Orodaliscoides fimbripes ( Brown, 1928 ) Dellacasa & Dellacasa & Gordon, 2012

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2012, Systematic revision of the genus Orodaliscoides Schmidt, 1913 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Insecta Mundi 2012 (269), pp. 1-9 : 3-4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5175668

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scientific name

Orodaliscoides fimbripes ( Brown, 1928 )

comb. nov.

Orodaliscoides fimbripes ( Brown, 1928) new combination

( Fig. 1-7)

Aphodius fimbripes Brown, 1928: 305 .

Aphodius (Platyderides) fimbripes ; Dellacasa 1988: 252.

Tetraclipeoides fimbripes ; Gordon and Skelley 2007: 301.

Type locality. Milford, Utah [ U.S.A.].

Type repository. Canadian National Collection, Ottawa (type not examined).

Redescription. Length 6.0-8.0 mm; elongate, moderately convex, shiny; all margins and elytral preapical declivity fimbriate with pale setae. Head and pronotum very dark reddish-brown; clypeal margin and pronotal sides shadowy paler; elytra reddish-brown; legs reddish-brown with paler tarsi; antennal club yellowish. Head with epistome feebly convex on disc, evenly finely and sparsely punctured; clypeus broadly feebly sinuate at middle, widely round at sides, thinly bordered, edge somewhat upturned, lateral margins conspicuously fimbriate with moderately elongate, rather dense yellowish setae; genae obtuse, elongately densely ciliate, protruding from the eyes; frontal suture cariniform, somewhat raised medially and laterally; front more densely punctured than epistome. Pronotum transverse, dually punctured; large punctures, four to five times larger than small ones, irregularly sparse, denser on sides, lacking medially; small punctures slightly unequal, more distinct and less sparse on sides, finer and less close on disc; lateral margins feebly arcuate, thickly bordered, edge conspicuously fimbriate, setae near anterior angles similar to those on genae, shorter posteriorly; hind angles obtusely round; base distinctly bisinuate, strongly bordered. Scutellum finely alutaceous, sparsely punctured on basal half. Elytra faintly widened posteriorly; epipleural margin fimbriate, except apically, with moderately elongate yellowish setae, denser and more elongate at shoulder; striae rather deep, distinctly punctured, slightly crenulate; interstriae feebly convex, microscopically alutaceous on disc, more strongly alutaceous near apex, with two irregular rows of fine punctures near striae and shortly sparsely pubescent on preapical declivity. Fore tibiae fimbriate on inner margin. Hind tibiae superior spur as long as first tarsal segment; latter as long as following three segments combined. Male: pronotum broadly transverse, somewhat explanate on sides; fore tibiae spur stout, thick and feebly curved; middle tibiae inferior spur stout, less than half as long as superior spur, squarely truncate apically, each angle slightly hooked laterally ( Fig. 3); aedeagus Fig. 6-7. Female: pronotum relatively narrower, evenly convex; fore tibiae spur slender and straight; middle tibiae inferior spur almost as long as superior spur, slender and acuminate.

Material examined. U.S.A.: California: 15 mi N, 12 mi W Eureka dunes, Eureka Valley , Inyo Co., 27.IV.1985, flight at dusk, leg. D. Giuliani (1 ex., DCGI) ; Utah: Milford , VII.1907, leg. Wickham (1 ex., DCGI) ; 10 mi N of Parowan, Iron Co., 12.V.1974, leg. A. Rulien (1 ex., DCGI) .

Distribution. U.S.A. (California, Nevada, Utah).

Bionomics. Almost unknown; most specimens were taken at light in Spring and early Summer on sand dunes.














Orodaliscoides fimbripes ( Brown, 1928 )

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D. 2012

Tetraclipeoides fimbripes

Gordon, R. D. & P. E. Skelley 2007: 301

Aphodius (Platyderides) fimbripes

Dellacasa, M. 1988: 252

Aphodius fimbripes

Brown, W. J. 1928: 305
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