Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) lesinensis lastovensis Mařan, 1965

MACHÁýKOVÁ, Lenka & FIKÁýEK, Martin, 2014, Catalogue of the type specimens deposited in the Department of Entomology, National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic *, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54 (1), pp. 399-450 : 409

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Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) lesinensis lastovensis Mařan, 1965


Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) lesinensis lastovensis Mařan, 1965

Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) lesinensis lastovensis Mařan, 1965b: 655 .

The holotype, allotype and 13 paratypes are deposited in NMPC:

HOLOTYPE (♂): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // Allotypus [p, red label] // Mus. Nat. Pragae / Inv. [p] 2704 [hw, orange label] // Chorthippus / lesinensis, / lastovicensis Mařan / III. [hw] 19[p] 63 Holotypus [hw] / Dr. J. Mařan det. [p] // HOLOTYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label] ’.

ALLOTYPE (♀): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // Allotypus [p, red label] // Mus. Nat Pragae / Inv. [p] 2705 [hw, orange label] // Chorthippus lesin. / lastovicensis Mař / Allotypus [hw] / Dr. J. Mařan det. 19[p] 63 ♀ [hw] // ALLOTYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label] ’.

PARATYPE (♂, left posterior leg missing): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // Paratypus [p, red label] // Mus. Nat. Pragae / Inv. [p] 2706 [hw, orange label] // Chorthippus lesin. / lastovicensis Mař. / Dr J. Mařan det. 19[p]63 ♂ [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♂): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // Paratypus [p, red label] // Mus. Nat. Pragae / Inv. [p] 2707 [hw, orange label] // Chorthippus lesin. / lastovicensis Mař. / Dr. J. Mařan det. 19[p]63 ♂ [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♀, right posterior leg missing): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // Paratypus [p, red label] // Mus. Nat. Pragae / Inv. [p] 2708 [hw, orange label] // Chorthippus lesin. / lastovicensis Mař. / Dr. J. Mařan det. 19[p] 63 ♀ [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♀): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // Paratypus [p, red label] // Mus. Nat. Pragae / Inv. [p] 2709 [hw, orange label] // Chorthippus lesin. / lastovicensis Mař. / Dr. J. Mařan det. 19[p] 63 ♀ [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♀, right posterior leg missing): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

PARATYPES (5 ♀♀, both posterior legs missing): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♀): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♂, left posterior leg missing): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

PARATYPE (♂, right posterior leg missing): ‘západní Lastovské ostrĤvky, / neobydlené. Dalmatia / 17.9.61. V. Švarc leg. [hw] // PARATYPE / CHORTHIPPUS lesinensis / lastovensis Mařan, 1965 / label attached by NMP [p, red label]’.

Current status. Junior synonym of Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) mollis lesinensis (Krauss, 1888) .


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National Museum (Prague)














Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) lesinensis lastovensis Mařan, 1965

MACHÁýKOVÁ, Lenka & FIKÁýEK, Martin 2014

Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) lesinensis lastovensis Mařan, 1965b: 655

MaGan 1965: 655
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