Rhagonycha (s.str.) ussurica Kazantsev, 2023

Kazantsev, S. V., 2023, A review of soldier beetles of the genus Rhagonycha Eschscholtz, 1833 (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) of Siberia, with description of a new species, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (3), pp. 271-296 : 272-276

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.32.3.03

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Rhagonycha (s.str.) ussurica Kazantsev

sp. nov.

Rhagonycha (s.str.) ussurica Kazantsev , sp.n.

Figs 9, 17–21, 92–94.

MATERIAL: Holotype, ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Lazovsk. Res., Petrov Bay, 29–31.V.2007, V. Shokhrin leg. ( ICM); paratypes (28 ♂♂ and 5 ♀♀): ♂, S Sakhalin, Gornozavodsk, 17.VI.1971, V. Dolin leg.; 2 ♂♂, Kedrovaya Pad’ Res., at UV light, 5.VI.1987, D. Fedorenko leg.; ♂ and ♀, Sakhalin, 12 km SW Aniva, Lyutoga R., Urozhainoe , 23.VI.1989, V.V. Dubatolov, V.K. Zinchenko, O. Guseinov leg.; ♂, S(outh) Primorje , Hasan distr. , R. Kedrovaya, 23–30.V.1990, S. Kazantsev leg.; ♂, S Sakhalin, Korsakov Rayon , 15 km SE Novikovo, 1.VI.1990, K. Makarov leg.; ♀, S Sakhalin, Korsakov Rayon , 15 km SE Novikovo, 7.VI.1990, K. Makarov leg.; ♂, S Sakhalin, Korsakov Rayon , 15 km SE Novikovo, 8.VI.1990, K. Makarov leg.; ♂, S Sakhalin, Kholmsk distr. , Slepikovskij Cape , 6–8.VII.1990, A. Basarukin leg.; ♂ and ♀, S(outh) Primorje , E Ussurijsk , env. Kamenushka , 9.VI.1991, S. Kurbatov leg.; ♂, S(outh) Primorje , Blue Mts , 30 km S Spassk-Dalnij, 16–18.VI.1990, S. Kazantsev leg.; ♂, Russia, Khabarovsk Kr., Bikin , 20 km N Boitsovo, Kamenistaya Griva Hill , 47.02° N, 134.15° E, 300 m, 27.V.1993, L. Zersche et al. leg.; 3 ♂♂, South Primorje , 18 km SE Ussurijsk, Gornotaezhnoe , at light, 24–25.VI.1995, V. Dubatolov, Yu. Dudko leg.; ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Lazovskij Res., Amerika Stn, 43°16'16" N, 134°03'01" E, 24.VI.2005, Yu. Sundukov, V. Shokhrin leg.; ♂, Russia, Primorskij Kr., Lazovskij Res., Mount Chernaya , 1250 m, 28–29.VI.2005, Yu. Sundukov, V. Shokhrin leg.; ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Lazovskij Res., Mount Chernaya , 43°11'05" N, 134°03'03" E, 28–30.VI.2006, Yu. Sundukov, V. Shokhrin leg.; ♂, Russia Far East, S Khabarovsk, env. Khekhtsyr, 31.V.2008, A. Napolov leg.; ♂ and 2 ♀♀, Lazovskij Res., Amerika Stn, 23–31.V.2009, S. Kurbatov leg.; ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Upper Ussuri R., Ussuri Stn, 9–16.VI.2010, Yu. Sundukov leg.; ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Kedrovaya Pad’ Res., midstr. Kedrovka R., 24–25.V.2015, A. Zaitsev, K. Makarov leg.; ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Kedrovaya Pad’ Res., 28.V.2019, Yu. Sundukov leg.; ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Kedrovaya Pad’ Res., upper Listvyanka R., 29.V.2019, K. Makarov leg.; 2 ♂♂ FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Kedrovaya Pad’ Res., 1.5 km N Listvenichnyj Stn, 30.V.2019, K. Makarov leg.; ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Kedrovaya Pad’ Res., Kedrovka vill., FIT, 1–5.VI.2019, K. Makarov leg.; ♂, FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Kedrovaya Pad’ Res., env. Kedrovka vill., 2.VI.2019, Yu. Sundukov leg. ( ICM, ZIN and ZMMU). GoogleMaps

DESCRIPTION. Male. Dark brown to black (Fig. 9).

Head transverse, about as wide as pronotum. Eyes relatively large, spherical, interocular distance ca. 1.5 times greater than eye diameter. Vertex in dense, moderately coarse punctuation. Ultimate maxillary and labial palpomeres subequal in size and shape, weakly widening and obliquely truncate at apex, ca. 3 times longer than wide. Antennae filiform, attaining three fifths of elytra; antennomere 3 ca 1.4 times longer than antennomere 2 and 1.2 times shorter than antennomere 4; antennal pubescence short and semi-erect (Fig. 9).

Pronotum weakly trapezoidal, ca. 1.1 times wider than long, noticeably narrowed in anterior half, rounded anteriorly, acute posterior angles small and inconspicuous; sides, except in the middle, relatively widely explanate. Scutellum triangular, about as long as wide, rounded at apex (Fig. 9).

Elytra elongate, ca. 3.25 times longer than wide at humeri, slightly widening towards apices, entirely covering abdomen, with three slightly oblique longitudinal costae, indistinct basally and at apices; elytral pubescence uniform and relatively dense, with short sub-erect hairs (Fig. 9).

