Absidia thailandica Htet & Gomes de Farias

Htet, Yee Mon, Erandi Yasanthika, W. A., Hurdeal, Vedprakash G. & Farias, Antonio Roberto Gomes De, 2024, Absidia thailandica sp. nov., an addition to the diversity of soil fungi from Thailand, Phytotaxa 646 (2), pp. 157-168 : 161

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.646.2.5



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scientific name

Absidia thailandica Htet & Gomes de Farias

sp. nov.

Absidia thailandica Htet & Gomes de Farias , sp. nov. Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 .

Index Fungorum number: IF901385, Faces of Fungi number: FoF 15186

Etymology: The term “thailandica ” in the epithet denotes its association with Thailand, indicating that the fungus was first isolated in this country.

Holotype: MFLU 24-0033 View Materials

Description: Sporangiophores arise from stolons, usually unbranched, single or 2–4 in whorls, up to 200 in length and 1.5–5.5 μm in width, with a single septum below the sporangium, distance between septa and apophysate 8–25 μm (x̅ = 14.85 μm, n = 20). Sporangia globose to ellipsoidal, mature sporangia dark grey, 8–40 × 7–40 μm (x̅ = 23.94 × 20.44, n = 10). Columellae hemispherical, hyaline to light brown, smooth, 6–14 ×5.5–12.5 μm, with a single projection at the apex and collar present. Sporangiospores ovoidal to ellipsoidal, 3–4.5 × 2–4 μm. Chlamydospores and zygospores not observed. Rhizoids present.

Culture characteristics: Colonies exhibit a high growth rate in PDA. The colony attains 55 mm in diameter at 28 °C in PDA within three days. Flat, woolly to cottony. Initially white, turning into light grey and grey-brown when the colony matures. Reverse initially cream and become grey-brown and irregularly zonate. Short or long, unbranched or weakly branched, tapering rhizoids are present.

Maximum growth temperature: 33 °C.

Materials examined: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Province, Chiang Dao district, 19.76680223N, 98.89228192E, altitude: 3,727 m, isolated from soil, 22 March 2022, Yee M. Htet, A8-9 ( MFLU 24-0033 ), living culture MFLUCC MFLUCC 23–0073 GoogleMaps .

Notes: In BLASTn search, the closest match for ITS, LSU sequence of our species ( Absidia thailandica MFLUCC 23-0073) was A. ovalispora (CGMCC 3.16018) with 90.64% (MW264071) similarity, and A. brunnea (CGMCC 3.16055) with 97.22% (MZ350133) similarity, respectively. In our phylogenetic analysis, Absidia thailandica (MFLUCC 23-0073) is sister to the clade comprising A. ovalispora and A. soli (ML=70%), A. brunnea (CGMCC 3.16055), and A. soli (MFLU 20-0414 and MFLU 20-0413) ( Figure 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Moreover, a genetic comparison of the ITS sequences between A. thailandica and A. ovalispora (CGMCC 3.16019) reveals a nucleotide difference of 9.48% (56/591, 23 gaps), between A. thailandica and A. soli (MFLUCC 20-0089) reveals a nucleotide difference of 7. 11% (31/ 436, 12 gaps), and A. thailandica and A. brunnea (CGMCC 3.16055), a difference of 6.88% (30/436, 11 gaps). Compared to A. ovalispora , A. thailandica does not have swollen parts on the sporangiophores and produces smaller sporangia and columella ( Zhao et al. 2021), A. thailandica sp. nov. produces larger sporangiospores, smaller sporangia and columella than A. soli ( Hurdeal et al. 2021) .

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