Physatocheila triseriata, Guilbert & Guidoti, 2018

Guilbert, Eric & Guidoti, Marcus, 2018, New species and new records of Tingidae (Hemiptera. Heteroptera) from Thailand, Zootaxa 4482 (2), pp. 274-296 : 280-281

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4482.2.3

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scientific name

Physatocheila triseriata

sp. nov.

Physatocheila triseriata sp. nov.

( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 , 10 View FIGURE 10 )

Holotype. 1M, Chiangdao , 5–11.IV.1958, T.C. Maa coll., BPBM. Paratype. 1M, 3F, same data as holotype . Description. Body shiny brownish, with a wide transversal band across middle of hemelytra and hind tarsi

darker. Body length, 3.49; width, 1.54.

Head pilose, hairs very short, armed with five long and slender spines, directed forwards and also sparsely pilose; bucculae two areolae wide, closed in front; first and second antennal joints stout and short, antennal joints measurements. I, 0.17; II, 0.11; III, 1.03; IV, 0.37; rostral sulcus narrow, laminae raised, almost closed posteriorly; rostrum reaching middle of metasterum.

Pronotum wide and strongly gibbose, tricarinate, carinae raised and uniseriate, the areolae small; median carina slightly higher than lateral carinae; lateral carinae converging on top of pronotum and concealed there by the paranota; paranota wide, reflexed onto the pronotum, reaching median carina and covering lateral carinae, seveneight areolae wide at widest part; collar raised as to form a small hood somewhat tectiform, four areolae long.

Hemelytra wider than pronotum; costal area biseriate, the areolae large, except on the dark median transversal band where it is triseriate and the areolae small. subcostal area as wide as costal area, bent downwards and nearly vertical, triseriate the areolae small; discoidal area longer than half the length of hemelytra, the boundary veins raised, eight areolae wide at widest part; sutural area large, seven areolae wide at widest part.

Comments. This species is close to P. brunneinervis Péricart but differs from it by the subcostal area triseriate, not biseriate. In addition, the darker part of the costal area is made of three rows of small round areolae, not two, and the discoidal area is 8–9 areolae wide, not 9–11. The male is slightly narrower, with the costal area not entirely biseriate near apex, and the discoidal area 7–8 areolae wide. It is also close to P. enodis Drake , but differs from it by the subcostal area triseriate, not biseriate. The costal area of P. enodis does not have three areolae on darker part. Physatocheila enalla and P. algaia from Burma, have also a biseriate subcostal area.

Physatocheila brunneinervis is known only from Nepal and India ( Darjeeling district ) . Physatocheila enodis is known from China.

Etymology. The name of this species refers to the triseriate subcostal area.


USA, Hawaii, Honolulu, Bernice P. Bishop Museum

















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