Ctenocheles pectiniformis (Böhm, 1891)

Tshudy, Dale M., Hyžný, Matúš, Veselská, Martina Kočová & Jagt, John W. M., 2022, Taxonomic revision of the extinct clawed lobster genus Oncopareia Bosquet, 1854 (Decapoda, Astacidea, Nephropidae), Palaeontologia Electronica (a 20) 25 (2), pp. 1-31 : 26-27

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26879/1190

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scientific name

Ctenocheles pectiniformis (Böhm, 1891)


? Ctenocheles pectiniformis (Böhm, 1891)

Figure 14F View FIGURE 14

1891 Ischnodactylus pectiniformis Böhm , p. 42, pl. 1, fig. 2, 2a.

1929 Ischnodactylus pectiniformis (Böhm) ; Glaessner, p. 226.

1941 Oncopareia pectiniforme [sic] (Böhm); Mertin, p. 179, text-fig. 10p. 2010 Oncopareia pectiniformis (Böhm) ; Schweitzer et al., p. 32.

Material studied. None.

Remarks. Although Tshudy (1993, p. 365) concluded that the generic identity of the specimen, known only by a single claw, was uncertain, the downflexed fixed finger as depicted by Böhm (1891, pl. 1, fig. 2) is very much like those in Ctenocheles . In view of the fact that this species was studied by us only through published figures, we are reluctant to assign I. pectiniformis without any reservations. Nevertheless, assignment to Oncopareia seems to be excluded.

Range and occurrence. Upper Cretaceous, ‘Senonian’ of Bayern, southern Germany.

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