Macrostomus gurupi, Sena & Rafael & Limeira-De-Oliveira, 2024

Sena, Jasmine Déa Nogueira, Rafael, José Albertino & Limeira-De-Oliveira, Francisco, 2024, Four new species and new records of Macrostomus Wiedemann (Diptera: Empididae) from Northern and Northeastern Regions of Brazil, Zootaxa 5492 (1), pp. 25-51 : 37-40

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.1.2

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scientific name

Macrostomus gurupi

sp. nov.

Macrostomus gurupi sp. nov.

( Figs 62–77 View FIGURES 62–66 View FIGURES 67–77 )

Etymology. The specific epithet name is a noun in apposition and refers to the Reserva Biológica do Gurupi, where the specimens were collected.

Diagnosis. Predominantly yellow ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 62–66 ). Thorax with 4 antepronotal setae and 1 stout supra-alar presutural seta. Abdominal tergites 3–5 with brown median spot ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 62–66 ) and tergite 8 entirely brown ( Figs 66 View FIGURES 62–66 , 67 View FIGURES 67–77 ). Tergite 8 subtriangular ( Fig. 67 View FIGURES 67–77 ), with elongated, blunt distal projection. Epandrium with short, rounded posterodorsal lobe, with long and stout dense setae ( Fig. 69 View FIGURES 67–77 ). Median cercus with a rounded, serrated margin, with long, stout setae ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 67–77 ). Hypandrium with a pair of membranous projections distally ( Figs 76, 77 View FIGURES 67–77 ).

Holotype ♂ ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 62–66 ). Body length 4.0 mm, wing length 3.4 mm.

Description. Head ( Figs 63, 64 View FIGURES 62–66 ). Narrowly dichoptic. Frons shiny, black, narrow, slightly narrower than width of anterior ocellus. Face ventrally narrow, narrower and lighter than frons, black, sub-shiny, with gray pruinosity. Postcranium shiny, black, with sparse gray pruinosity. Inner vertical setae same length of ocellar setae and approximately 2.0X longer than the outer vertical setae; the latter same length of uniserial postocular row of setae. Gena and postgena with 2 setae, with gray pruinosity. Antenna velvety brown, with scape and pedicel paler, light brown; pedicel with ring of dark setae distally. Proboscis slightly longer than head height, yellow. Palpus light brown with 2 long setae, 1 subproximal ventral and 1 distal.

Thorax ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 62–66 ). Yellow. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 4 antepronotals; 2 postpronotals, anterior one minute and posterior one stouter; 4 dorsocentrals, posterior pair longer; 2 notopleurals, anterior minute, posterior about 2.5X longer and stouter than anterior; 2 proepisternals minute; 2 scutellars, lateral weaker than subdistal; 6 laterotergals, long and distinct.

Legs ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 62–66 ). Predominantly yellow, brown at following points: (i) distal 1 / 7 of hind femur, (ii) distal 1 / 3 of hind tibia and (iii) entire tarsus. Hind femur with 2 short, stout setae on ventral surface of distal 1 / 3. Hind tibia increased in diameter distally, with 4 long, stout dorsal setae. Hind tarsus with 1 long, stout seta.

Wing ( Fig. 65 View FIGURES 62–66 ). Almost hyaline, except costal cell, pterostigma region and distal end of cell r 2+3 and indistinctly apex of cell r 4+5, brown. Veins M 1, M 2 and CuA + CuP evanescent distally. Distal section of M 4 about 1 / 2 length of crossvein dm-m. Halter light brown, knob brown.

Abdomen ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 62–66 ). Mainly yellow, except for tergites 3–5 with brown median spot; tergite 8 and terminalia entirely brown. Tergite 8 distinctly curved in lateral view ( Fig. 66 View FIGURES 62–66 ); subtriangular in dorsal view, with elongated projection ending in small median break ( Fig. 67 View FIGURES 67–77 ). Sternite 8 ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 67–77 ) U-shaped basally in ventral view, with longer and stout setae distally.

Male Terminalia. Epandrium ( Fig. 69 View FIGURES 67–77 ) subtrapezoidal in lateral view, with short inconspicuous anterodorsal break; anterodorsal lobe short and robust, slightly acuminate; posterodorsal lobe subequal in length to anterodorsal lobe, somewhat rounded, with stouter setae. Anterior cercus ( Figs 70–72 View FIGURES 67–77 ) elongated, medially folded, with wider proximal half; distal half narrowed, with longer setae. Cercal bridge ( Figs 73–75 View FIGURES 67–77 ) fused to proximal half of anterior cercus; anterior margin bifid, posterior margin slightly sinuous in dorsal view. Median cercus ( Fig. 70 View FIGURES 67–77 ) with rounded, serrated anterior margin, with stouter setae distally. Posterior cercus ( Figs 70–72 View FIGURES 67–77 ) subtriangular, sclerotized with small mesial subrectangular lobe. Subepandrial sclerite ( Figs 71, 72, 74, 75 View FIGURES 67–77 ) narrow in anterior view, V-shaped. Hypandrium ( Figs 76, 77 View FIGURES 67–77 ) narrowed, elongated, with posterior setae basally and pair of membranous projections distally. Ejaculatory apodeme tetralamellar ( Fig. 76 View FIGURES 67–77 ). Phallus as long as hypandrium, cylindrical, distal end sharply tapered and curved.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂ (pinned, all legs in glass microtube,terminalia in microtube) deposited at CZMA: Brazil, MA [= Maranhão], C.[=Centro] N. [=Novo] [do] Maranhão , REBIO-Res. [=Reserva] Biol.[=Biológica] [do] Gurupi. Trilha 1, 03°37'35.4"S- 46°48'55.8"W \ Armadilha MALAISE (Grande), 14–24.ii.2022, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, A. Tôrres & E. S. Pessoa, cols [=collectors] / PROTAX\ FLO 6777 GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: idem, 14–24.ii.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 6783 (pinned, in bad condition, terminalia in microtube) (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6784 (pinned, in bad condition, terminalia in microtube) (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps .

Variation. Hind tibia with 3–4 long and strong dorsal setae.

Geographical records. BRAZIL (Maranhão).

Seasonal record. February.

Bionomic. Amazon Biome.

Remarks. These species fit best in the M. ferrugineus species-group as described by Rafael & Cumming (2009).

Macrostomus gurupi sp. nov. keys to Macrostomus flavus Rafael & Cumming or couplet 7 in the key of Macrostomus ferrugineus species-group presented by Rafael & Cumming (2009). In differs from the former in having the costal cell brown in the male ( Fig. 65 View FIGURES 62–66 ) (hyaline in M. flavus , (see Rafael & Cumming, 2009, fig. 6)); tergite 8 with distal projection distinctly curved in lateral view, slightly bilobated distally ( Figs 66–67 View FIGURES 62–66 View FIGURES 67–77 ) (tergite 8 not so curved in lateral view, blunt distally (see Rafael & Cumming, 2009, fig. 6C)); epandrium with short and rounded posterodorsal lobe ( Fig. 69 View FIGURES 67–77 ) (epandrium with thin and acute posterodorsal lobe (see Rafael & Cumming, 2009, fig. 6C)); hypandrium without subdistal process distally ( Figs 76–77 View FIGURES 67–77 ) (hypandrium with keel-shaped subdistal process (see Rafael & Cumming, 2009, fig. 6E)).

Macrostomus gurupi sp. nov. was collected in Centro Novo do Maranhão (Februery).


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia













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