Cordylocras mirabilis Kozlov, 1966

Paz, Víctor De, Chemyreva, Vasilisa, Kolyada, Victor, Baños-Picón, Laura, Asís, Josep D. & Popovici, Ovidiu Alin, 2024, Review of Cordylocras Kozlov (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae): with a new species and redescription of C. mirabilis Kozlov, Zootaxa 5493 (4), pp. 431-440 : 435-438

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5493.4.8

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scientific name

Cordylocras mirabilis Kozlov, 1966


Cordylocras mirabilis Kozlov, 1966

Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3

Material examined. Holotype: Azerbaijan, Qusar Distr., Vill. Anykh (Əniq), 3.VII.1962, L.M. Rzaeva leg., 1♀ ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ) [ ZISP] . Non-type material: Crimea, Kara Dag Mountain, 4.VII.1962, E. Sugonjaev leg., 1♂ [ ZISP]; Israel, Horbat Quqiyya , 07.199 2, Argaman leg. 1♂ [ CNCI] ; Israel, Gid’ona , 07.199 2, Argaman leg. 1♂ [ CNCI] ; Israel, Zelafon , 08.199 2, Argaman leg. 1♂ [ CNCI] ; Israel, Wadi Refed , 08.199 2, Argaman leg. 1♂ [ CNCI] ; Israel, Almagor , 08.199 2, Argaman leg. 1♂ [ CNCI]. Unknown locality and collector, 1♀ [ CNCI] .

Diagnosis. Head entirely smooth without striation; malar sulcus very deep and complete; tentorial pits absent; two genal and one occipital protrusions on the head huge; occiput subcylindrical medially between the protrusions ( Fig. 2b View FIGURE 2 ); pronotal shoulders expanded to large concave anterior projections ( Fig. 2b View FIGURE 2 ); dorsellum with very shallow median keel to totally without it; propodeum without median carina in dorsal view ( Fig. 2a View FIGURE 2 ); plica, metapleural carina and metapleural epicoxal carina developed, submetapleural carina indistinct ( Fig. 2e View FIGURE 2 ).

Description. FEMALE ( Fig. 2 a–f View FIGURE 2 ). Body length 1.6 mm.

Color. Head, mesosoma and metasoma brown, head protrusions and projected pronotal shoulders slightly paler, antenna and legs light brown.

Head. Strongly modified, with width, height, and length (51-58-49), 0.9× as wide as mesosoma, covered with several scattered small setae throughout and only frons medially glabrous. Head entirely smooth and shining. Eye glabrous, oval, 1.3× higher than wide. Malar space 0.55× eye height. Mandibles elongated, 2.7× longer than middle width, 2-toothed, lower tooth 2.5× longer than upper tooth. Clypeus and supraclypeal area fused together, subtriangular, convex, with few scattered setae different in length, delimited laterally by two deep depressions converging towards the middle of the antennal shelf. Antennal shelf anteriorly weakly carinated, elevated in the middle; torular space 1.25× of antennal rim. Frons above base of toruli convex. Occipital protrusion (measured immediately behind the anterior ocellus) very slightly longer than wide, (22: 21); apex of occipital protrusion covered with short setae except dorsally; occipital carina dorsally and depression between it and occipital protrusion densely setose. OOL:POL:LOL: 25: 36: 21.

Antenna. All antennomeres compressed laterally (all measurements listed below were made in lateral view, antenna in dorsal view are on the Fig. 2b View FIGURE 2 ). Scape 3.0× longer than its maximum height, with a short spike dorsally on the apical rim and two lamellae laterally, covered with scattered, short setae. Pedicel 1.4× longer than high at apex; A3 elongated, subconical, 1.7× longer than high, longer than each subsequent antennomeres except A12. A4–A9 distinctly transverse, about 1.3× higher than long. A10–A12 covered by MGS sensilla ventrally; A10 as long as high, A11 slightly longer than high, A12 1.8× longer than high, the longest antennomere. Setation of A3–A12 long, A10–A12 additionally with appressed, thickened sensilla.

Mesosoma. Depressed, 1.2× as long as wide, 1.5× wider than high. Neck bare, with weak longitudinal grooves. Median area of pronotum finally sculptured. Pronotal shoulders armed with strongly convex “spoon-like” anterior projection: convex and shortly pubescent outside, bare and concave inside. Lateral side of pronotum bare, sculptured with fine elongate striation. Mesoscutum 1.9× wider than long, anteromedially gibbous and lateral areas concave, smooth, with scattered setae throughout, notauli absent. Scutellum wider than long (around 2.2×), mainly smooth, with scattered setae throughout; anterior scutellar pit weaky delimited, shallow; scutellar disc oval, weakly convex. Metanotum very narrow, pubescent (setae mostly 2x longer than in the scutellum), mainly smooth with only low transverse carina and very shallow median keel. Propodeum in dorsal view smooth, with transverse carina along posterior margin, distinct plica and transverse carinae antero-dorsally; in lateral view with lateral longitudinal carina. Mesopleura sculptured with fine elongate striation, glabrous dorsally and with scattered short setae, increasing in density ventrally. Metapleura, upper part very densely setose, lower part finely setose; without carinae. Mesosoma densely setose ventrally.

Legs. Femora of all legs broadened, compressed, without basal stalk. Protibial spur very long, 0.5× as long as the protibia. Apex of foretibia without spine. Trochanters unmodified.

Wings. Hyaline and shortly pubescent. Fore wing 2.1× longer than wide, 1.45× as long as hind wing. Marginal fringe of the fore wing short, present distal to wing center. Only submarginal vein present, very thin, short, closely approximated to the fore margin of the wing, extending 0.3× wing length. Hind wing 7× as long as wide, with three hamuli and long marginal fringe.

Metasoma. Oval, 1.4× longer than wide, 1.1× longer than mesosoma. Petiole transverse, 2.7× wider than long, and densely setose. T2 0.7× as long as the metasoma, smooth, with scattered setae posteriorly; T3–T4 very short covered with scattered setae; T5 shorter medially and expanded laterally and finely pubescent. T6 small and situated almost vertically; T7 small, tapered. S2 smooth, covered with scattered setae; S3–S4 narrow, S6 tapered and shortly pubescent.

Males ( Fig. 3a–f View FIGURE 3 ). Body length 1.3–1.7 mm. Similar to female except for the following characters: antennae 14-merous; A4 modified with an emargination and a keel that extends from the base to almost the top of the segment; lateral projections behind the eye slightly shorter than in females; scutellum with a weakly indicated median elongate carina, developed throughout scutellum to weakly visible only inside anterior scutellar pit; some specimens with distinct pleural carina ( Fig. 3e View FIGURE 3 ).

Biology. This species is active in summer (July, August). The host is unknown.

Distribution. Azerbaijan, Israel (new record), Ukraine (Crimea).


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Canadian National Collection Insects













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