Cordylocras abscondita de Paz & Popovici, 2024

Paz, Víctor De, Chemyreva, Vasilisa, Kolyada, Victor, Baños-Picón, Laura, Asís, Josep D. & Popovici, Ovidiu Alin, 2024, Review of Cordylocras Kozlov (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae): with a new species and redescription of C. mirabilis Kozlov, Zootaxa 5493 (4), pp. 431-440 : 432-434

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5493.4.8

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scientific name

Cordylocras abscondita de Paz & Popovici

sp. nov.

Cordylocras abscondita de Paz & Popovici , sp. nov.

Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1

Type material. HOLOTYPE (♀) deposited in USAL with the following labels: ‘ Spain: Salamanca, La Fregeneda (40.97433, -6.85938), 5.V.2019 (pitfall trap), leg. Víctor de Paz’ (white label), ‘ AlAban104MayP, 216 ’ (white label) GoogleMaps , ‘ Holotype Cordylocras abscondita sp. nov. ♀, de Paz & Popovici, desig. de Paz & Popovici 2024’ (red label).

Etymology. The specific name abscondita is derived from the Latin adjective absconditus, meaning hidden or concealed, and takes the feminine ending since the gender of Cordylocras is feminine.

Diagnosis. Differs from C. mirabilis mainly by the following features: head with striation on upper face and genae (ventrally and posteriorly); tentorial pits present, shallow; malar sulcus absent; two genal and one occipital protrusions on the head smaller; occiput between the protrusions gradually receding to postocciput ( Fig. 1d,e View FIGURE 1 ); pronotal shoulders not expanded into anterior projections, with dense and long tufts of setae ( Fig. 1g View FIGURE 1 ); dorsellum with weakly projecting elongate median keel; propodeum with median carina in dorsal view ( Fig. 1g View FIGURE 1 ); plica and submetapleural carina developed, metapleural carina and metapleural epicoxal carina indistinct ( Fig. 1h View FIGURE 1 ).

Description. FEMALE ( Fig. 1 a–h View FIGURE 1 ). Body length 1.8 mm.

Color. Head, mesosoma and metasoma dark brown, dorsal surface of head and mesosoma (except propodeum) slightly darker, antenna and legs light brown.

Head. Subglobular, with almost equal width, height, and length (39-37-38), 0.75× as wide as mesosoma, covered with several scattered small setae throughout and only frons medially glabrous. Head mostly smooth, nitid; upper face striolate, striae converging towards middle; gena ventrally and posteriorly striolate, striae extending to the base of the mandibles. Eye glabrous, oval, 1.4× higher than wide. Malar space 0.5× eye height; malar sulcus absent. Shallow tentorial pits present. Mandibles elongate, 3.1× longer than middle width, 2-toothed, lower tooth 2.5× longer than upper tooth. Clypeus and supraclypeal area fused together, subtriangular, convex, with nine scattered long setae (four of them longer than the rest), delimited laterally by two deep depressions converging towards the middle of the antennal shelf. Antennal shelf anteriorly weakly carinated, elevated in the middle; torular space 1.2× of antennal rim. Frons above base of toruli convex. Occipital protrusion (measured immediately behind the anterior ocellus) very slightly wider than long, (23: 20); apex of occipital protrusion covered with short setae except dorsally; occipital carina with a line of very long setae medially, directed upwards. OOL:POL:LOL: 12: 10.5: 6.

Antenna. Scape 3.75× longer than its maximum height, with a short spike dorsally on the apical rim, covered with scattered, short setae. Pedicel 1.4× longer than high at apex; A3 elongated, subconical, 1.7× longer than high, longer than each subsequent antennomeres except A12. A4 subquadrate, slightly higher than long. A5–A9 subequal, higher than long. A10–A12 densely covered by MGS sensilla ventrally; A10 and A11 subequal, slightly longer than high: A12 longer than high, the longest antennomere. Setation long and sparse in A2–A9, and short and dense in A10–A12.

Mesosoma. Flat, 1.2× as long as wide, 1.5× wider than high. Pronotum smooth and mostly glabrous, only cervix dorsally sparsely carinate. Median part of pronotum not visible dorsally. Lateral side of pronotum broad. Pronotal shoulders very weakly developed, with a dense tuft of long setae. Mesoscutum 2× wider than long, anteromedially gibbous and lateral areas concave, smooth, with scattered setae throughout except in medial area and with two oblique lines of setae directed from the anterolateral edge to the middle of the mesosoma, notauli absent. Scutellum wider than long (around 2.1×), smooth, with scattered setae throughout; anterior scutellar pit weaky delimited, shallow; scutellar disc oval, convex. Metanotum setose, setae about 2–3× longer than in the scutellum, with median keel weakly projecting as a semicircular blade in lateral view. Propodeum in dorsal view smooth, with transverse carina along posterior margin, distinct plica, a well-developed median keel pointing upward anteriorly and an additional transverse carinae antero-dorsally; in lateral view with lateral longitudinal carina. Mesopleura smooth, glabrous medially and otherwise with scattered short setae, increasing in density ventrally. Metapleura obscure rugulose, upper part very densely setose, lower part setose only anteriorly; submetapleural carina developed. Mesosoma very densely setose ventrally.

Legs. Femora of all legs broadened, without basal stalk. Protibial spur very long, 0.5× as long as the protibia. Apex of foretibia without spine. Trochanters unmodified. Tarsi 5-segmented.

Wings. Hyaline and shortly pubescent. Fore wing 2.1× longer than wide, 1.5× as long as hind wing. Marginal fringe short, present distal to wing center. Only submarginal vein present, very thin, short, closely approximated to the costa, extending 0.2× wing length. Hind wing 5× as long as wide, with three hamuli.

Metasoma. Oval, 1.6× longer than wide, 1.2× longer than mesosoma. Petiole transverse, 2.3× wider than long, and densely setose. T2 0.7× as long as the metasoma, laterally with few scattered setae. T2–T5 posteriorly with a line of sparse setae. T5 shorter medially and expanded laterally. T6 small, visible dorsally, and with few scattered setae posteriorly. T7 small, tapered, situated vertically, not visible in dorsal view, and covered with scattered setae.

Biology. This species is active in spring (May). Host unknown.

Distribution. Western Spain: Salamanca (Castilla y León).

The male is unknown.













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