Stenomitos kolaensis Shalygin, Shalygina et Johansen, 2020

Shalygin, Sergei, Shalygina, Regina R., Redkina, Vera V., Gargas, Cory B. & Johansen, Jeffrey R., 2020, Description of Stenomitos kolaenensis and S. hiloensis sp. nov. (Leptolyngbyaceae, Cyanobacteria) with an emendation of the genus, Phytotaxa 440 (2), pp. 108-128 : 111-114

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.440.2.3


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scientific name

Stenomitos kolaensis Shalygin, Shalygina et Johansen

sp. nov.

Stenomitos kolaensis Shalygin, Shalygina et Johansen sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3 A,B,C View FIGURE 3 )

Macrocolonies in form of thin, blue-green film growing on agar surface. Filaments long, occasionally coiled or slightly waved, seldom containing two trichomes, with or without sheath, 1.8–2 (4.5) μm wide. Mucilaginous sheaths colorless, soft, hyaline to firm and persistent beyond the apex of the trichome, rarely slightly swollen, clearly visible as wider than the trichome, in older stages mostly firm. Trichomes distinctly constricted at the cross-walls, granulated mostly in the older stages, 1.5–2 μm wide. Cells bright blue-green when young, pale green when old, from isodiametric to elongate, 1.5–2.5 (4) μm long, rarely with polar granules. Apical cells rounded to slightly conical, elongated up to 4.5 μm long. Thylakoids peripheral, necridia present.

Holotype here designated: dried specimen deposited into herbarium of Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute , Kirovsk, Murmansk Province, Russia, under following accession number: KPABG (C):4182.

Type locality: Five km north-west from Nikel town (69.3691° N, 29.899° E), Al-Fe humic podzol soil in a young boreal forest composed of coniferous and deciduous trees, Kola Peninsula, Russia, sampled 15 July 2014 by Regina Shalygina.

Etymology: named for its locality – Kola Peninsula, Russia.

NCBI GenBank accession number: KU175690.


Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute

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