by highdefinition photo].

Additional material examined. Brazil. Amazonas. 23♂, 5♀, “ Paraná da Cigana | Paratins, AM | XI.1969 | Exp. Perm.Amaz. ” ; 4♂, “Itacoatiara, AM | Brasil | X.1969 | Exp.Perm.Amaz.” . 4♂, “ BRA, AM, Maués, Fazenda | Santa Helena , 3º27’S | 57º39’W, 26–27.iv.2017 | Malaise, A. Somavilla”. Ceará GoogleMaps . 1♂, “ Guaramiranga, CE | Apa da Serra de Baturité | 19.i.2019 malaise nº3, seca | 4°15’47.0”S 38°54’47.0”W | C.P. da Silva col.”. Goiás GoogleMaps . 1♂, “ BRASIL, GO, Bom Jesus de Goiás | Fazenda Sta. Rosa do Meia Ponte | 18º19′42.7″S 49º36′28.3″W | Malaise trap; 20–22.xi.2021 | PR Riccardi leg.”. Mato Grosso GoogleMaps . 1♂, “ Brasil: MT: Poconé | Fazenda Rio Clarinho | Margem oposta do Rio Claro | S 16º36′24.8″ W 56º43′17.7″ | Malaise 52 | 16.viii–19.ix.2012 | Lamas, Nihei & eq. cols. | SISBIOTA | CNPq/ FAPESP” GoogleMaps ; 1♂, “ BRASIL: MT: Poconé | Faz. Rio Clarinho / Beira do alagado | S 16º36′26.33″ W 56º43′24.33″ | Varredura | 17.vii.2012 | Lamas, Nihei & eq. cols. | SISBIOTA | CNPq/FAPESP” GoogleMaps ; 1♂, “ BRASIL, MT, Poconé | Faz. Rio Clarinho - 120m | S16º36′00″ W056º43′45″ | Varredura—gramíneas | 17.vii.2012 | Riccardi, P. R. col.”. Mato Grosso do Sul GoogleMaps . 3♂, “ BRASIL, MS, Porto Murtinho | S21º40′59.7″ W57º46′42.5″ | Malaise 31 | 10–25.I.2012 | Lamas, Nihei & eq. cols.”, “SISBIOTA | CNPq/FAPESP” [just on the female’s label] GoogleMaps ; 6♂, “ Brasil: MS: Corumbá | Passo do Lontra —B.E.P.— Mata | Ciliar ( Rio Miranda ) | S 19º34′31″ W 57º00′52″ | 03–36. viii.2021 —Malaise 11 | Lamas, Nihei & eq. cols.” GoogleMaps ; 3♂, “ BRASIL, MS, Corumbá | B.E.P. | S 19º34′20.09″ W 57º00′57.09″ | Prato-Trans. Ciliar/Paratudal | 05.viii.2011 | Lamas, Nihei & eq. cols.”. Para GoogleMaps . 2♂, “ Oriximiná, Rio | Trombetas, PA | Brasil X.1969 | Exp.Perm.Amaz.” ; 1♂, “ Paciência | rio Nhamundá , PA | 16.I.1968 | Exp.Perm.Amaz.”. Pernambuco . 16♂, “ BRASIL: PE: Fernando de Noronha | Trilha Sancho | Malaise | 2020 | Rafael, J. A. et al” [4♂, MTEC; 4♂, USNM] ; 14♂, “ BRASIL: PE: Fernando de Noronha | Região de Boldró | Malaise | 2020 | Rafael , J. A. et al”. Rio de Janeiro . 1♂, “ Rio de Janeiro | Sepetiba | O. P. Keller | IX.54” ; 1♀, “ Grajahú | Rio de Janeiro | Lopes I. VI.41”, “HSL” ; 1♂, “ On wet earth at edge of water”, “Manguinhos | Rio de Janeiro | Lopes 30. V.41”, “HSL”. Rio Grande do Norte . 1♂, 3♀, “ Natal, RN | Brasil | VII.1955 | Pe. Pereira col.”. Roraima . 1♂, “Brasil Roraima | Normandia Serra | Malaise-v-1991”, “ J. A. Rafael | R. A. Rocha | Vidal”. Guyana . 1♂, “ GUYANA. Karanambo | 3º45.1′ N, 59º18.6′ W | 31 March 1994 | Wayne N. Mathis”. Trinidad and Tobago GoogleMaps . 11♂, “ TRINIDAD: Caroni ; | 3 km West of Caroni [4 specimens with “ 5 km N. of Plaisance | 23 March”] | 22 March 1985 | G.F. & J.F. Hevel ”. Venezuela . 5♂, “ VENEZUELA: Zulia | Carrasquero | 29–30 May 1976 | A.S.Menke & D.Vincent ” [ MZUSP] .

Remarks. It is noteworthy that, despite the numerous similarities in TII and FIII between A. excavata , A. femoralis , A. meridionalis , and A. tuberculata , the latter exhibits slightly distinct characteristics in these podomeres from the other species, such as: more pronounced excavation and setae on TII; an extra row of small, strong setae on FIII.


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Achradocera tuberculata ( Van Duzee, 1931 )

Quevedo, Lucas, Capellari, Renato S. & Lamas, Carlos José E. 2024

Chrysotus tuberculatus

Van Duzee, M. C. 1931: 22
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