Nybelinia sp. A

Beveridge, Ian, Bray, Rodney A., Cribb, Thomas H. & Justine, Jean-Lou, 2014, Diversity of trypanorhynch metacestodes in teleost fishes from coral reefs off eastern Australia and New Caledonia, Parasite (Paris, France) 21, pp. 1-19 : 3-14

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1051/parasite/2014060

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Nybelinia sp. A


1. Nybelinia sp. A ( Fig. 8 View Figures 8–11 )

Material examined: plerocercoids from Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus (Rüppell, 1937) , New Caledonia, MNHN JNC 2669C1, 2671A1.

Scolex length 1200, pars bothrialis 580, pars vaginalis 520; bulbs ovoid, bulb length 250; velum 160; metabasal hooks: length 15, base 10.


This species is similar to N. queenslandensis , but all measurements including those of the hooks are substantially smaller. In addition, the shape of the hooks differs ( Fig. 8 View Figures 8–11 ). The hook shape aligns the species with N. lingualis (Cuvier, 1817) , N. bisulcata (Linton, 1889) , N. anthicosum Heinz & Dailey, 1974 and N. hemipristis Palm & Beveridge, 2002 , but N. lingualis and N. bisulcata differ in having much larger scoleces (2025–2700 and 2500, respectively) and bulbs (365– 425 and 450–505, respectively) while the latter two species have much larger hooks (25–40). Consequently, these and from New Caledonia. Authorities of 4

I. Beveridge et al.: Parasite 2014, 21, 60 I. Beveridge et al.: Parasite 2014, 21, 60



I. Beveridge et al.: Parasite 2014, 21, 60 I. Beveridge et al.: Parasite 2014, 21, 60



I. Beveridge et al.: Parasite 2014, 21, 60 I. Beveridge et al.: Parasite 2014, 21, 60


plerocercoids most closely resemble N. lingualis but cannot be assigned to this species with certainty.

2. Nybelinia sp. B ( Fig. 9 View Figures 8–11 )

Material examined: plerocercoid from Parupeneus multifasciatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) , New Caledonia, MNHN JNC 2172 C4.

Scolex length 1750, pars bothrialis 1100, pars vaginalis 1000, bulbs elongate, 560 long, velum 200, metabasal hooks: length 20, base 14.


This specimen most closely resembles N. strongyla Dollfus, 1960 in scolex length, bulb length and hook size and shape, but differs in the length of the velum (690–830 in N. strongyla compared with 200 in the present material).

3. Heteronybelinia sp. C ( Fig. 10 View Figures 8–11 )

Material examined: plerocercoid from Sufflamen fraenatus (Latreille, 1804) , New Caledonia, MNHN JNC 3034.

Scolex length 1440, pars bothrialis 770, pars vaginalis 680, bulbs elongate, bulb length 375, velum 125, metabasal hooks on antibothrial surface: length 17–19, base 8; on bothrial surface: length 25, base 18; basal armature heteromorphous.


This specimen clearly belongs to Heteronybelinia as the hooks differ markedly in shape on the bothrial versus the antibothrial surfaces of the tentacle. Hook sizes are closest to H. eureia (Dollfus, 1960) , but the specimen differs from this species in the number of hooks per half spiral and by the fact that in this specimen the bulbs are entirely posterior to the pars bothrialis while in H. eureia , they do not extend beyond the pars bothrialis. Therefore, this specimen cannot be accommodated within any known species of Heteronybelinia .

4. Nybelinia basimegacantha Carvajal, Campbell & Cornford, 1976 ( Fig. 11 View Figures 8–11 )

Material examined: plerocercoid from Parupeneus multifasciatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) , New Caledonia, MNHN JNC 2111 C1; plerocercoid from Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775) , New Caledonia, MNHN JNC 2552.

Specimen from P. multifasciatus : Scolex length 2600, pars bothrialis 1400, pars vaginalis 900, bulb length 1060, bulb width 130, velum 90.

Specimen from N. sammara : Scolex length 1380, pars bothrialis 840, pars vaginalis 350; bulb length 450, bulb width 70, velum 70.


Two specimens have been identified as belonging to this species with its characteristic armature. In spite of the fact that the armature of both specimens is identical, scolex measurements differed substantially and for this reason, the measurements of both specimens are presented. The specimen from P. multifasciatus although quite flattened, corresponds more closely with the original description of the species, also from P. multifasciatus from Hawaii [ 10]. In the specimen from N.sammara , all measurements are shorter but the tentacular armature is identical.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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