Legs long and slender; femurs and tibiae straight and narrow, subequal in length; tibial spurs relatively short, subequal in size and shape; tarsi long, hind tarsomere length ratio 2.5 and narrowed distally, in ventral view distinctly inclined to the: 1.9: 1.4: 1: 1.7; tarsomeres 1–3 narrow, tarsomere 4 deep- centre (Figs 92–94). ly cleft; front, middle and hind claws similarly cleft, with FEMALE. Similar to male, including in the structure of broadly separated tips, inner tips semi-obtuse (Fig. 17–19). the claws (Fig. 20), but wider, with smaller eyes and shorter

Ultimate sternite gradually narrowed at apex (Fig. 21). antennae.

Aedeagus elongate; dorsal plate parallel-sided, with deep Length: 8.0–9.0 mm; width (at humeri): 1.7–2.0 mm. narrow incision and widely rounded, appearing obtuse at apex ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named after its type blades; parameres elongate, attaining to three fourths of dorsal locality, Primorskij Kraj (formerly known as Ussurijskij Krai, plate length, in lateral view slightly widened near the middle which also included part of the modern Khabarovsk Krai) .

Figs 1–5. General view of Rhagonycha , males: 1 — Rh. kazantsevi ; 2 — Rh. testacea ; 3 — Rh. nigriventris ; 4 — Rh. sibirica ; 5 — Rh. kurbatovi ; 5 — holotype (2, 3 — after Kazantsev, 2022).

Рис. 1–5. ОбЩий вид Rhagonycha , самцы: 1 — Rh. kazantsevi ; 2 — Rh. testacea ; 3 — Rh. nigriventris ; 4 — Rh. sibirica ; 5 — Rh. kurbatovi ; 5 — голотип (2, 3 — по: Kazantsev, 2022).

274 A review of Rhagonycha of Siberia

DIAGNOSIS. Rhagonycha ussurica sp.n. can be distinguished from the similar Rh. ondreji Švihla, 2006 from Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol, China) by the greater size (8–9 mm vs 5.6 mm), parallel-sided dorsal plate and longer parameres of the aedeagus attaining to three fourths of dorsal plate (Figs 92–94) vs the distally widening dorsal plate and relatively short parameres attaining only to the middle of the dorsal plate in Rh. ondreji [ Švihla, 2006]. The new species also resembles Rh. mongolica Wittmer, 1971 and Rh. mimica Medvedev et Ryvkin, 1989 , with which it was confused until now, differing from both in the greater

Figs 6–10. General view of Rhagonycha , males: 6 — Rh. amaguensis ; 7 — Rh. atra ; 8 — Rh. dolini ; 9 — Rh. ussurica sp.n.; 10 — Rh. elongata ; 6, 8, 9 — holotypes (7, 10 — after Kazantsev, 2022) (photos 6, 8 — courtesy M. Borer).

Рис. 6–10. ОбЩий вид Rhagonycha , самцы: 6 — Rh. amaguensis ; 7 — Rh. atra ; 8 — Rh. dolini ; 9 — Rh. ussurica sp.n.; 10 — Rh. elongata ; 6, 8, 9 — голотипы (7, 10 — по: Kazantsev, 2022) (автор фото 6, 8 — M. Borer). size (8–9 mm vs less than 7 mm) and, from the former — by the (Figs 87–89). The new species is also similar to Rh. koreaensis entirely dark brown to black head, antennae and legs, gradually Kang et Kim, 2000, from Korea, differing in the greater size (8–9 narrowed at apex ultimate sternite and only slightly widened in mm vs 6-8 mm), more elongate antennomere 2 (1.4 times shorter the middle long parameres (Figs 92–94), and from the latter — by than antennomere 3 vs 1.5 times shorter than antennomere 3 in the elongate dorsal plate of the aedeagus with distally rounded Rh. koreaensis ), more elongate pronotum (1.1 times wider than blades (Figs 92–94), whereas in Rh. mongolica the cheeks, two long vs 1.24 times wider than long in Rh. koreaensis ) and parallelbasal antennomeres and knees are light brownish, the ultimate sided dorsal plate of the aedeagus (noticeably narrowed distally in sternite is abruptly constricted near apex and the parameres are Rh. koreaensis ) [ Kang, Kim, 2000].

short and strongly widened in the middle (Figs 90, 91), and in Rh. DISTRIBUTION. South of Primorskij and Khabarovsk mimica the dorsal plate is transverse with distally obtuse blades Krais, South Sakhalin.

Figs 11–22. Details of Rhagonycha : 11–14 — Rh. kazantsevi ; 15 — Rh. sibirica ; 16 — Rh. kurbatovi ; 17–21 — Rh. ussurica sp.n.; 22 — Rh. mongolica ; 11, 15–17 — male front tarsal claws; 12, 18 — male middle tarsal claws; 13, 19 — male hind tarsal claws; 14, 20 — female front tarsal claws; 21, 22 — ultimate male sternite; 15–19, 21 — holotypes. Scale: 0.5 mm (11–14 — after Kazantsev, 1995; 15, 16 — after Kazantsev, 1994; 22 — after Wittmer, 1971).

Рис. 11–22 Детали строениЯ Rhagonycha : 11–14 — Rh. kazantsevi ; 15 — Rh. sibirica ; 16 — Rh. kurbatovi ; 17–21 — Rh. ussurica sp.n.; 22 — Rh. mongolica ; 11, 15–17 — передние коготки самца; 12, 18 — средние коготки самца; 13, 19 — Задние коготки самца; 14, 20 — передние коготки самки; 21, 22 — вершинный стернит самца; 15–19, 21 — голотипы. МасштабнаЯ линейка: 0,5 мм (11–14 — по: Kazantsev, 1995; 15, 16 — по: Kazantsev, 1994; 22 — по: Wittmer, 1971).

276 A review of Rhagonycha of Siberia


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