Macrostomus cummingi, Sena & Rafael & Limeira-De-Oliveira, 2024

Sena, Jasmine Déa Nogueira, Rafael, José Albertino & Limeira-De-Oliveira, Francisco, 2024, Four new species and new records of Macrostomus Wiedemann (Diptera: Empididae) from Northern and Northeastern Regions of Brazil, Zootaxa 5492 (1), pp. 25-51 : 40-44

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.1.2

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scientific name

Macrostomus cummingi

sp. nov.

Macrostomus cummingi sp. nov.

( Figs 78–101 View FIGURES 78–82 View FIGURES 83–95 View FIGURES 96–101 )

Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym in honor of Dr. Jeffrey Cumming, for his important contribution to the study of Diptera in the world.

Diagnosis. Thorax yellow ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78–82 ), with 3 dorsocentrals. Abdomen shiny brown ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78–82 ), yellowish on segments 1–2. Tergite 8 with subdistal region narrower than the distal in dorsal view; distal region bifid, sclerotized ( Fig. 83 View FIGURES 83–95 ). Posterodorsal epandrial lobe with subdistal projection in posterior view ( Fig. 93 View FIGURES 83–95 ). Hypandrium with rounded and robust subdistal lateral projection in lateral view ( Fig. 94 View FIGURES 83–95 ), distally rounded and ending acuminate in ventral view, with some setae ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 83–95 ). Female legs mainly brown with pennate setae dorsally and ventrally on mid femur, hind femur and tibia ( Fig. 96 View FIGURES 96–101 ). Sternite 8 with a sinuosity on the lateral margin in the middle in lateral view ( Fig. 100 View FIGURES 96–101 ).

Holotype ♂ ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78–82 ). Body length 3.7 mm, wing length 2.9 mm.

Description. Head ( Figs 79, 80 View FIGURES 78–82 ). Narrowly dichoptic. Frons black, shiny, narrow, slightly narrower than anterior ocellus. Face narrow ventrally, narrower and lighter than frons, black, subshiny. Postcranium shiny, black, with sparse gray pruinosity. Inner vertical setae as long as ocellar setae and about 2.0X longer than outer vertical setae the later same length of uniserial postocular row of setae. Gena and postgena with 3 and 2 setae, respectively. Antenna velvety brown; pedicel with a ring of dark setae distally. Proboscis slightly longer than head height, yellow. Palpus light brown, with 2 long setae, 1 subproximal ventral and 1 distal ventral.

Thorax ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78–82 ). Yellow. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 4 antepronotals; 3 postpronotals, 2 minute anterior and 1 stout posterior; 3 dorsocentrals, posterior pair longer; 1 presutural supra-alar; 1 postsutural supra-alar, 2 notopleurals, posterior about 2.0 X longer and stouter than anterior; 2 postalars, 1 stout, 1 minute; 2 proepisternals minute, 2 scutellars, lateral weaker than subdistal; 6 laterotergals, anterior row longer and distinct.

Legs ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78–82 ). Predominantly yellow, except fore tarsomere 1 with distal ½ white and tarsomeres 2–5 whitish; light brown or brown at following points: (i) proximal ½ of fore tarsomere I, (ii) distal ⅙ of hind femur, (iii) distal ⅓ of hind tibia, (iv) entire tarsus. Hind femur with 1 stout setae on ventral surface of distal ⅓. Hind tibia increased in diameter distally, with 4 stout, long dorsal setae. Hind tarsus with 1 stout, long seta.

Wing ( Fig. 81 View FIGURES 78–82 ). Almost hyaline, except distal ⅕ of cell r 2+3, including distal pterostigma and ¼ of cell r 4+5, around crossvein dm-m and slightly at apex of cell bm, brown. Veins M 1, M 2 and CuA+CuP evanescent distally. Distal section of M 4 about ½ length of crossvein dm-m. Halter light brown.

Abdomen ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78–82 ). Shiny brown, yellowish on segments 1–2. Tergite 8 subtriangular, subdistal region narrower than distal; distal region bifid, sclerotized with stout, long setae distally, in dorsal view; with two parallel projections ( Fig. 83 View FIGURES 83–95 ), flattened laterally, with sinuosity, in lateral view ( Fig. 84 View FIGURES 83–95 ). Sternite 8 ( Fig. 85 View FIGURES 83–95 ) with deep U-shaped notch basally; stout setae distally, longer than length of sclerite, in ventral view.

Male Terminalia. Epandrium ( Figs 91, 92 View FIGURES 83–95 ) subtriangular, swollen, without anterodorsal break; posterodorsal lobe longer than anterodorsal lobe; anterodorsal lobe short and triangular; posterodorsal lobe robust, with subdistal projection in posterior view, with long setae ( Figs 92, 93 View FIGURES 83–95 ). Anterior cercus ( Figs 87, 88 View FIGURES 83–95 ), small, flattened dorsally and ventromedially, with acute internal anterodorsal projection. Cercal bridge ( Figs 87, 88 View FIGURES 83–95 ) small, sclerotized, in dorsal view, umbrella-shaped. Median cercus ( Figs 92, 93 View FIGURES 83–95 ) internal, digitiform, with setae distally. Posterior cercus ( Figs 92, 93 View FIGURES 83–95 ) subrectangular, with pair of distinctly separated projections and internally curved. Subepandrial sclerite stout, in anterior view. Hypandrium ( Figs 94, 95 View FIGURES 83–95 ) with rounded, stout subdistal lateral projection in lateral view; distally rounded and ending acuminate, with some setae, in ventral view. Ejaculatory apodeme ( Figs 92–94 View FIGURES 83–95 ) tetralamellar. Phallus slightly shorter than hypandrium, cylindrical with clearly tapered distal end ( Fig. 94 View FIGURES 83–95 ).

