Cossula cossuloides, (SCHAUS, 1905), 1995

Davis, Steve R., Gentili-Poole, Patricia & Mitter, Charles, 2008, A revision of the Cossulinae of Costa Rica and cladistic analysis of the world species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 154 (2), pp. 222-277 : 267-268

publication ID 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00406.x


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Cossula cossuloides



( FIGS 39, 40 View Figures 32–43 , 77, 78 View Figures 77–88 , 101 View Figures 101–106 , 121, 122 View Figures 119–124 , 142)

Hemipecten cossuloides Schaus, 1905: 340 .

Cossula cossuloides ( Schaus, 1905) Donahue, 1995: 126 .

Male ( Fig. 39 View Figures 32–43 ): Forewing length: 17–23 mm.

Head: Antenna with shaft and rami cream; labial palpus brown dorsally, cream ventrally; frons cream; vertex cream with some brown.

Thorax: Patagia cream mixed with brown; tegula and dorsum creamy white, irrorated with dark brown; pleura cream to creamy light brown; venter cream mixed with brown. Legs with femur and tibia cream mixed with brown; tarsi brown and banded cream distally on each tarsomere. Forewing mostly greyish brown along basal three-quarters dorsally, with some cream irrorated throughout wing; small creamy white patches at base of wing and at base of inner margin, sometimes connected; numerous short, transverse, fuscous striae throughout wing and along costal and inner margin; terminal patch light creamy tan, with two large, dark brown to fuscous irregular streaks, connected by a thin, transverse, dark brown line; margin of terminal patch rusty-brown; a large creamy white area immediately before terminal patch; fringe rusty greyish brown; forewing mostly creamy brown ventrally; costal margin cream, with numerous short, transverse, dark brown striae; terminal patch similar to dorsal view, but fainter. Hindwing mostly light brown to brown dorsally and ventrally, with more of a cream colour ventrally; fringe banded brown and cream.

Abdomen: Creamy light brown to brown dorsally; mostly cream ventrally; A8 creamy white.

Male genitalia ( Figs 77, 78 View Figures 77–88 , 101 View Figures 101–106 ): Valva oblong and round, truncate apically; length of valva approximately 0.8¥ length of genital capsule; gnathos–uncus expanse approximately 0.2¥ length of genital capsule; sacculus heavily sclerotized, with few to many setal protuberances; saccular process a large, rather wide spiniform projection, with apex subacute; juxta process oblong and truncate at apex; gnathos with bridge an elongate projection, gradually narrowing and subacute apically as viewed laterally; uncus somewhat narrow as viewed posterio-ventrally, with apex truncate and very shallowly bifurcate. Aedoeagus narrowing gradually to rounded, acute rostellum, as viewed laterally; rostellum abruptly subacute with rounded apex, as viewed ventrally.

Female ( Fig. 40 View Figures 32–43 ): Forewing length: 20 mm.

Head: Similar to male.

Thorax: Similar to male.

Abdomen: Similar to male, except A7 cream.

Female genitalia ( Figs 121, 122 View Figures 119–124 ): Sternite 8 enlarged, smooth and fused with intersegmental membrane between abdominal sternites 7 and 8; ductus bursae relatively long and lightly sclerotized at base near ostium; corpus bursae somewhat small and slightly elongate, where basal end is narrow and widens terminally; corpus approximately 0.5¥ length of bursa copulatrix.

Distribution: This species has been collected in Costa Rica, Venezuela and Brazil and probably ranges through much of lowland Central America to Brazil.

Holotype: ♂; FRENCH GUIANA: St. Laurent , Maroni, W. Schaus ( USNM) [examined].

Material examined: BRAZIL: AMAZONAS: Manaus, Faz. Porto Alegre : 1 ♂, 10.xii.1993, J. B. Sullivan & R . W. Hutchings ( USNM). Manaus, Faz. Dimona : 1 ♂, 8.xii.1993, J. B. Sullivan & R . W. Hutchings, slide USNM 96005 About USNM ( USNM) . ESPIRITU SANTO: Linhares , 40 m: 2 ♂, 25–30.i.1998, V . Becker, slide USNM 96024 About USNM ( VOB, USNM) . MATO GROSSO: 60 km S. Pocone, Pantanal , 100 m: 1 ♂, 1–7.xii.1997, V . Becker, slide USNM 96027 About USNM ( USNM). Chapada dos Guimaraes: 1 ♂, 25.v.1989, V . Becker ( VOB) . COSTA RICA: HEREDIA: Estación Magsasay, Parque Nacional Braulio Carillo , 200 m: 1 ♂, i.1991, 1 ♂, v.1991, R . Aguilar, slide USNM 96025 About USNM ( INBio) . LIMON: Sector Cerro Cocori, Finca de E. Rojas, 150 m: 1 ♂, vii.1991, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, viii.1991, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, ix.1993, E. Rojas, slides USNM 85632 About USNM , 85647 About USNM ( INBio, USNM) . PUNTARENAS: Rancho Quemado, Península de Osa , 200 m: 1 ♂, 14–30.viii.1993, A. Marin, slide USNM 96031 About USNM ( INBio) . SAN JOSÉ: Estación Carrillo, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo , 700 m: 1 ♂, iv.1985, I. & A. Chacon, slide USNM 96030 About USNM ( INBio) . GUYANA: Omai , 2 ♂, W. Schaus, slide USNM 96006 About USNM ( USNM) . FRENCH GUIANA: St. Laurent du Maroni , 1 ♂, Dognin ( USNM) . VENEZUELA: CARABOBO: Las Guiguas, Esteban Valley: 1 ♂, Dognin ( USNM). San Esteban Valley , Las Guiguas , 1 ♂, S. M. Klages, slides USNM 85114 About USNM , 96105 About USNM , 96104 About USNM ( USNM) .

Host: Unknown. Flight period: Adults have been collected in April, May, August, December, and January.

Discussion: Cossula cossuloides superficially resembles C. magnifica , which does not occur in Costa Rica, as well as C. longirostrum and C. minutiloba , which do. The terminal forewing patch in cossuloides is diagnostic in containing two, prominent, longitudinally orientated, brown spots. These spots sometimes are connected by a thin line of brown scales. The forewing brown spot is not divided in the other three species.

The most diagnostic features in the male genitalia of cossuloides are the presence of setal bumps on the sacculus of the valva and the spiniform projection of the saccular process. Specimens examined from over the broad range of cossuloides exhibited considerable variation in the relative development of the setal bumps from being strongly developed to nearly absent. In C. magnifica and its close relatives the sacculus is without setal bumps.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica














Cossula cossuloides

Davis, Steve R., Gentili-Poole, Patricia & Mitter, Charles 2008

Cossula cossuloides ( Schaus, 1905 )

Schaus W 1995: 126

Hemipecten cossuloides

Schaus W 1905: 340
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