Pamphilius graciloides, Shinohara & Kramp & Taeger, 2022

Shinohara, Akihiko, Kramp, Katja & Taeger, Andreas, 2022, The Pamphiliinae of the Russian Far East and Korea (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae), Zootaxa 5167 (1), pp. 1-251 : 80-81

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5167.1.1

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scientific name

Pamphilius graciloides

sp. nov.

Pamphilius graciloides sp. nov.

( Figs 75 View FIGURE 75 , 76 View FIGURE 76 ) (

Pamphilius gracilis: Shinohara, 2001: 110 , 114, 115; Shinohara, 2002b: 430; Shinohara, 2004: 265; Taeger et al., 2010: 86; Lee et al., 2019: 9 View Cited Treatment . Not Shinohara, 1985a, in part.

Description. Female ( Fig. 75 View FIGURE 75 ). Length about 11.5 mm. Head black, with following pale yellow: linear mark along median anterior margin of clypeus, paired spots on frons, spot on upper margin of inner orbit, spot on posterior margin of postocular area, elongate spot on gena along lower outer orbit; mandible black, with outer basal part and subapical part pale yellow and apex dark rufous; antenna black. Thorax black, with following pale yellow: large spot on ventral margin of lateral pronotum, posterolateral corner of dorsal pronotum, tegula, posterior half of mesoscutal middle lobe, mesoscutellum, minute spot on anterodorsal corner of mesepisternum, metascutellum; legs pale yellow, with fore coxa (except for narrow apical margin), fore trochanter and basal half of fore femur (except for anterior surface of trochantellus), mid coxa (except for apical margin) and hind coxa (except for broad apical part) black. Wings hyaline, slightly tinted with blackish brown; veins and stigma black. Abdomen black, with outer margin of each laterotergite and posterior margin of each sternum (more broadly on sterna 4–7) pale yellow.

Frons rather strongly swollen; ocellar basin subtriangular, represented as broad furrow around median ocellus; upper frons not distinctly notched medially; frontoclypeal crest rather flat, rounded, swollen between antennal sockets; facial crest strongly convex, rounded. Upper part of head behind transverse and lateral transverse sutures smooth, weakly coriaceous, with sparse and small punctures; frons, area from facial crest to lateral transverse suture, and paraantennal field shallowly coarsely rugose; clypeus with distinct medium-sized punctures, with interspaces coriaceous medially and coarsely rugose laterally; gena coriaceous, with rather small, often ill-defined punctures; head covered with rather short silvery hairs before crassa. Antennae with 23 antennomeres; flagellomere 1 1.1 × length of flagellomere 2. Forewing with cell C pilose all over. Ovipositor sheath as in Fig. 75c View FIGURE 75 ; appendage large and elongate, setose apically.

Male ( Fig. 76 View FIGURE 76 ). Length about 8–10 mm. Head black; pale yellow are frontal surface before line connecting facial crests, minute spot at upper margin of inner orbit (sometimes missing) and most of gena and malar space (median part of malar space always black); mandible pale yellow, inner half usually black and apex dark rufous; scape pale yellow, with large black spot above; pedicel and flagellum blackish brown. Thorax black, with following pale yellow: large spot on ventral margin of lateral pronotum (sometimes small), posterolateral corner of dorsal pronotum (often narrowly), tegula, posterior half of mesoscutal middle lobe, mesoscutellum, broad anterior margin and large posterolateral spot on mesepisternum (often reduced or missing), metascutellum, and large spot on metepisternum; legs pale yellow, with most of coxae black; fore femur often obscurely marked with black posteriorly. Wings hyaline, slightly stained with blackish brown; veins and stigma black. Abdomen black, with most of laterotergites, broad posterior margin of each sternum and entire subgenital plate pale yellow. Genitalia black; harpe largely pale brown.

Structure generally similar to that of female. Frons very strongly swollen; ocellar basin often indistinct anteriorly; upper frons very shallowly notched medially; facial crest very strongly convex, bluntly carinate. Antennae with 22–23 antennomeres; flagellomere 1 1.0–1.1 × length of flagellomere 2 and slightly thinner in lateral view than the latter, with apex weakly oblique. Subgenital plate with apical margin broadly truncated. Genitalia as in Figs 76g, h View FIGURE 76 ; penis valve short and elongate-subtriangular seen from above.