Female ( Figs 96–101 View FIGURES 96–101 ). A specimen from same locality, in good condition, with 3 dorsocentrals setae, is herein associated with male. Abdomen shiny brown. Legs predominantly brown, except (i) fore leg, (ii) proximal ⅓ of middle femur, (iii) entire middle tibia, (iv) proximal ⅓ of hind femur. Middle femur with pennate setae dorsally and ventrally. Middle tibia with 1 dorsal median seta. Hind femur with pennate setae dorsally and ventrally, proximal ⅓ without pennate setae ventrally ( Fig. 96 View FIGURES 96–101 ). Hind tibia with pennate setae dorsally and ventrally, distal ⅓ without pennate setae ventrally, with 4 stout, long dorsal setae ( Fig. 96 View FIGURES 96–101 ). Hind tarsus with 1 stout, long dorsal seta ( Fig. 96 View FIGURES 96–101 ). Wing ( Fig 97 View FIGURES 96–101 ) mainly brown; slightly infusated or hyaline at following points: (i) ⅑ sub-basal of cell r 4+5; (ii) ⅕ subdistal of cell r 4+5 and; (iii) distal ¼ of cell bm; (iv) median region of cell dm; (v) distal ¾ of cell m 1; (vi) distal ⅔ of cell m 2; (vii) cell m 4; (viii) anal lobe. Terminalia ( Figs 98–101 View FIGURES 96–101 ). Brown. Tergite and sternite 8 subequal in length ( Fig. 98 View FIGURES 96–101 ). Tergite 8 ( Fig. 99 View FIGURES 96–101 ), with distinct concave sinus posteriorly, tergite 9+10 with rectangular sinus anteriorly, in dorsal view. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 98 View FIGURES 96–101 ) with sinuosity on lateral margin in middle in lateral view; less sclerotized in posterior half, wider in distal half and less sclerotized, ending acuminate, in ventral view ( Fig. 100 View FIGURES 96–101 ). Genital fork ( Fig. 101 View FIGURES 96–101 ) small, Y-shaped with short lateral arms; membranous genital chamber.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂ (pinned) deposited at CZMA: Brazil, MA [= Maranhão], C.[=Centro] N. [=Novo] [do] Maranhão, REBIO-Res. [=Reserva] Biol.[=Biológica] [do] Gurupi , 03°14'01"S- 46°40'52"W \ Armadilha MALAISE (Pequena), 1–14.ii.2022, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, A. Tôrres & E.S. Pessoa, cols [=collectors] / PROTAX\ FLO 6634 GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: idem \ FLO 6638 (wing and terminalia in microtube) (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 7518 (wing and terminalia in microtube) (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ Armadilha MALAISE (Grande) GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 6772 (1♂, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6636 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6774 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ 10–20.i.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 6635 (terminalia in microtube) (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6773 (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ 20–31.i.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 6771 (terminalia in microtube) (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ 14–28.ii.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 8395 (legs and terminalia in microtube) (1♀, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ 15–31.v.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 6639 (terminalia in microtube) (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6637 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, Bom Jardim, REBIO-Res. Biol.\ Armadilha Malaise, 17–19.iv.2010, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, J. C. Silva, D. W. A. Marques, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 6640 (legs, wing and terminalia in microtube) (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem, C. [=Cândido] Mendes. Fazenda 7 Irmãos, 1°52'06"S- 45°45'59.7"W \ Arm. [=Armadilha] Malaise, 15–31.iii.2019, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, J.S. Brito & F.C.S. Pessoa, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 6776 GoogleMaps

Variation. Male (n=8): body length 3.2–4.0 mm, wing length 2.9–3.6 mm. Gena with 3–4 setae, postgena with 2–3 setae; thorax with 4–5 antepronotals setae, 1–3 proepisternals setae.

Geographical records. BRAZIL (Maranhão).

Seasonal record. From January to May.

Bionomic. Amazon Biome

Remarks. This species fit best in the M. pictipennis species-group as described by Rafael & Cumming (2010).

Macrostomus cummingi sp. nov. keys to couplet 3 and M. pictipennis (Bezzi) in the Macrostomus pictipennis species-group key presented by Rafael & Cumming (2010). It differs from the latter by the male tergite 8 without subdistal break and a pair of projections with subdistal sinuosity in lateral view ( Figs 83–84 View FIGURES 83–95 ) (male tergite 8 with subdistal break and a pair of projections with median sinuosity in lateral view in M. pictipennis (see Rafael & Cumming 2010, fig. 5C)); epandrium with posterodorsal lobe in posterior view, with developed subdistal projection ( Fig. 93 View FIGURES 83–95 ) (epandrium with posterodorsal lobe without projection in M. pictipennis ); cercal bridge umbrella-shaped in anterior view ( Fig. 88 View FIGURES 83–95 ) (cercal bridge conical shaped in anterior view in M. pictipennis ( Fig. 89 View FIGURES 83–95 )); posterior cercus subrectangular, with a pair of distinctly separated projections ( Figs 92–93 View FIGURES 83–95 ) (posterior cercus triangular, with a pair of projections close to each other in M. pictipennis (see Rafael & Cumming 2010, fig. 5C)); female with sternite 8 not medially narrowed, in ventral view ( Fig. 100 View FIGURES 96–101 ) (female with sternite 8 with very narrow medial region in ventral view in M. pictipennis (see Rafael & Cumming 2010, fig 5K)); genital fork with short lateral arms ( Fig. 101 View FIGURES 96–101 ) (genital fork with long lateral arms in M. pictipennis (see Rafael & Cumming 2010, fig. 5L)).

Macrostomus cummingi sp. nov. was collected in Bom Jardim (March to April) and Centro Novo do Maranhão (January to February and May).


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Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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