Cossula buspina, Davis & Gentili-Poole & Mitter, 2008

Davis, Steve R., Gentili-Poole, Patricia & Mitter, Charles, 2008, A revision of the Cossulinae of Costa Rica and cladistic analysis of the world species (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 154 (2), pp. 222-277 : 265

publication ID 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00406.x


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cossula buspina

sp. nov.


( FIGS 36 View Figures 32–43 , 73, 74 View Figures 65–76 , 99 View Figures 95–100 , 140)

Male ( Fig. 36 View Figures 32–43 ): Forewing length: 24 mm.

Head: Antenna with shaft and rami dark brown; labial palpus dark rusty-brown; frons rusty-brown with light brown; vertex fuscous.

Thorax: Patagia mostly fuscous with some dark brown; dorsum and tegula dark brown and fuscous; pleura brown; venter dark brown and fuscous. Legs with femur and tibia dark brown and dark rustybrown; tibia dark brown and faintly banded brown distally on each tarsomere. Forewing primarily dark brown dorsally; costal margin fuscous; a fuscous patch at basal region of discal cell to 1A+2A; terminal patch consisting of a brown background, a dark brown margin, and two dark brown, quadrangular spots on background; fringe brown; forewing dark brown ventrally, with short, transverse, fuscous striae along costal margin. Hindwing dark brown dorsally and ventrally; fringe brown.

Abdomen: Dark brown dorsally; dark brown to brown ventrally; A8 light brown.

Male genitalia ( Figs 73, 74 View Figures 65–76 , 99 View Figures 95–100 ): Valva broad basally, narrowing and rounded apically as viewed laterally; length of valva approximately 0.7¥ length of genital capsule; gnathos–uncus expanse approximately 0.4¥ length of genital capsule; saccular process forming a long slender spine; juxta process slightly sclerotized and elongate; bridge of gnathos an elongate spiniform lobe; uncus bifurcate with apices rounded. Aedoeagus with mid-dorsal crest developed as viewed laterally; rostellum long, slender and slightly curved, with apex rounded; rostellum long and slender as viewed ventrally; vesica with small spines mostly basally.

Female: Unknown.

Distribution: Known only from the provinces of Puntarenas and Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

Holotype: ♂; COSTA RICA: PUNTARENAS: Quepos, Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio , 80 m: ii.1991, R. Zuniga ( INBio).

Paratype: COSTA RICA: PUNTARENAS: Estación Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, P. N. Guanacaste, 700 m: 1 ♂, 9–14.vii.1993, Gredy, Diego, Carlos (estudiantes), slide USNM 85656 About USNM ( USNM) .

Host: Unknown.

Flight period: February and July.

Etymology: Derived from the Latin prefix ‘bu-’ meaning ‘large’ and ‘spina’ meaning ‘thorn’. Cossula buspina refers to the large, spiniform saccular process present on the valvae of the male genitalia.

Discussion: Because the body and wings of the only two specimens available for study are partially denuded, the description of the body colour and wing patterns are somewhat incomplete. Although the wings are slightly denuded, the generally dark brown body and wings and dark brown fuscous spot near the base of the forewing discal cell are evident and characteristic for this species. The relatively narrow forewings are also diagnostic for buspina . The male genitalia of buspina are distinct in possessing an elongate spine projecting from the sacculus and in the proportionately small size of the gnathos, uncus and elongate valvae in comparison with the length of the genital capsule. C. buspina is most similar to Cossula ardosiata ; however, the male aedoeagus of buspina possesses small spines near the base of the vesica and a smooth rostellum, whereas ardosiata lacks spines on the vesica and bears small spines covering the base of the rostellum.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













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