Material examined. Eighteen specimens. Holotype: ♂ ( Fig. 76 View FIGURE 76 ), Mirugam (Bukdaesa), 1,300 m, Odaesan Mts., Gangwon-do, South Korea, 6. VI. 1996, A. Shinohara ( NSMT). GoogleMaps Paratypes: RUSSIA: Primorskij Kraj: 1♀ (DEI-GISHym 88016), Anisimovka 7 km S, Mt. Litovka   GoogleMaps , 1200m, 43.102°N 132.786°E, 16. VI. 2016, V. Loktionov ( NSMT). SOUTH KOREA: Gangwon-do: 2♂, Mirugam (Bukdaesa), 1,300 m, Odaesan Mts ., 6. VI . 1997 , J.-W. Kim ( NSMT); 1♂, same locality, 23. V . 2002 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 1♂, same locality, 29. V . 2002 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 4♂ (incl. NSMT 30603 View Materials ), same locality, 4. VI . 2002 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 2♂ ( NSMT 30747 View Materials , 30748 View Materials ), same locality, 26. V . 2008 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 1♂ ( NSMT 30850 View Materials ), same locality, 27. V . 2009 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 1♂ ( NSMT 30851 View Materials ), same locality, 31. V . 2009 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 1♂ ( NSMT 30852 View Materials ), same locality, 4. VI . 2009 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 1♂, same locality, 5. VI . 2009 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 1♂, same locality, 13. VI . 2010 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT); 1♂, same locality, 17. VI . 2010 , A. Shinohara ( NSMT).

Distribution. Russia (Primorskij Kraj), South Korea.

Host plant. Unknown. The closely related Japanese species P. gracilis feeds on Sorbus ( Shinohara & Hara 1992) .

Etymology. The new specific epithet is gracilis plus a suffix, - oides, suggesting a species resembling gracilis .

Remarks. Pamphilius graciloides closely resembles P. gracilis Shinohara, 1985 , from Japan and Shinohara (2001) recorded it as “ P. gracilis ” from South Korea. Because of the existence of recognizable, though small differences in colour pattern in both sexes and quite a large difference in COI sequences, we here treat the continental and Japanese populations as representing different species, P. graciloides and P. gracilis .

Shinohara (2001) discussed the variation of “ P. gracilis ” in detail and pointed out that the three Korean male specimens then available (now identified as P. graciloides ) were darker in colour pattern than the 17 Japanese male specimens examined ( P. gracilis ). Examination of the additional 11 males from Korea listed above ( P. graciloides ) has shown that the differences in color pattern are fairly stable. The female of P. graciloides (only one Russian specimen available) is slightly different in colour pattern from those of P. gracilis , as shown below.

In the analysis of COI sequences ( Fig. 145 View FIGURE 145 ), each of P. graciloides and P. gracilis was retrieved as a clade with 100% UFBoot support and they formed a clade with 100% UFBoot support. The minimum distance (4.0%) between the two species was much larger than the interspecific distance between closely related congeners, such as P. albopictus and P. kamikochensis Takeuchi, 1930 (2.0%) or P. benesi and P. pallidus (2.9%). In the NaK analysis ( Fig. 159 View FIGURE 159 ), the available specimens of P. graciloides and P. gracilis were not separable but altogether formed a monophyletic group with 100% UFBoot support. Pamphilius graciloides and P. gracilis clearly show a large genetic differentiation in COI, though they are not clearly differentiated in NaK sequences.

The female of P. graciloides is similar to P. gracilis , but the base of the fore femur, including the trochantellus, is almost all black, and the mesepisternum has only a small pale yellow spot on the anterodorsal corner. In P. gracilis , the base of the fore femur is also blackish but the trochantellus is mostly pale yellow and the entire anterior margin of the mesepisternum is pale yellow. The male of P. graciloides has the mesepisternum mostly or entirely black with at most small pale-yellow marks and the malar space medially marked with black, whereas P. gracilis has the mesepisternum largely marked with pale yellow and the malar space entirely pale yellow. One specimen of P. gracilis from Shiga-kogen, Honshu, which was referred to by Shinohara (2001), has an exceptionally dark colour pattern and is almost indistinguishable from P. graciloides . The maximum intraspecific p -distance in P. graciloides was 0.8% in COI (n=7) and 0.2% in NaK (n=5).


Japan, Tokyo, National Science Museum (Natural History)


National Science Museum (Natural History)


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Pamphilius graciloides

Shinohara, Akihiko, Kramp, Katja & Taeger, Andreas 2022

Pamphilius gracilis: Shinohara, 2001: 110

Lee, J. - W. & Choi, J. - K. & Park, B. 2019: 9
Taeger, A. & Blank, S. M. & Liston, A. D. 2010: 86
Shinohara, A. 2002: 430
Shinohara, A. 2001: 110
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